Love, love, love all those colors and textures! Salads never looked soooo good! Will be updated after December 15th, 2019. As I have inventory still to sort out here and grew a lot…
Will remain online for educational purposes .Operating on a “hobby” basis.
Occasionally we may have “extra” seed. Pkts. marked below. If nothing marked...then it is “N/A”.
- Amish Deer Tongue Green – Amish variety valued for its ruggedness and heavy production. Thick leafed plants show sharply triangular green leaves with straight edges. Unique habit. Thin midrib. Pleasant sharp flavor. Loose leaf. Mine did not grow compact…as many leaves were easily 14″ long! 55 days
- Amish Deer Tongue Red – (aka Red Deer Tongue) PGS says this heirloom was formed by crossing a green deer tongue with a red leaf. The triangular-shaped, long pointy green leaves are flushed with crimson red and white veins. Nice! Makes a loose head similar to Butterheads. Slow to bolt & very cold hardy. 55 days
- Australian Yellow Leaf – An Australian heirloom with very tender (buttery) texture. Unique neon chartreuse color. Similar to “Slowbolt”, but different in color and of a larger size. Slow to bolt. Loose leaf. 50 days
- Big Boston – (aka Laitue Lorthois) Originally from France and later re-named by Peter Henderson & Co. who had acquired it and offered it in 1890. This one is a true “heading” variety…large, green and tender.
- Black Seeded Simpson – Intro. by Peter Henderson & Co. of New York in 1870. Known as a loose leaf variety that produces masses in a short period of time. Leaves are soft, light green and whole plants will rot if care is not taken…mulching with straw beneath. Best to sow some every 2 weeks to ensure supply. This one will cross if others too close.
- Blond Du Cazard – Origin in early France. A super sized green wavy leafed butterhead.
- Bronze Arrowhead – in 1947, it was awarded the AAS. Introduced as (aka Bronze Beauty) by Germania Seed & Plant Co. Hailed as the finest, most colorful, most delicious leaf lettuce of its time. Loose leaf, oak-leaf type. Slow to bolt. What great intense color! 40-50 days
- Buttercrunch – Is just another name for…a Butterhead! We all love these for their “buttery” soft smooth texture on our tongues. Heads can get reasonably large with softer centers. This one is a nice typical medium green.
- Cimmaron – (aka Red Romaine) A very old beautiful (1700’s) red romaine variety that is easy to grow and self-seeds readily. Very tolerant to cold and will germinate in cold as well. Hates the heat! Plants are more compact than their green Romaine cousins. Wonderful salad addition and pretty enough for the flower bed. 58 days
- Cos or Romaine – sometimes known as the “Celery Lettuce”. Its trademark is its long 10” conical head and its crunchy, juicy, thick leaves. Capable of handling very cool weather. Volunteers have been known to appear sometimes in the garden, having wintered over from the year before. Packed full with crispy flavor and one of the last ones to bolt in the summer. You can tie the outer leaves together with soft string, causing the inner leaves to be blanched for a more solid center (if this is your fancy…personally I prefer a deep green for vitamins and minerals content). 45-60 days
- Cracoviensis – (aka Red Celtuce) Was given this name pre-1885 because it was used for its tender lite pink “bolting stems”! Offered by none other than the Vilmorin Seed Co. This variety has long wavy and twisted green leaves, with purple frosting. Leaves stay buttery for long periods and plants are extremely cold hardy.
- Crisp Mint – This one reminds me of a dwarf Romaine (?10″) with much of the same features. Heads comprised of upright, slightly serrated stiff “tongue shaped” leaves with open centers. Flavor is indeed crisp and fresh, where “mint” is referring to the color of the leaves…not flavor.
- Devil’s Tongue – Leaves are very dark red on equally loose heads. Genes for this variety are varied as are my seeds… being light and dark. Will be interesting to sow out more next summer, as I happen to like the look of this one.
- Drunken Woman – (aka Rossa di Trento, aka Rossa D’ Amerique, aka Drunken Woman Frizzy Head) Found at an Italian street market. From Milan, Italy. Humm! Who called it this name? (Never saw any vegetable called Drunken Man?!) Strange name, but never-the-less…it sadly fits! One grower (Cott.) describes it as “so frilly that it resembles a blowsy, frousy head of hair!” Beautiful large red/rose tipped leaves, bearing a “savoy look”, with pale green centers and bright red veins. Very showy! Excellent for cutting and will form loose fringed heads. A loose leaf that resists bolting. 45-60 days
- Early Curled Simpson – (aka Early Curled Silesia, aka Silesia, aka White Seeded Simpson (strain 1850’s), aka Curled German Batavian) c/o William Woys Weaver. One of the oldest varieties (17th century) of non-heading types. Plants offer light green crumpled leaves…12 – 14″ across. It grows quickly & is very hardy, great for overwintering. It can be grown in cold frames or simply covered with straw. Will not freeze.
- Ears of the Devil – (aka Oreilles du Diable) A french heirloom. Plants are massive, with deer tongue shaped leaves. Can’t tell you what a cold prairie spring does to this number! The color is out of this world…the most intense burgundy/plum/black/rose tones I have ever seen! AND the leaves are huge! Truly an experience, for the eyes & tongue!
- Ella Kropf – Orig. with a gentleman in Steawardson, Illionois in the 1930’s who shared some with Samuel and Ella Kropf, Amish Mennonites. Ella felt it necessary to share seed with all her grandchildren, once they had families of their own. Seed was donated in 2005, to the SSEx by grandson, Maynard Kropf. Unusual size of small soft balls, having rounded leaves. Texture of a soft leafed butterhead with pleasant flavor.
- Endive – Not an actual lettuce, but a nice green leafed variety to be included. Medium-sized heads are extra frilly, deep-hearted & self blanching. Have found 2 distinctive varieties, as one offers more roundish leaves and the other more serrated. Taste is unique…slightly bitter and tangy. Very complementary to any salad! Compact and maturing ahead of many other varieties. French blanching technique: 3 to 4 days before harvest, rest an 8” cardboard “disk” on its head center. Slow to bolt. 52-65 days
- Four Seasons – (aka Merveille des Quatre Saions, aka Marvel of 4 Seasons)An old heirloom from France, introduced into N.A. before 1885. This fast maturing “all season” variety behaves like a loose-leaf lettuce. Deep cranberry/red, thick leaves protect a soft green rose center. Leaves show a gentle frill. Medium to large “Butterhead” plants offer compactness and hardiness. Will bolt in hot weather, but unlike others…holds its flavor & will not get bitter. 55-65 days
- Flame – introduced to home gardeners by Harris Moran Seed Co. in 1988. Described as distinctly red, slow to bolt and a fast mover for markets…demanding unique vegetables. Despite its recent introduction, only offered by a few seed companies. (But that has been changing!) 50 days
- Forellenschluss – A personal favorite of Seed Sanctuaries. An Austrian heirloom, whose translation means “Speckled like a Trout’s back” referring to its exquisitely beautiful pattern of maroon speckles over lime green, rippled leaves. A “hard-to-find”, speckled Romaine. No two plants are ever the same. Very frost hardy. A winner in many taste trials. Superior flavor and somewhat, heat resistant. 55 days
- Freckles – A gorgeous, red spotted romaine. Bright green leaves with red spots that look like festive confetti in a salad bowl. Also makes a dashing, full-sized head. Spots darken from red to maroon, as it ages (mature). 55 days
- Gold Rush – A lovely soft leafed, super frilled (not serrated) loose headed variety that litterly glows in the distance from its brilliant chartreuse (lime green) color. Plants can reach close to 12″ or more when mature. Great as a cutting type. Will bolt early if cool weather (or cool roots) are not maintained.
- Grandpa’s Admire’s – Well! No more spots, but plenty of bronze blotches on lovely emerald green leaves. This large headed, loose leafed (Butterhead?) variety seems to have its past steeped in a Civil War. George Admire was a Civil War veteran born in 1822. In 1977, his granddaughter Cloe Lowrey gave these wonderful seeds to the S.S.E. 60 days
- Green Ice – a crisp green savoy leafed variety that just happens to be slow to bolt. Glossy leaves are fringed. Far less likely to be bitter than almost any other type in its class. 45 days
- Green Oak Leaf – (aka Baltimore, aka Philadelphia Oak Leaf ) Intro. by the French company…Vilmorin. Excellent eating quality. A long standing emerald green, loose oak-shaped leaf lettuce that is never bitter, even in late summer. AND I’m told it is resistant to hot weather! How would I know that as we rarely have too much hot weather here! (Give me some of those tolerant genes!) Very hardy, staying tender well into maturity. 50 days
- Hungarian Winter – Given to me by Frances Thorn…
- Italienischer Loose Leaf – Here is a “babe” that grows big…16″ – 18″ of true greenish gorgeousness! It offers up the most unusual leaf form ever…a cross between an oak leaf AND a baseball bat! To top things off, it remains sweet and crisp long after most others have hit the dust of summer’s heat wrath. Don’t forget to give this one room to GROW! 55 days
- Jericho – bred in…where else?…Israel! A great performer in hot weather. Green sword-shaped leaves, that just happen to look like a chubby romaine. Nice for breaking up into a fresh summer salad! 60 days
- Leopard – Gorgeous tender Romaine. Leaves are green, splashed with maroon. Long lasting and slow to bolt. 58 days
- Little Gem – (aka Sugar Cos) An upright, small paddle-leafed Romaine lettuce with sweet green leaves. Taste is marvelous and never bitter. Plant seed in the early spring or early fall to take advantage of the cooler weather. 60 days
- Lolla Bionda – Green version of one listed below…nice!
- Lollo Rossa Dark – Beautiful loose leaf variety with magenta, tiny super frilly leaves that have light green bases and mild flavor. Smaller 5 – 8” half globe heads. A cut and come again variety. 50 days
- Mascara – developed in Holland. Deep purple-red, heavily serrated, oak leaf type. Seeing is believing! Plants are prolific and long lasting. Non-bitter. 45 days
- Midnight Ruffles – Totally blown away by this one. Intense blackish-burgundy leaves counter deep rose/ red veins. Leaves appear blistered and very ruffled as no other variety…with serrated edges. Has low bolt potential, staying sweet and fresh well into summer’s heat. 45 days
- North Pole Butterhead – A wonderful butterhead lettuce for the North. Sow thinly in regular soil, making sowings from spring to fall. A long season producer.
- Olga Romaine –Indicating her back ground might be a cross between a Butterhead and a Romaine due to its softer romaine leaf texture. Smaller heads that are a lovely soft emerald green.
- Outredgeous – Big beautiful heads. Long deep shiny red leaves that bear green veins. Good flavor. 50 days
- Prizehead – First records have been found in Maule’s Seed catalog in 1889. Many major seed companies were carrying it. Another loose head type offering gorgeously curled, twisted green outer leaves, tinged in purple/bronze. While inner leaves and heart remain lime green. Flavor is crisp, sweet and texture is soft and tender. Slow to bolt, but will do so if planted too late in the spring. Everything any gardener would want…for over 125 years!
- Purplus – Intense, ruffled super dark purple burgundy leaves that form into a loose leaf variety. Re-introduced back for all us great gardeners! 50 days
- Red Eared Butterheart -Wow! Looks like someone crossed an “Ears of the Devil” with a red headed Butterhead! Its “squat” short, wide leaves are wrinkled, wavy and heavily veined. These radiate centrally, like the spooks of a wheel. Further more…2/3 of the leaf tips are immersed in the darkest burgundy black which eventually end in lime green at its core. Never seen anything quite like it.
- Red Iceberg – A gorgeous iceberg “crisphead” variety that holds well without bolting. Fairly tight heads are medium to large sized (16″) offering nice flavor. 75 days
- Red Leprechaun – One of my favorite varieties! A beautiful upright, paddle-leaf shaped romaine with smooth edges. Shiny dark purple leaves are covered with large bumps. Distinct thin pinkish center rib. Good flavor with a slight bite (tangy). Nice crisp and clean heads. 60 days
- Red Oak Leaf – beautiful, deep burgundy colors develop fullest when mature on this oak leaf-shaped leaf variety. Grow in full sun for the best colors (…in an alpine bed!) Another excellent cool weather tolerant variety. 57 days
- Red Romaine – (aka Cimmaron) A gourmet variety used as a colorful tangy addition to salads. The red color develops best during cooler weather. An outstanding romaine and one of the largest offered…12” x 12” in every direction. 70 days
- Red Rumple Waved (Hyper) – This is one intense rumpled, crumpled deep dark burgundy/purple/red leaf lettuce I have ever seen. Certainly worth a try!
- Red Sails – this is one that I grew up with…an old reliable, attractive (I like this part…) compact, fringed heads of deep burgundy/red over green. Taste stays mild for a long time. If planted in a sunny bright & hot spot, the sun will intensify the color. (I accidentally let some seeds fall in my alpine moat…filled with white rock chip. You should have seen the color that summer!) No bitterness. Ribs are very crisp. Loose leaf. 55 days
- Red Velvet – An old heirloom re-introduced in 2002. Welcome back! Here is the DARKEST loose leaf known… in seed collections! The tops of the leaves are solid reddish- maroon and the backs are green tinged with maroon! Large plants grow to 12” wide x 8” tall, offering up a pleasant, chewy texture. Slow bolt. 53 days
- Reine des Glaces – Another French heirloom. The name means: “Queen of the Ice” S.S.S. says this dark green one is a “crisp-head” iceberg with deeply notched leaves. Another says that the outer leaves have a ripped spiky edge resembling a crown and I will agree. A black seeded, cold tolerant gourmet variety with tons of flavor. Thrives in the cold. 64 days
- Rossa di Trento – Orig. from Italy. A broad savoyed cutting variety, edged in burnt burgundy. A loose headed lettuce with outstanding flavor and soft texture. Great one to sow later for a longer harvesting season, as slow to bolt.
- Rossimo – extremely beautiful bright red color with backs of leaves…a light green. Slow bolting variety. Upright wide leaves are somewhat frilly, twisted, blistered and heavily textured! Another loose leaf stretching itself to barely 10” wide x 6” tall. Flavor is mild, sweet and pleasant. 55 days
- Rouge d’ Hiver – (aka Red Winter) A beautiful French heirloom lettuce variety. Color variations range from greenish bronze pink to a darker red on light green. A romaine variety that will tolerate heat (but really dislikes it…) if kept watered and mulched. Leaf form is generally flat with gently serrated edges. An interesting romaine that I really enjoyed growing for its eye-appeal. 55-65 days
- Sanguine Ameliore –A French variety introduced in 1906 by the C.C. Morse & Co. They called it …(aka Strawberry Cabbage Lettuce) Plants are very unusual, in that they are marked with small deep reddish/brown mottling/spots (on emerald green…) that become more pronounced as it matures. Leaves are wide, smooth-edged and tender with excellent taste quality. 60 days
- Slo-Bolt – Introduced in 1946 (as told…) A large, light green, thick leafed, semi-frilled variety that has been known to produce all season long, despite the onset of hot weather. Never gets bitter. A “Grand Rapids” type. 45-58 days
- Speckled – sent to the SSE in 1983 by Mark Reusser. He states that his father obtained it from Urias Martin, whose Mennonite family brought it to Waterloo County, Ontario in 1799 in a covered wagon from Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. The Martin family immigrated to America from Germany, earlier from Holland in 1660! What a long round trip! Large emerald green based lettuce plants with wide leaves that are quite rippled and loosely ruffled. Then someone brushed just the top center with a splash of bronzy red. A beautiful loose leaf, with a modestly tight center. 50 days
- Summertime Crisp Head – dev. by Dr. Jim Baggett of Oregon State. A crunchy head lettuce, growing to medium size. Its “wrapper” leaves are lite green, tipped with aggressive frills. Open pollinated 48 days
- Susan’s Red Bibb – An large butterhead that resists bitterness from prolonged heat and extreme weather. A red ruffled bibb with exquisite beauty and sweet flavor.
- Sunset – an AAS medal winner in 1987. One of the prettiest heirloom lettuces with vivid deep red/ burgundy leaves. A favorite of many seed growers and gardeners alike. Extremely slow to bolt and heat tolerant. Unmatched ability for holding it mature state in one’s garden for an amazing length of time. Another large loose leaf type that pushes the envelope at 12” wide by 5-8” tall. Rare and hard to find, as it sets so few seed. 50-55 days
- Tango – forms a very large plant growing wide at 12” and tall at 7”. An attractive, uniform plant that forms tight erect rosettes. Deeply cut pointed leaves resemble endive in appearance. With most of the trends using red to catch the consumers eye, this one is jade green…a complement to all others and a loose leaf. Flavor is unique…tender yet tangy and vitamin rich. 45-60 days
- Tennis Ball (Golden) – a Butterhead introduced to gardeners in 1850 AND listed by 116 seedmen in 1904! Small tight rosettes of light lime green leaves. Definitely a specialty for today’s market! Plants measure 7” wide and 6” tall, forming loose heads. According to SSE member William Woys Weaver (in the “Heirloom Vegetable Gardening Book”) these tennis ball lettuces were often pickled in salt brine in the 17th and 18th century! (Gulp!) (Black seeded variety) 50 days
- Tom Thumb – For ALL the “Tom Thumb Series” Lovers…there is a Tom Thumb Pea…Tom Thumb Popping Corn …Micro Tom (Thumb) tomato & now a lettuce by the same name! From the 1850’s. A small green Buttercrunch lettuce that stays semi-tight (or semi-loose…which ever suits you) with heads that grow only to 3-4” across! A Crisphead, with small cabbage-like heads. Very tasty. Indeed…when grown side by side with other monsters, this one preferred to stay small. 40 days
- Valmaine – (aka Paris White) A loose leaf romaine type that was released in 1963 by the USDA. Leaves are dark emerald green and elongated. Another one obtained from my friend Micky, which she obviously favors.
- Winter Density – (aka Craquerelle du Midi, aka Craquante D’Avignon) AND where have I heard that name before?…ah ha! Lilies! It is a green Romaine/Buttercrunch type, offering a very tight leaf formation. One would think it was seriously forming a head! Even the outer leaves get into the act! Try this one at anytime of the season. Its history is confusing…an old, unique, popular English var., well-known in France!
- Yedikule Cinsi Romaine – (aka Seven Towers) A rare Turkish Romaine (coming into danger of extinction in its homeland…) that does well in the heat! Leaves are green and very thick. 65 days
- Yugoslavian Red Butterhead – This maybe the very last listing in our list, but in all honesty, I would consider it to be the very prettiest of them all! Just Gorgeous! An old heirloom from a peasant family in Marbury, Yugoslavia. Red-tinged and splashed leaves form somewhat loose heads that can measure 12” across. Cutting the head in half, exposes a solid green interior with an almost white center. Excellent mild buttery taste. 55 days