Welcome everyone to our HERB section! Herbs can provide that something extra or unique flavor that regular salt & pepper cannot satisfy. More folks should crawl out of their comfort zone and try a few of these wonderful varieties.
This selection will remain online for educational purposes & we will continue to update information as time allows. As in all aspects of our now “hobby-fied” Greenhouse operation, we will only offer Herbs in pots from a few hardy perennial varieties.
Occasionally we may have some “extra” seed. Pkts. marked below. If nothing marked…then it is “N/A”.
- Balm Citronella – Most fragrant of this variety. Has double the oil content. Said to ward off/confuse mosquitoes if its oils are applied to the skin. Propagated by seeds.
- Balm Lemon – Standard variety offering wonderful lemony fragrance when its leaves are rubbed. Excellent for tea, when dried. Propagated by seeds.
- Basil Anise – Said to be originally from Persia. This var. has a wonderfully sweet anise fragrance and flavor. Use in Thai cooking. Purple leaves.
- Basil Aussie Sweet – Lime Green ruffly leaves. Plants are shorter and stockier than most. Sensitive more to “damping 0ff” issues.
- Basil Cinnamon – From Mexico. Distinctive cinnamon taste and smell. Superb flavor in foods and used to ward off insects when in arrangements.
- Basil Dark Opal – slightly different from other dark purples, splattered occasionally with white or cream patches, on smooth surfaced leaves. Taste tho is excellent.
- Basil Genovese Green Sweet – Best & most popular seller of all Basils. Large, thick, rich flavored leaves & stems have a wonderful emerald green color.
- Basil Genovese Red – Wow! Has all the royal qualities of its large green cousin, BUT now in purplish/plum red!
- Basil Italian Large Leaf – (aka Sweet Green) Another very popular var. Leaves are slightly longer than Genovese Green Swt., but same great quality and form.
- Basil Lemon Sweet – Compact bush habit. Intense lemon fragrance in lighter colored green leaves.
- Basil Lime – A unusual flavored type, with fragrance of a zesty lime/lemon. Plants slightly smaller…perfect for pots.
- Basil Mammoth – Stocky large robust plants offering even larger green leaves. Great production.
- Basil Minette Dwarf – Have grown this var. & found it to offer tiny leaves in a very compact form. No reduction in either robustness or flavor.
- Basil Pesto Perpetual – My personal favorite! I need this one like cats need Catnip! Gorgeous cream and green heavy variegation. Flavor wow! Can only be propagated by cuttings. No seed offered.
- Basil Pistou – This one is smaller leafed than others and offers a fine fragrance.
- Basil Purple Bush – Another great one in the “miniature” world of pots and wee herb gardens. Fantastic flavor, purple color and great health.
- Basil Purple Ruffles – One of the 1st basil varieties that I grew and loved. Unusual for its truly deep purple ruffled lvs. and wonderfully sweet fragrance.
- Basil Purple Rubin – An improved version of Basil Dark Opal, as nearly all of its leaves remain deep purple bronze, with no splattering of other colors. Excellent wine vinegar flav.
- Basil Purple Sacred – Plants can get huge (24-30″) so be prepared to offer much needed space to this one. Fragrance is mild and delicious…hard to describe…(like bubble gum??)!
- Basil Spicy Globe – An attractive bush with larger leaves, very thick form with stronger spicier flavor, excellent in dried herb satchels.
- Basil Sweet Ball Dwarf – perfect for pots (and who doesn’t want one of these cute ones) for harvesting by the back door. Lovely light green variety bearing smaller leaves. Slightly sweet and spicy.
- Basil Thai Sweet – Another larger form with an unforgettable fragrance of fresh Thai cooking! Distinctive for a licorice/anise smell. Some plants if grown cooler will develop some tones of purple, on stems or/and leaves.
- Bay Laurel – these leaves are the foundation of many country’s home cooked meals…esp. of European descent. Super slow grower! Small trees are very sensitive to cold and frosts. Must be taken in colder zones. Seed will not germinated if at any time the soil has dried out or seeds themselves, were allowed to dry out while in storage. Difficult to germinate, requiring much patience. Success rates are expected to be very low.
- Borage Blue (officinalis) – A wonderfully refreshing herb when used in salads or cool summer teas. Flowers & leaves all useful. Excellent blue flowers. Plants are large and filled with blooms.
- Borage White – Said to be an improved version of the above with white flowers and a compact form. Trials of 2016 showed remarkable resilience to cold…taking almost -5C in November!
- Camomile German – Have seen this one first growing in my Oma’s garden forever! Super fine “dill like” leaves. Flrs. used for our famous camomile tea. Monitor, as it will self-seed generously! Lots of seed obtained!
- Carnip Faassen’s – a smaller version of the regular catnip, bearing the lavender/blue flowers and grey/green/white foliage. Amazed to see that cats actually aren’t attracted to it!
- Celeriac Giant – (aka Turnip Rooted Celery, aka Root Ball Celery) Has a nutty, fresh celery flavor and stores longer than regular types, like Utah. Will reach large size if grown well. Can be stored in a cool place much like beets and carrots.
- Chives (regular) – offered only in early spring. Very hardy almost everywhere.
- Chives (garlic) – (aka Allium tuberosum) Where would we be in early spring, without a clump of Garlic Chives for great flavor when nary an onion can be found! Very hardy almost everywhere.
- Cilantro Marino – (aka Chinese Parsley) Seems to tolerant more heat than most other common varieties. (slower to bolt) larger leaves and very desirable. Unlike others, this one dries well!
- Coriander – (aka Mexican) Attractive glossy serrated leaves with excellent flavor when used fresh. Slow to bolt with high leaf production.
- Curry Plant – Is actually a member of the dried flower family. Offers a typical “curry” scented foliage. Compact plant is a delightful silver color too. Treat as a perennial in warm zones.
- Dill Dukat or Mammoth – Wouldn’t live without this wonderfully versatile herb. Annual plants will reach close to 3 ft tall. Can/and will self seed. Used in pickles, salads or fresh spring potatoes OR where ever you want it! Pkt…$3.00
- Epazote – Strong scented foliage, very regarded in Mex./Guatemala food. Oil used to expel intestinal parasites. When cooked with beans, reduces gas.
- Fennel Florence (Ball Rooted) – Root has delicate anise flavor, is white and very crisp. Excellent in salads, sauteed, or cooked with. Likes it cool.
- Fennel Di Fenerage “Finocchio” – similar as above, except with a slightly swollen white bulb above roots.
- Lavender Hidcote – A very compact perennial of silver-grey with deep purple flowers for “wow” factor. Plants will only reach 12″ at its tallest.
- Lavender Munstead – A more upright form with an option to winter over if protected well, in milder climates. Leaves are more green, flowers are lavender blue.
- Lavender Lady – An improved “English” form. Compact with nice branching and lavender blue flowers.
- Lovage – tastes like strong celery! Only need a little for winter use. I believe small amounts can be frozen in water, ice cube trays and later added to soups and stews. A vigorous tall herb that needs a regular “hair cut” mid season or the generous seeds (like rhubarb…) will find other places!
- Marjoram Sweet – leaves are strong and spicy. Excellent for stuffing, soups, stews and any meat roasts. Used either dried or freshly rubbed on or in.
- Mint Chocolate – Plants are larger than other Peppermint types. Has been known to “winter” over in colder zones. Deep rich “chocolate” flavor. Propagate by cuttings only.
- Mint Ginger – a fruity ginger flavored variety. Green leaves are beautiful with gold flecks. Propagated by cuttings only.
- Mint Julep – a strong lime scented variety, wonderful addition to favorite alcohol based drinks. Propagated by cuttings only.
- Mint Kentucky Colonel – An improved type of Applemint with true sweet spearmint flavor and aroma. Propagated by cuttings only.
- Mint Lemon – sweet, sweet lemons could grow from this variety! Fruity flavor with a citrus edge. Leaves are lighter green and very easy to grow. Propagated by cuttings only.
- Mint Menthol – Confused with other Peppermint & Spearmint varieties. Not sweet. Used primarily for tea and medicinal purposes! Propagated by cuttings only.
- Mint Mojito – when first offered, customers came in droves! Cuba’s famed Mojito cocktails made this one famous with rum, sugar, lime juice & ice! Propagated by cuttings only.
- Mint Peppermint – a deep green version of the variety mentioned below. Used as a refreshing tea to settle stomach ills. Propagated by cuttings only.
- Mint Spearmint – a wonderful variety used primarily for cooking…esp. with lamb roasts, peas, carrots, parsnips or yams. Propagated by cuttings only.
- Mint Variegated Peppermint – Super low variety. Leaves have heavy gold and white variegation on deep green. Flavor is yummy! My favorite. Propagated by cuttings only.
- Mint Wintergreen – Everyone knows about the wintergreen mint candy. Now here is a mint that truly mimics it! Great flavor & aroma! Propagated by cuttings only.
- Oregano Dwarf – The smallest leafed version of all Oreganos. Has been super hardy by me for years. Strong typical flavor. Propagated by cuttings only.
- Oregano Golden – Love the coloration on its leaves…not exactly variegated, more like swirls & blends. Will be more pronounced in cooler weather. Propagated by cuttings only.
- Oregano Hot & Spicy – a super strong spicy flavored version from all others. Typical foliage and form…slightly larger. Propagated by cuttings only.
- Oregano Jim’s Best Variegated – An attractive yellow/white form on deep soft dark green leaves. Plants are low mounds. Very pretty. Propagated by cuttings only.
- Oregano Sicilian – Another very strong flavored variety with a more up right form. Propagated by cuttings only.
- Oregano Vulgare (Greek) – is the common Marjoram or wild Oregano. Can be propagated by seed.
- Oregano Zorba Red – One of the largest (tallest) oregano offering gorgeous purple red bracts on stems opening later to white flowers. Propagated by cuttings only.
- Parsley Giant of Italy – Very popular standard form used exclusively in all areas of cooking. Dark green healthy, glossy, strong flavored leaves.
- Parsley Green Curled/Moss – Can be used as a cooking form but has less strong flavor. Used mostly as a decoration in the elite food industry.
- Parsley Hamburg rooted – Another standard in the industry. Roots are smaller than typical Parsnips, but tops offer strong flavor and are hardy.
- Rosemary Blue Rain – a wonderful 24″ trailing variety for pots or planters. Flowers are light blue and will bloom longer than most. Propagated by cuttings only.
- Rosemary Foxtail – Just love these “bushy” dense branches that grow upright. Excellent for hanging baskets and planters. Will reach 3 ft. eventually. Propagated by cuttings only.
- Rosemary Gold Dust – ?aka Golden Rain? Deep green foliage has golden “brushing” over all of its needles. Another excellent for pots. Propagated by cuttings only.
- Rosemary Huntington Carpet – Would you believe this is a “ground cover” in California? Dense long stems with tons of dark blue flowers. Perfect maybe for baskets? Propagated by cuttings only.
- Rosemary Majorca Pink – a strong branched traditional form but with gorgeous soft pink flowers. Very heavy bloomer. Propagated by cuttings only.
- Sage Berggarten – choice strain. Larger grey-blue silvery leaves. Very robust and of low habit. Flavor addictive. Propagated by cuttings only.
- Sage Garden – most common variety offered, perfect for flavoring meats and stuffing. Grey/green leaves with pale blue flrs. Propagated by seeds or cuttings.
- Sage Golden – An “eye candy” var. with lovely chartreuse/yellow/white variegation on the veins of dark green leaves. Lovely fragrance. Annual. Propagated by cuttings only.
- Sage Pineapple – My fav. for scent. Brilliant red flowers. Used in drinks, cheese, jams & jellies and great with light meats like chicken or lamb. Annual. Propagated by cuttings only.
- Sage Purple – Am told, the “workhorse” for: stuffing, sausages, omelets, soups and stews. Will winter over in mild areas. Dries well. Annual. Propagated by cuttings only.
- Sage Silver – (aka Salvia argentea) One of the most beautiful of the sages…and the largest! From southern Europe, bearing giant silver/grey semi-serrated, heart shaped woolly leaves (almost stemless) in a large rosette form. In its second year, it produces a very tall “branchy “plume” of small flowers and seeds. The leaves of this plant are very useful in many parts of Europe. These need to be cut back immediately or plants will not return next year. Loves sunny, drish areas that is well draining.
- Sage Tri-color – Aromatic variety with beautiful color blends of green, pink/purple and white. Needs full sun and some “eye” attention. Propagated by cuttings only.
- Sage White – Gorgeous dusty grey/white leaves of soft texture. Used for purification. Leaves were smoked, taken as tea (esp) in sweat lodges. Can be propagated by seed.
- Savory Midget – improved version, more bushier and higher mass foliage. Has higher essential oil content. Will grow to 12″ tall.
- Savory Summer – most used in family. Delicate yet peppery flavor adds spice to bean, sauerkraut & cabbage dishes. A great gargle for sore throats.
- Savory Winter – perennial cousin to Summer Savory. Leaves are thicker & shinier. Flavor is very pungent & biting. Grows into a small shrub.
- Stevia – numerous times stronger than regular sugar. Therefore one needs only a small amount. Contains no calories! Excellent for Diabetics.
- Stinging Nettle – Cooking removes stinging effect. Young shoots rich in iron. Has tons of benefits from bees, flies & to herbs. Plants avail.
- Tarragon Mexican – (aka Sweet Marigold) Sweet smelling leaves and flowers having a slight tarragon flavor, but not strong. Plants can reach over 3 1/2 ft. An annual, bearing loads of yellow flowers. Fair tarragon substitute. Pretty plant. From seeds.
- Tarragon French – The true form…obtained only from cuttings. When chewed, tastes like strong licorice! “After taste” offers a numbing sensation after-shock! A gentle creeper and very slow grower. Grows to only 2 ft. Believe it or not…hardy by me! White pretty flowers only seen for the first time last year, after having grown it in the same spot for over 12 years! Grown outside (Z.2b!) mulched with leaves from ash trees and raspberry plants above. Offered as plants in spring.
- Tarragon Russian – A “tougher” version of the above, when nothing else can be grown. Bushy 3ft. tall strong, branchy robust plants. Flowers are numerous…greenish yellow. Able to withstand dryish hot conditions. Seeds out readily. Started by seeds. Plants…$3.00
- Thyme Bressingham Pink – a low evergreen carpet of grey/green leaves, studded with masses of lovely dusty pink flowers. From England. Propagated by cuttings only.
- Thyme Foxley – highly desirable & tough ground cover of deep emerald green foliage, splashed with cream variegation. Flowers are lilac-white. Propagated by cuttings only.
- Thyme French Winter – Another distinctly greyer type, sweeter than the English. Preferred by French cooks for its full bodied aroma. Propagated by cuttings only.
- Thyme Golden Lemon – lvs. bear intense golden variegation combined with Lemon fragrance, great eye appeal and kitchen usefulness. Propagated by cuttings only.
- Thyme Harrington Silver – very popular var., with robust growth habit & flavor. Leaves are silvery grey on dusty green. Great in flower bed. Propagated by cuttings only.
- Thyme Orange – classic variety with a sweet citrus pungent flavor. Try it with fish, veggies, and even with dessert! Propagated by cuttings only.
- Thyme Purple Carpet – Great as a mat-forming herb for walk ways. Flowers are bright mauve-purple with deep green leaves. Stays < 2″ tall. Propagated by cuttings only.
- Thyme Silver English – Beautiful as a planter for pots and hanging baskets. Has silver accents on leaves and smells divine when brushed. Propagated by cuttings only.
- Thyme vulgare – (aka Mother of Thyme, aka English Thyme) The most common of this variety used extensively in garden walkways. Rose/red flowers.
- Thyme Wedgewood – from all the members, this one has remarkable leaf coloration (deep emerald & gold lines) and form. Extremely attractive. Propagated by cuttings only.
- Thyme Wooly Creeper – a popular variety used in alpine gardens because of its petite statue, very wooly “silver like” foliage & light pink flowers.