Peppers (Hot)
Wow! I am a “chicken” when it comes to these real hot “babes”…BUT I hear there are many very brave (or silly…) souls out there that will try almost any super hot pepper! Did you know that Police grade “pepper spray” is rated @ 5,300,000 SHU? Did you also know that pure “capsaicin” is rated @ 15-16,000,000 SHU? AND…common “pepper spray” is rated @ 2-3,000,000 SHU. Some of the HOT pepper varieties we are offering come (close) to these rates.
Super Hot Peppers need a much longer growing season and therefore need to be started in the beginning of February. If you are starting (regular pepper ) plants for yourself, March 15th would be a suggested day to start. Germ. temps should be no less than 80F/27C. Use soiless mixes to eliminate the chance of soil born spores that could cause stem rot. A small fan running on slow speed near (but not on the soil surface…) of freshly seeded plants will reduce future problems in germination and growing on. Do not over seed in small pots or cells, as this causes the whole mass to elongate too early, causing weak stems. As soon as the “plantlets” have a “true” 1st leaf, transplant and place in a cooler growing temperature. Super hot pepper varieties perform better in warmer growing temps, as they are very slow growers. These should be started in February.
Will remain online for educational purposes. Operating on a “Hobby” basis.
Occasionally we may have “extra” seed. Pkts. (…with various prices!) marked below. IF no price marked…then it is “N/A”
- 7 Pot Chaos Chocolate Pepper – Well, shall we begin right from the start with one of the “hottest” in our collection? Classed right along with the “Jolokia’s” and “Trinidad Scorpions” in extreme heat categories. Rated from 800,00 to 1,850,000 Scoville units. Don’t know why there is such a wide range, but we maybe dealing with several forms in this family OR how or where it can be grown. Warning! “HANDLE ALL PARTS OF ANY SUPER HOT VARIETIES WITH EXTREME CAUTION! Buyers beware! This G.H. will not be held responsible for improper handling of this product.
- Aji Fantasy White – New for 2025! Grew it out first time this year, only a few plants but EVERY ONE showed the huge production this variety is very capable of! Their fruits look like a pendulous Nepalese Bell form but their coloration was a gorgeous pale ivory yellow. Heat is medium, quite tolerable for most. Have a ton of seed to offer. Lets give it a try! Pkt…$4.00
- Aji Rico – New for 2025! These little elongated babies are refreshingly sweet, citrus with medium heat. Plants were quite loaded, most from 3-4″ long. What’s great is these will ripen early for all summer use. Fruits start out dark green ending in bright dark red. Walls are noted to be more on the thinner side…Maybe ok to dry too. Can be eaten fresh, baked or added to sauces. Pkt…$3.00
- Alma “Hot Apple” Paprika – Here is the “Hot” sister to our other var. with the same name. These 2″ “cheese” shaped peppers are originally from Hungary. They offer thick flesh, combined with a medium-hot flavorful crunch!
- Anaheim Chili – (aka New Mexican Chili) Fruits range from 7″ to 8″ long by 2 ” wide. Flavor are moderately pungent, deep green turn deep red when ripe. Plants are quite tall and very productive. Excellent for freezing, canning and drying. Pkt…$3.00
- Ancho Gigantea – A typical Mexican variety. Used for stuffing, sauces and chile rellenos (cheese stuffed peppers, rolled in flour and fried, baked in a spicy tomato salsa) Green/black, heart shaped fruits have a distinctive rich flavor and ripen to a deep red.
- Ancho/Pablano – Here is another of those grand smoky flavored, moderately hot large deep dark green stuffing peppers…that everyone just loves!
- Ancho San Luis -This is an old form of mildly hot ( 1500-4500 Scoville units) pepper that has been around for quite some time. Its shape is like an elongated heart, 3″w x 6″L. “Pods” start deep emerald green, then to red and then drying to a beautiful mahogany brown. Their flesh and skin is heavier/thicker than most hot peppers. Ya! Just like you see on popular cooking shows! Great in any form. 75-85 days
- Aroma Peru Chile (shown as above…) – Excellent pot plant growing to 2 ft tall, very bushy and wide in form. Offering loads of fruits for your use. Fruits are an array of colour, 2-4″ long with a fine tip. Wow! This almost burnt my nostrils when cleaning for seed! Pkt…$4.00
- Bahamian Goat – Plants this late summer were LOADED! Heat rated to be between 300,000 to 600,000. Comes from the Island of Bahamas. Gorgeous brilliant orange, hanging like wee lanterns! I sliced all of mine in half and placed in a brine to mature. Will later liquefy them into Hot Sauce! Pkt. (containing 10 seeds)…$5.00
- Black Hungarian – (aka Hungarian Black) Highly ornamental and useful in the kitchen. Purple veins and pretty purple flowers highlight its green foliage. Stocky 30” plant yields 2-3” (similar to jalapenos ) fruits that are shiny black ripening to red. This one is tough AND pretty! Abundant yields offer taste that is mildly hot with good flavor and thick flesh. 70-80 days
- Boldog Hungarian Spice – genuine Hungarian paprika dries beautifully! Intense deep crimson color with plenty of sugar and just a touch of heat. Grind your own world class, aromatic spicy paprika. Early maturing, widely adapted compact plant. Richer taste. Fruits are 5 ½” x 1 ½” smooth, organic with moderate yields. 55 days-green 80 days-red ripe
- Bolivian Rainbow – small cone shaped 1” fruits, start out purple, then yellow, to orange and finally red. All stages can be on at one time! Very hot pretty peppers that are edible. Grown for their beautiful appearance…..purple foliage and purple flowers. A rainbow of color! All on a 2-3ft.plant. 80 days
- Bhut Jolokia – (aka Naga Jolokia, aka The Ghost Pepper) Mainly grown in the Assam regions of India. A long season grower…can become tree-like in form (as I see mine doing…) Fruits are pale lime green, turning to an orangey red. Here is the world’s (now 3rd) hottest pepper! This one is dried, ground into a spice, was used to cure stomach ills. REALLY! It rages at the stomach lining at a whopping 1,001,304 SHU! OUCH! (This Greenhouse will not be held responsible to customers in any regard for the mishandling and consequences of this variety. Buyer Beware!) “It is so hot” says Digonta Saikia, a North Eastern native India farmer, “that when you eat it, it’s like dying! Anyone who has tried it, they say could end up an apparition!”…Free Press ’08 80-90 days
- Bhut Jolokia White – Much like our regular GHOST but in a smaller white form. A fantastic producer in my pots. Pkt. (containing 10 seeds)…$5.00
- Bishop’s Hat – (aka Balloon, aka Orchid pepper) Unique bell-shaped fruits about 3″ across with 3 or 4 flat square tipped wings. Thin crunchy flesh, wings are sweet but the seeds and placenta are extremely hot. Flavor is mild spicy. Sturdy 3-4 ft plants. Heat must be respected (…not for children to play) 90-100 days
- Black Naga – Said to be a rare variety, possibly from Bangladesh, India. A close relative to “Bhut Jolokia” and “Naga Morich“. It is a gorgeous pepper that ripens to a delicious dark chocolate brown/black. They say heat rating is another “intense” from 750,000 to 1,000,000 SHU! 85-95 days
- Brazilian Starfish – What a unique shape, much like the Bishop Cap, only larger. Produced well here love its shape. Pkt…$4.00
- Bridge to Paris – Rec’d from my seed crazy lovely friend Tammy C. Am told there is a neat story behind this variety. Heavy producer for this summer, bearing nice long fruits ranging from 5-7″ long and 2″ wide. Pkt…$4.00
- Bulgarian Carrot – Beautiful 3 ½” long bright orange peppers, having the shape and color of carrots! The flavor of this chili is not only hot, but fruity. Excellent in chutneys, salsas, sauces and hot pepper jelly. Produces abundantly on short plants. 80 days Pkt…$3.00
- Caribbean Red – Habanero found in the Caribbean. A uniformly fierce hot pepper. Dried samples measured 445,000 Scoville units (regular habaneros measure 260,000). Wonderful in marinades, sauces and hot salsas. Flavor has fruity over tones. Handle plant and its fruits with gloves! (This Greenhouse will not be held responsible to customers in any regard for the mishandling and consequences of this variety. Buyer Beware!) Keep this one in a pot as it likes the warm/heat in soils. (Protect from the 10C cool evening and cold) 110 days
- Caroline Reaper – I don’t think I need to say too much about this Legend. It is rated for 2.2 million. One of the best in the industry. Did I try it??!! Are you crazy??? Pkt..(containing 10 seeds)…$5.00
- Caroline Reaper x Bhut Jolokia strain – We ALL know that the “Caroline Reaper” has been rated at 1,569,300 c/0 the Wikipedia and that some individual fruits have also scored as high as 2.2 million SHU! The word on the street…it is crosses today that are causing the SHU to go even higher depending on what is used!! Take a chance on this cross that could result in something a whole lot hotter by every stretch of the imagination! Up to you!
- Cascabel – These said to be originally from Mexico. A small version of our “Cherry Bombs“. They start out dark green, perfectly round and end up chocolate in color, when dried. The seeds tend to dislodge once dry and toss around freely inside, having the sound of a rattle. Medium heat. 80-90 days
- Cascabella Pepper- cone shaped 1 ¼” long peppers range from 1500 to 4000 Scoville units. Favorite for pickling. This pepper is generally used when showing some yellow, then turns red if left on the plant. Thick-fleshed. (Not to be confused with “Cascabel”…a thin-skinned variety that is round and mostly used when dry) 75 days
- Cayenne Chile – Just what we have been waiting for! Another in the same family, only this one offers some heat with that color to remind you that red means “hot”! Delicious fruits grow from 6 to 8″ long, bearing 30,000 to 50,000 SHU on the intense scale. Early at 70 days
- Cayenne Red Thick – So like the typical looks of this variety but with obviously thicker skin for drying. Heat is actually quite mild, but not almost none existent…according to my tastes. Pkt…$3.00
- Cayenne Long Slim Red – New for 2025! Very typical cayenne that you all know very well. Name is self explanatory. Pkt…$3.00
- Cherry Bomb – a thick-fleshed pimento cherry pepper of huge yields, round to oval, starting out emerald green, then changing to deep cherry red. Med/hot pungency with 20% less heat than a Jalapeno. 65 days
- Chili Negro – a longer, slightly narrow form. Having a dark chocolate looking wrinkled skin with rich flavor and heat from mild to hot. Fruits are generally 6-8″ long and 1-11/2′ wide. Pkt…$4.00
- Chiltepin – This variety grows wild throughout Mexico to S.W. US. These tiny ovate -shaped chili are ¼” long x ¼” wide. Popular for spicing up soups and bean dishes. Plants are 4 feet. These fiercy little red oblong red balls are near to 100,000 Scoville units. 95 days
- Congo Trinidad – in Trinidad, these are habanero relatives. Extra large type of 3” long x 3” wide. Bigger with more ribbing than typical red habaneros. Intensely hot and extremely productive with long harvests. 80 days
- Czech Black – (aka Czechoslovakian Black ) Said to be a heritage variety. Moderate tall plants bear purple flowers, with purple striping on stems and veins in leaves. Striking! Similar to Black Hungarian. Fruits (with thicker walls) start out green, to black and eventually to dark red in late season. Heat for some, not enough to brag about (mild & slightly spicy…) but for those wanting a first time experience, these are great! Sweeter than a Jalapeno. Excellent as a mild paprika powder, when dried down. SOLD OUT!
- Devil’s Tongue – Here is one to rival the “Caribbean Habanero“, with a name to match its heat factor rated from 125,000 to 325,00 SHU. Been told that its flavor is a lot spicier than most others in its class. Fruits will grow to 2″ in length and ripen to a pretty yellow/orange. 100 days
- Explosive Embers – An ornamental pepper variety that bears the essence of violet-purple! These plants offer up a beautiful accent to any landscape or pot arrangement. Plants are 10″ to 14″ tall and wide with deep amethyst fruits, stems & flowers. 1″ pepper fruits appear first as dark purple, then to orange and finally to red. 85 days Limited Pkt…$3.00
- Fatalii – Originally from Africa, fiery hot 2” x 3” long, wrinkled yellow peppers. Related to habaneros, as hot if not hotter! Searing heat has a citrus-like flavor appreciated before heat sets in! Plants become 3-4 feet tall. 80 days
- Filus Blue – Striking ornamental pepper with violet hued (tinged) leaves that appear blue and are sometimes marked with a faint white speckling. Fruits start out as small, round/oval purple balls….holding this shade for a long time before maturing a deep red. Plants are only 18” tall, also as oval-shaped mounds. Very striking in the garden or in the flower bed….. landscape approved. 90 days
- Fish – unusual ornamental (…from the late 1800’s!) with variegation in both the foliage and the fruit….becoming heavily striped with cream & green. Peppers eventually turn red/orange. The hot fruits are 1” to 2” long graduating to a point. Used to season fish! (Ex: Used on shellfish by African American communities in Baltimore and Philly in 1930-1940’s) 75 days
- Golden Cayenne – Beautiful clear lemon yellow cayenne peppers 4” long x ½” wide on compact plants. Unusual color, fruits are slim and have a slightly curved form. ? heat ? 72 days Pkt…$3.00
- Grandpa’s Siberian House – originally from Siberia. Very dwarf plants grow to 1.5 feet high. Excellent as a houseplant if branches are pinched back from time to time. Continuous production of small hot peppers all winter long. Does well outside in pots too. Great chili.
- Guajillo (gwah-HEE-yoh) – (aka Little Gourd) From Mexico. It’s delicate flavor makes this a favorite esp. for coloring in all forms of food. It is a beautiful russet red, translucent, thin-walled chili, measuring from 4 to 7″ long. It will dry eventually to a black color. [The seeds usually detach from the placenta when dried, allowing the “Guajillo’s use as a rattle…T.W.Seeds ] Most of this family grows downwards (pendant) but “Guajillos” grow upright! (Capsicum annuum) Heat scale 2-4, in a scale of 1 to 5. Pkt…$3.00
- Habanero Brown – This extra-large habanero ranks as one of the worlds hottest peppers. Expect impressive harvests of 2 ½” long fruits and plants of great productivity. BUT handle with care as these are searingly hot. Beautiful and tasty for hot chili fans. 85 days
- Habanero Lemon Yellow – ok, so now ANOTHER MEMBER of this interesting family! Caribbean variety. Similar in shape to the white, about 1 1/2″ long by 1/2″ wide. Just a little “mite” that happens to pack a walloping 300,000 s. units! Folks in the know say that it is fruity and spicy all in one mouthful dare! 90 days
- Habanero Mustard – This unique colored Habanero showed up as an off-type in the garden of SSE member James Weaver of Kutztown, Penn. Fruits are semi-wrinkled, tapered & 2” x 1 1/2” in size coming in with all sorts of colors! The final color is a mustard/orange/yellow. Productive 32” plants! Not for the timid! Super hot! 95-100 days
- Habanero Orange – A blistering hot pungent pepper that is 40 times hotter than jalapenos! These may well be one of the hottest in a family of “HOTTIES”! These gently bumpy fruits are 1″ wide and 2″ long with a blunt tip. Can be used fresh or dried. Key ingredient in Jamaican ‘jerk’ sauces. Peppers begin light green, then change to a deep orange (deceivingly beautiful), aggressively loaded on 18″ tall plants! 75 days (green) 100 days (ripe Hot!)
- Habanero Red – Caribbean flavor, reportedly 15-20 times hotter than jalapeno. Plants grow 36” tall and produce enormous amounts of lantern-shaped 1” x 1 ½” fruits. Very productive. 90-100 days from transplant. Super hot! A staggering 285,000 Scoville unit. For chili lovers everywhere!
- Habanero White – (aka Peruvian White Hab.) Where did they manage to find this cute one? These creamy white peppers are smaller than the typical habaneros ½” wide by 1 ½” long (hanging like innocent smooth white bells). BUT with the same blistering heat and distinctive fruity flavor. 240,000 Scoville rating. Expect and receive a nice quantity of hot fruits. 90 days
- Habanero White Giant – info coming later…
- Holy Mole – This pasilla pepper is well recognized for its distinctive nutty and spicy flavor in ? “mole” sauces. Fruits are tapered, about 8″ (20cm) long and slightly curved. The slender fruits start emerald green, then mature to deep purple chocolate! Used fresh or dried, they add a rich smoky flavor with very little (about 700 scu) heat. Ideal also for pizzas and casseroles. High yielding plants are resistant to 2 types of pepper viruses. An AAS winner. 80 days. Pkt…$3.00
- Hot Paper Lanterns – C. Chinese type. Magnificent, wrinkled, elongated, lantern-shaped fruits, 3”-4” long….bigger than a regular habanero. Same mouth blistering heat! Tall plants bear fruits that turn bright lime green to orange to scarlet. Ultra hot chili! Actually earlier and more productive in the North! 70 days-lime green 90 days-ripe
- Hungarian Hot Yellow Wax – An old Hungarian variety that just happens to do well in (N.A.) our cool northern climates. Medium-hot and spicy peppers, especially good for pickling. Smooth banana-style fruits with thicker flesh that progressively change from green to golden yellow to brilliant red. These will reach 6”-8” long and 2” wide. Plants are medium-sized …20”-24”. 70 days
- Jalapeno – fiery, thick-walled peppers that grow to 3” long and 1 ½” wide, with rounded tips. (…like in the store!) Dark green at first, then maturing to red. Fresh use or roasting. Famous for nachos or other Mexican dishes. 75 days
- Jalapeno M – A medium sized var. that has a very mild flavor with minimal heat, yet all the fantastic flavor of its cousin. A nice spicy sweet flavor.
- Jalapeno Purple – (aka Purple Jalapeno) The prettiest purple-violet dark fruits you have seen! Peppers are larger that regular jalapenos, staying purple a long time before turning red. Same thick walls and fiery heat. Great in salsas. Attractive pickled. 75 days
- Jaloro – Developed by the Texas Agricultural Extension service. First yellow Jalapeno pepper-beautiful golden yellow. As hot as the regular Jalapeno’s. Resistant to 6 viruses that threaten most peppers. Compact plants. 70 days
- Jamaican Hot Chocolate – shiny habanero-type deep chocolate brown when ripe, ribbed or wrinkled resembling prunes! Fruits 1 ½” to 2” long. Has an extremely hot Caribbean flavor, strong and smoky. Those in the know, say that this one makes a great hot sauce! This strain originated from a pepper found in a market in Port Antonio, Jamaica. 85 days
- Jamaican Hot Red – actually a type of pepper squash. Thin-skinned fruits, shaped like tam-o-shanters. Spicy taste, excellent for fresh, pickle, or as a “pop-in-your-mouth” garnish. Abundance of bright red fruits on very compact, densely, leafed plants. 95 days
- Jamaican Hot Yellow – another type of pepper squash. Thin-skinned fruits, shaped like tam-o-shanters. Spicy taste excellent for fresh pickles or as a “pop-in-your-mouth” treat! Abundance of bright yellow fruits on very compact, dense,leafy plants. 95 days
- Joe’s Long Cayenne – The originals to these began around 1827! Lovely long wrinkled pods dry to a lovely deep crimson red, perfect for grinding. Extremely heavy sets of finger-thick 10″-12″ long fruits. Originally from Italy. This variety was obtained from Dr. Jeff Nekola. Great for fresh eating or drying for hot pepper flakes. 65 days green, 85 days till red. Heat scale is moderate.
- Kagura Nanban – (According to my Tammy) From Yamakoshi-Mushigame region of Japan. Named for its similarity to the Kagura mask. Dates back to peppers brought into Japan in the 15th Century. Hummm…Rated as being quite hot. Fruits appear as very chubby, wide, with distinct sectional parts and somewhat wrinkled early. Starting to change to red quite early in it s development. Limited Pkt…$4.00
- Korean Kimchi – Rec’d from my Pepper friend Beata. Another growing well in pots, offering tons of blistering hot fruits that eventually turn deep red. Fruit have thicker smooth skin tapering down to a point, averaging about 3″. Plants are also average height…2-3ft tall Pkt…$3.00
- Largo Purple – absolutely striking ornamental pepper plants with violet colored leaves-mixed with white and dark purple and green. Shrub of 2 ½ to3 feet, offers up a Jewel-toned effect. An impressive display! Conical purple pepper fruits become later a deep red. Extremely HOT!
- Lemon Drop – Peruvian seasoning pepper. Bright yellow conical crinkly fruits are ½” wide x 2 ½” long. Very few seeds….<15 each. Plants stand 2ft. high x 2ft. wide, covered with dozens of fruits. Intensely hot (…though not extreme) citrus flavor. 90-100 days.
- Lemon Drop & Yellow Mushroom Cap Mix! – Whoops! All it takes is one second and suddenly one creates a mess that cannot be un-done! Yes! Here is a packet bearing the seed of both of these and I will certainly offer a generous amount in seed, as in fairness you will get both. Great Deal and Super Offer! Pkt…SOLD OUT!
- Leutschauer Paprika – Said to be brought over from Matrafured, Hungary, grown since the 1800’s, yet originated from Leutschau (Slovakia). These are medium hot paprikas with super flavor, perfect for drying, making terrific spicy powder. Red fruits are elongated with thin walls…5″ x 1 1/2″. Pkt…$3.00
- Long Slim Red Cayenne – 2 -3 ft. tallish plants bear loads of these pencil slim long scarlet red fruits (5-6″ long). Thin skin is perfect for drying and this variety offers lots of heat. Pkt…$3.00
- Marbles – Ornamental plant bearing a profusion of round marble-sized fruits that turn from cream to yellow to orange to finally RED. It is not unusual for the small bushy mounds to be densely covered with all of these attractive colors at one time. ? heat ? 70 days Pkt…$3.00
- Mulato Isleno – This variety offers blocky (6″ x 3″) thick meaty dark green fruits, when young. These later mature to dark chocolate brown. They look much like the “Ancho Chiles“. Great for stuffing as it offers medium heat levels and a sweet flavor. 85 to 90 days
- Mushroom Red Cap – (aka Red Squash Pepper) “Wrinkled” fruits have a broad cap 2 ½” wide and 2 ½” deep, resembling a patty-pan squash. Colored a brilliant red! Thin-skinned mushroom-shaped, related to habanero. Extremely hot with large harvests. 75 days Pkt…$3.00
- Mushroom Yellow Cap – (aka Yellow Squash Pepper) So named because of its shape, resembling a either a mushroom or a patty-pan squash (depending on which way you looked at it). A very beautiful pepper, for those of you having grown this one…they mature to a light sunshine yellow, then finally to a glowing golden yellow. Extremely hot fruit….so be warned! Abundant harvests of thin-skinned 2” x 3” fruits. Especially fine for pickled “winter heat”. 80 days See MIX Offering above…
- Naga Jolokia Chocolate – (aka Chocolate Bhut Jolokia) Brought in 2012. A beautiful brown/red/chocolate selection of the above mentioned. Believed to be a natural variant of “Bhut Jolokia“. Once again…handle with care. 80-90 days
- Naga Morich – Translates…”Snake” or “Serpent Chili“. Originally from India. Have you ever watched a video involving the esteemed “Chef Ramsey” traveling to India to watch first hand a native Indian lady stuff a large dish full of super hot peppers into her mouth with not a whimper?! I was “burning up” just watching her! This variety is a “sister” to the “Bhut Jolokia“, bearing many similarities, but genetically different. Small shrubs will reach 3 ft. “Pods” are thin walled, wedge shaped, starting out emerald green, then to yellow/orange and ripening finally to deep red. Taste is said to start out sweet & slightly tart in flavor, followed by smoky overtones. Excellent therefore for B.B.Q.’s. Heat rating is found to be 1,040,000 SHU.
- Naga Viper – Verified to be the 3rd, hottest (1,382,118 SHU) pepper on record. There are many disputes raging about the actual history of this variety…so I will tread lightly! According to some authors, they have seen it growing “wild” in the hills of Nagaland, India and after having consulted with local villagers, said to be around for centuries! (Nagaland is an Indian hill state, located in the far NE part of India. Nagaland borders the state of Assum to the west.) As with all our super hot pepper varieties…buyer beware!
- Negro Chili – I am a little confused here as I am told this one starts out deep green, turning to deep dark red. A cayenne type. However according to many others, it is a Pasilla with med heat, long slim fruits expected from 6″ to 9″ and 1″ to 1 1/2″wide. Expected finishing color to be dark brown, offering a terrific richly flavored chili taste, with wrinkled skin when dry. Well, lets try this one and see what all the fuss is about.
- Nepalese Bell – First offered by SSE member Ulrike Paradine from England. Fruits are 3″ to 4″ across and have thin crisp flesh that ripens from green to red. Sweet around the outer edges AND hot near the seeds! The shape of these are like very squashed tam-tams, with 3 wings! Seeing is believing….cute! Will completely dry on the plant, if allowed to stay on and the weather is hot and dry. Very “hot” quality. 90-100 days Pkt. (contains 10 seeds)..$5.00
- Paprika – tapered, pointed fruits average 6-8L” x 1 ½” w. For fresh use, but especially for drying and grinding into flavorful red paprika powder. The highest yielding paprika pepper with mild sweet flesh and some heat in the ribs. Vigorous, tall plants. 55 days…green 80 days…red ripe
- Pasilla Bajio – (aka Chili Negro). Named “Chilaca” when fresh. 8”-10” long cylindrical fruits, thin-walled, dark green ripening to dark brown! Less than 250 Scoville units. Used mainly for their rich smoky flavor in sauces. Resistant to tobacco mosaic virus. Used in Mexican “mole” sauces. 75-80 days
- Pepperoncini – 4” long, slightly wrinkled fruits taper to a blunt lobed end. Mildly hot with exciting flavor. Popular for Greek salads, salad bars and pickling. Abundant harvests. 62 days
- Peter Pepper (Red) – We have decided that if we are going to be bad, we may as well go all the way! Here is the rare and controversial/provocative pepper with heat in more areas than we want to admit. These scarlet red fruits will grow from 3 – 4″ long with shapes and wrinkles in many anatomically correct places. Very strange, very hot and sure to elicit conversation from all who may notice it. Will they want to talk about it? Darn rights! 78 to 90 days
- Peter Pepper (that wasn’t!) – Grew these out this summer, only to not see that traditional bottom end! Not sure if I should offer them but that’s up to you! Still have that length and width, (highly prolific and hot!) but something is missing on the bottom (actually a “cleaner” version…Lol!) Pkt…$3.00
- Poblano – One of the most popular and common chilies used in Mexican kitchens. Large shiny elongated wide heart-shaped fruits are mildly pungent with a hint of sweetness. This is an improved type where fruits start out green and end up chocolate brown! Great for stuffing, roasting, sauces and in every day use as a powder form. Just shake some on! 78 days
- Portugis (Wysoka/ Long) – Very very long dark red fruits, some being about 8-9″ long. Form is typical cayenne and slender. Heat assessment…is out for now… Pkt…$3.00
- Pretty Purple – Dark purple (violet) fruits and flowers on dark purple-green leaves and especially stems! When the small conical purple fruits mature, they turn RED! And are extremely hot! Purple, orange and red fruits can be on one plant, all at once. What a sight! 2 ½ ft. compact plants.
- Pretty Purple (cross) – As above ….BUT gorgeous intensive purple fruits are much larger (2″ x 1/2″) Perfect for pickling and cleaning… Pkt…$3.00
- Purple Cayenne – So unusual for this variety to start out deep purple but that is what (I am told) it does. When fully ripe will end in scarlet red. 80 days Pkt…$3.00
- Purple Flash – Really loved the novel three color variegation (dark green contrasted with cream and purple) of this variety. Plants grew quite tall and therefore I’m thinking would be great in a flower bed of sorts. Just a thought. Added bonus are certainly the wee peppers that start out purple/green and end up bright red. Eye candy!
- Purple Serrano – Beautiful black purple version of this candle-flame shaped pepper. Fruits start out green and color up at maturity. Foliage-FUZZY! Tall plants. Fruits quite hot, excellent for salsas and fresh eating. 85 days Pkt…$3.00
- Purple Tiger – the peppers are shaped like mini-jalapenos and the leaves are gorgeous-green, white and pink! The fruits change slowly from purple to bright red. 15,000 to 30,000 heat units. Grow it where you can show it off-like in the flower patch!
- Rachel – Sourced for me by my friend Micki. Here is a pepper that loves the heat & puts on the “HEAT”! A prolific little chili…1″ X 2.5″ (or less)…”chubby” on huge plants, capable of growing to 3.5 or even 4 feet tall! (unheard of in the “pepper” world!) Fruits are very mild to medium hot, when pale green and then become very hot when red! Thanks Mic for this one!
- Rezha Macedonian – A traditional Macedonian pepper type for that region. Altho I’ve never seen it before. Fruits are rare and beautiful at the same time, elongated like gorgeous horns of plenty, reaching over 8″ long and 2″ wide or more. Then suddenly these blistering cracks appears encircling the fruits in fine lines all the way from bottom to top! Heat said to range from mild to pungent! Pkt…$4.00
- Riot – developed by Dr. Jim Baggett of Oregon. Classified as an ornamental yet edible. Colorful 2”-3” long narrow hot peppers erupt into a riot of color on top of short compact plants, all stages of green, yellow, orange and red. Looks like a Fire! 65 days
- Rocotillo – Originally known to be from Puerto Rico, not Peru. Seeds from this variety are the normal white unlike the “Rocoto Red“. Shaped much like the “Mushroom Red Cap” (Tam-O-Shanters). Only smaller and more prolific.
- Rocoto Red – From the highlands of Peru. Very rare! This one actually enjoys not only a long growing season, but prefers cooler growing temperatures. Beautiful purple flowers, followed by 1″ round green fruits. These small peppers, are shaped like a little red apple (when mature) and start out yellow, orange, red or lemon yellow. This “capsicum pubescens” type has fuzzy leaves and the only one of its kind to produce black seeds! Quite hot. One of the most unique pepper varieties we have ever offered. Best grown in pots! 95 -120 days!
- Royal Black – the most beautiful black pepper plant ever offered! Compact 2 ft with deep purple black foliage, dark stems, purple flowers and jet black tiny piquin-type fruits. Striking especially in the landscape! Peppers will eventually turn red. Very edible and very, very hot. (Even to hold). The best black plant for your collection of unique Blacks!
- Santa Fe Grande – (aka Caribe) A beautiful jalapeno pepper that is 3” long and 1 ¼” wide, tapering to a point. Resembling a chubby mini banana pepper. Scoville units of 5000 to 8000. Thick-walled, best for pickling or frying. Starts out green, yellow, which it holds for some time, eventually turning to red. A Mexican favorite, boasts fruit twice the size and 2-3 weeks earlier than the original. 64-67 days
- Satan’s Kiss – (aka Ciliegia Picante, aka Baccio di Satana) An Italian heirloom pepper. Fruits are cherry like in shape, about an 1 1/2″ in diameter. Gosh awful name for a vegetable! Has moderate amount of heat when raw and reduces by 60% when roasted or cooked! Traditionally stuffed with anchovies and mozzarella before being grilled. Something like the “Cherry Bomb“. A chile variety that is easy to grow and is highly productive.
- Scotch Bonnet – a capsicum chinense, similar to habaneros although maturing much later. 2 ½” x 1 ½” start green, then becoming vibrant scarlet red! Fruity aroma with same blistering heat of the best habaneros. 36” T. Start early & keep very warm, fed and watered. ( for pots!) 120 days.
- Scotch Bonnet Yellow – description as above, only in pale yellow and slightly larger. A slow growing variety as many of its kind, maturing in 2 years to small “trees” Best for pots.
- Scorpion Tongue – Capsicum annuum. A very rare, yet becoming quickly popular variety, that has a unique squarish, tongue-like shape. There is a lot of debate over the family it is to belong to…confusion with maybe the “Black Scorpion Tongue”? Seems these look quite different one from another. Any how’s…am told, is a moderately hot pepper with winkled skin at any of its stages of yellow to orange to red. Fruits are small to medium and plants offer have high production. 85 days
- Serrano – One of the most popular varieties since the beginning of time! Thick walled and pointy with moderate heat. Pkt…$3.00
- Serrano Tampequino – Back by request. Another favorite of Mexican kitchen cuisine. Semi-slender (1″) fruits are slightly curved and grow to 4″ long. Flavorful heat is a pleasant 2500 to 4000 SHU. Very productive plants offering fruits with excellent taste.
- Sriracha – New for 2025. More info coming soon. Pkt…$3.00
- Stavros Pepperoncini – My friend Tammy C. was really impressed by this pepperoni type for its production, as was I. This Greek heirloom produces shiny light green square shouldered fruits, 5-6″ long by 2-3″ wide, with thin skins. One plant can produce up to 5 lbs of fruits, often reaching 18″ to 36″ tall. One you should have in your collection if you are planning to do lots of pickling especially. Pkt…$3.00
- Sugar Rush Peach – Here is a little one looking for all the world like a fierce wavy elongated Super Hot, bearing complex heat, accented with a super sweet, tropical and smokey flavor to it! Fruits are quite pretty ranging some soft pastel peach to medium light orange…from 3′ long x 1″ wide.
- Tepin – (aka Bird Pepper) Do not let it’s size fool you! The tiny round fruits are the size of peas. EXTREMELY HOT! The sensation reportedly disappears rapidly. Plants are very productive, growing wild in many parts of the southern US. 90 days
- Thai Dragon – Found this variety instead of the “Peter Pepper” I was hoping for. None the less it is interesting, as it forms elongated upright slender green (eventually maturing to deep red) pods, in clusters of at least 6 to 9, upright on modest short plant. Its leaves also appear just beneath, like they were holding an important bouquet! The heat, as I discovered once when rubbing the outside corner of my eye…was unforgivable! Hot!
- Tri – Fetti – Was offered by the Green House, but not posted to the web. Here is a medium hot pepper that has all the makings of a show piece in your flower garden. Larger “bush” type plants offer…deep purple, green and white foliage. Large deep purple/violet flowers produce 1″ x 1/2″ pendulous purple conical fruits that turn red when ripe. To see one is to be wowed!
- Trinidad Scorpion – Capsicum chinense. Alright! Heat rating for this one is from 900,00 to 1,300,00 SHU! Another ouch! 100 to 120 days
- Trinidad Scorpion “Butch T” – Capsicum chinense. A variant from the “Trinidad Scorpion“. Named after Butch Taylor, owner of a Hot Sauce restaurant and responsible for the propagating of this version. Photos will show a very pointy blossom end on the fruit, resembling a scorpion’s stinger! ” “They are calling this one the 2nd hottest in the world! Rated @ 1,463,700 SU! (This Greenhouse will not be held responsible to customers in any regard for the mishandling and consequences of this variety. Buyer Beware!) 100 to 120 days
- Trinidad Scorpion Moruga – The hunt is always on! What “other” HOT pepper variety is out there (either created or selected) And finally it has arrived! As of 2012…we have a celebrity in our midst! The “Moruga” variant is now considered as having the highest SHU rating of from 600,000 to 2,000,000 SHU! Double WOW! Originally from the Caribbean, it bears pendulous pods of a tear-drop shape. As will all in its class, fruits ripen to a deep red. All parts are considered lethal weapons! Please take the greatest care! 100 to 120 days
- Uba Tuba – (aka Christmas Bell) Originated from Brazil. Named after the cities of Ubatuba & Cambreci. According to some, believed to have been taken to Europe by the Portuguese in the 1800’s from S. America. Looks like “Bishop’s Crown“, but with less heat~5000. Sooo unusual, fruits bearing 3 to 4 semi-pendulous “wings” (…like a flared bell ) Flesh is very thin. Body offers the greatest heat and the “wings” are mild and sweet. Plants can grow from 3 to 4 feet tall and bear from 30 to 50 “pods”. A rare chile. 90 100 days for first fruits.