Speaking & Seed Sales Locations
Welcome Gardening Friends to more of my activities !
In 50 years, a person can accumulate a ton of gardening and growing experience. The best thing to do with all this information is to share it! And seeing as I am technically “retired” I have more time on my hands! “Therefore I am letting you know, I am quite comfortable “chattering” away on almost any topic…even if it means “lighting a fire” under my audience! Subjects I would have no problem with are: indoor plants, large perennial outdoor plants, “bugs”, “weeds”, fruit trees, all heirloom vegetables, soils, fertilizers, organics, alpines….well you get the picture! I have on file slides to fit almost any subject choice. To help me with my presentations, I have my own laptop, projector, tri-pod and cables.
Below is a small listing of some places, where I have already spoken. As more requests come in, I will post these to the site to keep you informed of my next whereabouts. Feel free to check them out. The information below will be updated as I obtain permission from the various clubs to list a contact person. Please respect their privacy and contact them only for garden related reasons. I do request a fee for my work, as much “homework” goes into each presentation. I am quite flexible in my fee schedule.
Till we “talk” again…
Happy Gardening! Mandy
1. April 18, 2007 @ 7 PM
Brandon Garden Club
held @ Seniors for Seniors Complex
311 Park Avenue East Brandon, Manitoba
Talk on Alpines Plants in general with requests for Alpine Plants and Tufa Rock to buy.
Contact Pat Zmetana @ 1-204-726-5351
2. October 21, 2008 @ 7 PM
Selkirk Horticultural Society
held @ St. Clements Church Hall
Selkirk, Manitoba
Talk on Alpines for the Prairies
Contact Leila @ 1-204-757-7382
3. January 14, 2009 @ 7 PM
Charleswood Garden Club
held @ Charleswood Community Center
5006 Roblin Blvd. Winnipeg, Manitoba
Talk on Alpines
Slide Program showing Heirloom Veggies & Alpine plants on offer.
4. March 3, 2009 @ 7 PM
West Kildonan Horticultural Society
held @ West Kildonan Community Center
Located at corner Perth & Powers Winnipeg, Manitoba
Talk and Slide Program on Alpines
Heirloom Vegetable seed packets were available for sale.
Contact email: adams-sch@mts.net
5. April 25, 2009 “Horticultural Day” A whole day affair!
The Westman Gardeners – Hort Day
held @ Central Community Club
529 4th Street Brandon, Manitoba
2 presentations: Caring for Alpines & Different Alpine Gardens
Slide Program showing Alpines and some Heirloom Vegetables.
For Sale: Alpine plants, Heirloom Vegetable seeds, Tufa rock, Specialized garden books, Organic Fertilizers and so much more.
Contact Brenda Newton @ 1-204-725-2883 (Brenda is also a speaker, listed with the MHA)
6. November 17, 2009 @ 7 PM
Transcona Garden Club
held @ Access Transcona (was a temporary location)
845 Regent Avenue West Winnipeg, Manitoba
Talk on African Violets.…the whole picture!
Contact Domia Derkach @ 1-204-222-0236
7. February 10, 2010 @ 7 PM
East Kildonan Garden Club
held @ Valley Gardens Community Center
218 Antrim Road
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Talk on Heirloom Vegetables with Slide Program. Q & A to follow.
Contact email: vallie@mts.net
8. February 13, 2010 10am till 4pm
Winnipeg Seedy Saturday
Fort Whyte Alive Farm
held @ 1961 McCreary Road
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Winnipeg’s 10th annual gathering of gardeners celebrating prairie biodiversity
with a full day of workshops, displays, vendors and visiting.
My talk & Slide program will be on Heirloom Vegetables, starting @ 12 noon
Info at: www.seeds.ca
9. April 19, 2010 @ 7 PM
Herb Society of Manitoba
held @ the Assiniboine Park Conservatory
Grant Avenue Winnipeg, Manitoba
Pres: “Looking at Herbs thru an Alpine’s eyes”
Some insight into growing & understanding the genetic makeup of alpines
(some of whom are also herbs) that would assist herb growers as well.
Vendors table offering some of my heirloom seeds
Contact email: shelley4herbs@mymts.net
10. May 8, 2010….a whole day affair!
Friends of the Assiniboine Park Conservatory
held @ Canadian Mennonite University
500 Shaftesbury Blvd. Winnipeg, Manitoba
Talk on Heirloom Vegetables: History, uniqueness, endurance, varieties and usefulness.
Slide Show to follow inc. Session D: 3:00 – 4:00pm
Contact Helen Fairbanks @ 1-204-895-4560
Info. at www.friendsconsevatory.com
11. October 13, 2010 @ 7 PM
East Kildonan Garden Club
held @ Valley Gardens Community Center
218 Antrim Road
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Talk on Alpine plants with Slide Program. Q & A to follow
Contact Valerie D. via email: vallie@mts.net
12. October 25, 2010 @ 7 PM
Prairie Roots Garden Club
held @ the Zion Luthern Church
403 1st Street
Beausejour, MB.
Talk on Alpine Plants with Slide Programs. Q & A to follow
Contact Ken Steinke….president
13. January 10, 2011 @ 7 PM
Steinbach Garden Club
held @ the Mennonite Heritage Village Museum
231 P.T.H. Hwy. #12 N.
Steinbach, MB.
Talk on Getting to Know Alpines
Slide Program and Q. & A. to follow
Email: karenloewen@mts.net
14. March 16, 2011 @ 7 PM
Transcona Garden Club
held @ the Transcona Retired Senior Citizens Center
328 Whitteir Avenue West
Winnipeg, MB.
Talk on Endearing Alpines of the World
Slide program inc. Q & A to follow
Contact Domia Derkach @ 1-204-222-0236
15. January 26, 27 and 28 (inc). 2012!
Manitoba Horticultural Association 114th Annual Convention
held @ the Selkirk Rec. Complex
180 Easton Drive
Selkirk, Manitoba
Talk on January 28 @ 2:15, called Alpine Rock Gardens
Slide Show and Q. & A. to follow
Pre-registration by deadline, Jan 12th, required…call: 1-204-256-2745 for details
16. April 18th, 2012 @ 1 P.M.
Millennium Gardens
held at 1630 Henderson Highway
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Talk on Fun Gardening Things
Taking about funny experiences I have had over the years and tips that I have managed to pick up long the way. If time allows, a few photos to share.
Contact Darlene @ 1-204-661-2208
17. March 7th, 2013 @ 7 P.M.
Westman Gardeners – Hort Day
held @ Central Community Club
529 – 4th Street
Brandon, Manitoba
Talk on Whats New in Old Tomatoes?
Featuring some “newbies” that are fast becoming all the rage. I will offer some great tomato experiences and growing tips. Will have packets of heirloom tomato seeds available as well my entire “population” from my website! Photo presentation to follow.
Contact Brenda Newton @ 1-204-725-2883
18. March 9th, 2013 from 10 AM – 3 PM
Winnipeg Seedy Saturday roars again into its 13th year!
Held @ the Canadian Mennonite University Campus South
600 Shaftesbury Blvd. Winnipeg, Manitoba
Annual gathering of gardeners, farmers, seed growers, collectors, seed savers, native plant enthusiasts, conservation groups and horticultural societies. Everyone should try and come down to attend this fantastic event.
19. October 15th, 2013 @ 7:00 PM
St. James Horticultural Society
Held @ the Linwood Public School
266 Linwood Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Talk on How to incorporate Alpines/Rock Garden Plants into Your Landscape
Will have some “Tufa Rock” available for Sale.
Contact Art Brose @ 1-204-772-7096
20. November 25, 2013 @ 7:30 PM
Prairie Roots Garden Club held @
Held @ the Zion Lutheran Church
403 First Street
Beausejour, Manitoba
Talk on How to Start Vegetable Garden Seeds in your Home
Will bring some “tools” of the trade. Q & A to follow.
Contact Ken Steinke…President
21. February 15th, 2014 from 10 AM – 3 PM
Winnipeg Seedy Saturday returns for its 14th year!
Held @ the Canadian Mennonite University (South Campus)
Intersection of Shaftesbury Blvd and Grant Avenue…SW corner.
600 Shaftesbury Blvd. Winnipeg, Manitoba
Mandy’s Greenhouse will be there with All of our Seed Inventory! See you all Soon!
Annual gathering of gardeners, farmers, seed growers, collectors, seed savers, native plant enthusiasts, conservation groups and horticultural societies. Everyone should try and come down to attend this fantastic event.
22. April 5th, 2014 from 10 AM – 4 PM
Brandon’s Seedy Saturday
Held @ the Central United Church
327 8th Street
Brandon, Manitoba
Annual gathering of the clan of gardeners and the like!
Mandy will be there with her final load of seeds…See you’ll there!
Contact Blake Hamilton @ b.hamilton@brandon.ca
23. August 13th, 2014 from 7PM – 8PM
Brandon’s Park Community Center
Held @ the Intersection of 15th Street and Louise Street
Brandon, Manitoba
Mandy will be offering a workshop on her experiences on Seed Savings and general Heritage/heirloom gardening experiences. She will be offering her remaining vegetable seeds at 20% off. Any seeds that are left over will be donated to an organization involved in starting self-sustaining gardens in poverty stricken areas of the world.
Contact Blake Hamilton @ b.hamilton@brandon.ca
24. February 14th, 2015 from 10AM – 3PM
St. Valentine’s Day!
Winnipeg Seedy Saturday returns for its 15th year!
Held @ the Canadian Mennonite University (South Campus)
Intersection of Shaftesbury Blvd and Grant Avenue…SW corner.
600 Shaftesbury Blvd. Winnipeg, Manitoba
Mandy’s Greenhouse will be there with her most rare heritage seeds again.
Come on down and have a chat with me!
25. February 15th, 2015 from 10AM – 4PM
Brandon’s Seedy Sunday returns for its 2nd year!
Held @ the Ukrainian National Home
1133 Stickney Avenue / 59 – 11th Street North
Brandon, Manitoba
Mandy’s Greenhouse will be there! We have scaled down (horrified) but we feel a responsibility toward the stewardship of our national treasures, heritage/heirloom vegetable seeds. We might not carry the selection of years past, but our extra seed will be fresh and very interesting! Come down and chat! Looking forward to meeting with you!
Contact Blake Hamilton: leolotgarden@gmail.com (and his crew of many elves!)
Brandon Community Garden network Coordinator
26. November 5th, 2015 @7 pm.
Westman Gardeners – Hort Day
Held @ the Central Community Club
529-4th Street
Brandon, Manitoba
Talk on Saving Seeds
Featuring Seed Saving, not only of garden vegetables but also on some perennial, bi-annual and annual flowers! Hope to see you all there…
Contact Brenda Newton 1-204-725-2883
27. February 13th, 2016 from 10AM – 3PM
Winnipeg Seedy Saturday returns for its 16th year!
Held @ the Canadian Mennonite University (North Campus) New location !!!!!
Intersection of Shaftesbury Blvd and Grant Avenue…NW corner.
500 Shaftesbury Blvd. Winnipeg, Manitoba
Mandy’s Greenhouse will be there with her most rare heritage seeds again. Had a super successful summer harvest last year and ready to share ALL her extras! Come on down and have a chat !
28. March 21st, 2016 @7 pm.
Herb Society of Manitoba
Held @ the Assiniboine Park Conservatory
15 Conservatory Drive, Assiniboine Park, South Entrance
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Talk on Taking Control of Your Herbs!
Seed germination, some “cutting” tips, simple supplies, and how to “corral” those elusive , rangy herb varieties. And if I am allowed, I will bring some veggie seeds to sell….
Contact Kathleen Land: kland57@hotmail.com
29. April 9th, 2016 from ? 10AM – ? 3PM (check back please…)
Brandon’s Seedy Saturday returns for its 3nd year!
Held @ the Victorian Gardens @ the Daly House Museum
#122…18th Street
Brandon, Manitoba
Mandy’s Greenhouse will be there! We feel a responsibility toward the stewardship of our national treasures of heritage/heirloom vegetable seeds. We will continue to grow out large portions of our collection & any extra seed that is offered will be fresh and very interesting! Come down and chat! Looking forward to meeting with you!
Contact Blake Hamilton: hamiltonrblake@gmail.com (and his crew of many elves!)
Brandon Community Garden network Coordinator
30. May 20th to May 26th 2016 (9-6 inc.)
Releasing My Extra Plants!
At Mandy’s Greenhouse.
Location: From Intersection Hwy. #12 & #44 (one mile East of the town of Tyndall, MB…on Hwy #44) travel North on Gravel ONLY 1 mile. Stop and then turn right (East) and travel 1/2 mile. Slow down, as turnoff is the 1st driveway to your left (North). GH signs all along the way…and now you will see our long driveway.
31. February 23, 2017 @ 6:30
Speaker and Seed Exchange
Sponsored and Organized by the Woodmore Woman’s Institute’s Food Security Initiative
Held @ Rivernest, 27032 13N Roseau River in Roseau River, MB
Directions: On Hwy #59, 6 km south of Rosa. Turn west on road 13N (NB! if you get to the bridge at Roseau River you’ve gone too far. Janet’s place is the 5th driveway on your left #27032
Presentation will expose the wonders of those exciting “old time” vegetables by bringing some rare seeds to show and tell (world collection could be close to 26,000 plus) including a photo slide show. If participants already save seeds, they are encouraged to bring seeds to exchange. I (Mandy) will also have some door prizes available. Cost $10.00. Hope to see you there!
Contact: Janet Krocker @ 204-427-3524 or email woolkroe@mts.net for more info. on the event.
Or Call: Leiette Martens at the Red River Recreation to register: Office: (204) 373-2002 or Cell: (204) 304-0719 Email: redriverrec@emersonfranklin.com Register early as they may have limited room.
32. April 22, 2017 (9 am – 4 pm)
HORT DAY! ...an all day event…
Hosted by: the Westman Gardeners
Held @ the Central Community Club
529 – 4th Street
Brandon, Manitoba
Theme for the day: Miniature Gardening
Several Presentations will be offered, involving: 1) Stepables, 2) Mini Hostas, 3) Fairy Gardens and generally more “very grow-able” outside – 4) Alpine Plants! If the weather cooperates, I will attempt to bring some alpine plants along for eye candy! See you all there. Always a very exciting event!
Contact: Brenda Newton or Mary Peterson www.westmangardeners.ca for more info.
33. May 16th, Tuesday; May 23rd Tuesday and May 29th Monday, 2017 (all starting 7 p.m.)
“3 Gardening Workshops”
Held @ the TVCC (Tyndall Village Community Center)
69 Pierson Drive Tyndall, Manitoba
Hosted by the Brokenhead River Rec Commission
The topic of the 1st week… “Different Types of Garden Setups“. The topic of the second: Growing Fruit Trees: The topic of the 3rd…Saving Seeds. Hope to see you all there!
Contact Megan Leochko at 204-268-9266 (ext 3) for registration
34. April 28, 2018 Saturday All Day
Gardening Saturday
Held @ Canadian Mennonite University
500 Shaftesbury Blvd, Winnipeg, MB.
I will be Presenting my workshop: “Hints, Tips and Everyday Garden Growing Wisdom”! One of 12 offered…
Hope to see ya’all there!