Welcome to the wonderful world of Beans! Listed below is only a small sampling of what is readily available in the World of Heirloom Beans. Beans have been around for longer than any other heirloom vegetable ever recorded! Their healthy benefits to our diets and their low maintenance of care and storage make them an ideal vegetable for our lifestyle!
Please note: I, being a crazy bean hunter, have too many varieties in my inventory. Because I have essentially “retired” from, I will not be accepting any more bean donations. Thank you! (But that doesn’t mean….I can’t look!…)
ALSO…I have taken time to photograph many BEANS in my collection. Please check them out in our PHOTO ALBUM and on FLICKR (just type in this website’s name…) Nature’s hand in it, make them TRUE WORKS of ART!
This section will remain for educational purposes. Will continue growing BEANS on a “hobby” basis.
Occasionally we may have “EXTRA” seed. These will be marked below. If no price marked...then it is “N/A”.
In all fairness, as a collector, I will NOT be filling more than 1 Pkt. of any variety & ONLY of those where I have extras. I maintain a very low inventory and don’t want to lose some varieties because I didn’t hold back enough. Also, never ask me to offer a mixed formulation (within a packet) of these, as I am, first & foremost, a heirloom purist, taking my role, (in this world of disappearing varieties) very seriously!…Mandy Botincan
- 1000:1 bush – A very pretty Navy Runner wee bean variety coming in a variety of colors on a white back ground.
- Agate Soybean – a New Mexico heirloom. Introduced to the US from Sapporo, Japan in 1929(S.S.Ex.) One of my favorites as it will out produce itself. Beautiful bi-colored seeds are small, olive green with dark greenish brown painted half on its inside curves. 60-75 days for fresh eating.
- Appaloosa bush – Plants offer up long slim pods. The long narrow beans that are white at one end and brown/black mottling at the other end. 65-100 days
- Amarillo del Norte bush – Rec’d this variety while vacationing in Mexico! This is the ‘worker bee” of the native Mexican house wives! Just like its name, its has variations of darker and lighter yellow.
- American/Italian Dwarf Hort. bush – (aka Taylor Hort. Dwarf) Listed in 1904 by E. E. Evans Seed Co. catalog as originating from West Branch, M.I. Here is a nice compact form of the original. Pods are thick, flattish, lite green and about 5″ long. Seeds are very beautiful… cream/pink/beige base with reddish burgundy specks and splashes. A few are solid red/burgundy. They are chubby, oval and thick. When fresh, look like common green shell beans. As the name implies, a nice dwarf variety that is very productive! Despite their small size, they finish in about 90-100 days. Pkt…$3.00
- Anakin Kuvalii Giant pole – Wow! What huge beans and what a heavy producer! I will be posting photos of many varieties that I will be offering…
- Anasazi bush – the burgundy and white “Cave Bean”. Limited Pkt…SOLD OUT!
- Arikara Yellow bush – Seeds were orig. obtained from the Arikara tribe of North Dakota & intro. into Oscar Will’s 1915 “Pioneer Indian Collection of Seeds”. Prolific plants produce these yellow/tan-shaded seeds. Excellent for dry cooking use and will tolerate hot dry summer conditions well.
- Aztec Red Kidney bush – Originated in Peru. The Aztec & Incas valued beans so highly, they used them to pay tribute to their gods. Indian traders introduced them to Central and South America. Spanish Explorers, on their return from the Americas, brought these back with them to Europe. The largest kidney bean that I have seen! Plants were also the largest bush types growing this summer. Production was equally great, but later than most others. Pods were long, smooth and a pleasure to shell out. Each smooth, easy shelling pod bore 7 to 8 gi-normous deep burgundy red seeds, in a slightly curved “kidney” shape compared to other kidney types. (It has been said, phytohaemagglutinin, a lectin is common in bean varieties, but especially higher in Red Kidneys. Apparently cooking these beans at too low a temperature (slower cookers) is more lethal/toxic than eating raw beans!…Wikipedia – the Free Encyclopedia) 85-90 days
- Aztec Yellow (Fava) – Back for 2025! Obtained these from Jim and daughter Rachael Ternier few years ago. Just love the distinctive bright yellow these become! Flowers are pristine white and plants are huge and strong. Seeds are also fairly large. Limited…Pkt…$4.00
- Beurre de Rocquencourt bush – William W. Weaver has claimed this one (in his opinion…) to be one of the best “wax” types. Pods are very uniform with extra tender texture. Great in our colder regions and will tolerate adverse conditions better than most. “According to Mother Earth News...Takes its name from Rocquencourt, a town near Versailles. In the 19th & early 20th centuries Rocquencourt was famous for fine vegetables, so the name carried the connotation of high quality. The bean evolved locally through selection and became fully recognized as a commercial variety in the 1930’s”. A great tasting yellow, long pod bush variety, bearing intense kidney shaped glossy black seeds. Heavy producer on huge bushy plants.
- Big Red Kidney bush – Obtained this one from my seed collector/grower buddy Jim Ternier years ago. For some reason this year, this variety out grew, out produced and was larger than the Aztec Red Kidney! Why? I can’t answer that. But I will offer it and hope that you will experience more of the same. Pods were large & long, smooth when dry and easy to shell. Plants finished earlier than above as well.
- Black Coat Runner – New for 2025! Have NO IDEA where these came from! Suddenly showed up in my collection of “Mortgage Lifter White”. A form such as this, was reported back in the 1600th century by botanist Michael Titius of Germany in his Catalogues Plantarum. Flowers were deep scarlet and seeds a large ebony black. Heavy producer too. Will replant to see if it holds itself in place. Want to try it yourself? Pkt…SOLD OUT!
- Black Coco semi-runner – One of the very first cute beans I added to my collection. Just love these plump roundish jet black shiny seeds! Excellent for re-fried beans. Cooks down quickly. Heavy producer on taller 24″ plants. Pods are shorter but wide, bearing 4-5 seeds. 80-85 days
- Black Jet Soybean – said to be orig. from the USDA seed bank. History unknown. These have a great rich flavor and just barely finish in our climate at 95 days. Quite prolific plants with thin-skinned beans that are green when fresh and black when dry. Plants are under 2 feet tall.
- Black Kabuli garbanzo – Hey! We all know what chick peas are …right? Well… Garbango is just a fancy name for them. How would you like to try growing your own chick peas? Yes, they are essentially “peas” but so yummy. But you will need to grow quite a few as their pods bear (at the most) 3 seeds per. Watch out for chippies! Best planted in a raised bed…so they never get wind of them… Pkt…$3.50
- Black Russian (Fava) – I can’t believe I have never listed this wonder gorgeous variety! Have been growing it for almost 10 years! Tall strong cold weather resistant variety, with origins from Russia. Original seed obtained from a kind lady in Steinbach. As known, a big podded variety bearing deep black/purple fat seeds Pkt…SOLD OUT!
- Black Nightfall semi-runner – What a gorgeous grey/white and black finely splashed bean! A semi-runner that was one of my most prolific varieties of this past summer. Seeds are so cute! Pkt….SOLD OUT!
- Blauhilde pole – Back for 2025! One of the very first pole beans to finish and wow can it ever produce those gorgeous bright purple/blue pods! Seeds were those lovely pink/beige/lav flattish types. Pods offered close to 7-8 seeds per. Was a real treat to see it ahead of most bush bean varieties. Heavy producer for this summer! Pkt…$4.00
- Blooming Prairie bush – A Robert Lobitz original introduction. A very rare and exciting offering in the world of beans and very stable. Interesting coloration of seed, offering tons of lovely purple shading and fine speckling on beige/white background. Have been reelecting for more purple and its been working! Bushy plants are upright and more open than usual, holding pods well off the ground. Pods are slender, smooth and easy to shell, having 5-7 seeds per.. Heavy and reliable producer. Pkt…$4.00
- Blue Coco pole – Given to me by Katie in BC. Wow…another heavy producer of moderately long, flattish purple pods, bearing from 8 to 10 seeds per. Beans are a pretty beige colour and also slightly flat. Heavy producer having 4-5 pods per node! Pods are smooth and easy shell.
- Blue Lake bush – one of the most popular and longest remaining green varieties still around. Known for its reliable performance in almost any garden condition. A heavy yielder of smooth skinned, straight, round pods about 6″ long. Very tender and meaty. Highly recommended for canning or freezing. White seeds.
- Blue Jay bush – Originated with Russel Crow. ( longer history to follow…) Has been passed around quite a bit! Preserved, re-introduced & maintained by members of the Seeds of Diversity Canada, the SSEx. & Everdale Invir. Learning Canada in Ontario. Prolific for a short season variety! The seeds are gorgeous…a deep navy blue, mottled with tan markings. Am told does really well in cold wet weather! 60 days snap/90 days dry
- Blue Ribbon bush – A wonderful variety, offering pretty large purple streaked pods with a green base. Obtained from “bean crazy lady” Tammy Clements of Ontario. Beans are meaty textured, ? romano type, blue/black with cream splashes.
- Bosian pole – Back for 2025! From Bosnia. Wow…these vines ran all over the place. Stringless slightly flattened, pods are larger and longer than most, offering from 8-9 seeds per. Roundish raw seeds found to be very large and plump…perfect for quick steaming. Coloration is a pleasing combination of tan and whitish cream, covered with tons of black stripes and swirls. Easy shell pods are very plump, bearing 8-9 seeds. Heavy producer. Pkt…$4.00
- Brockton Horticultural pole – Intro. in 1885 by the Aaron Low Seed Co. who obtained the orig. seed from a vendor in Brockton, Massachusetts. HUGE reddish/beige/brown, over-stuffed “kidney-shaped” variety with a cranberry/horticultural bean pattern. Makes a great soup bean, but colors disappear when cooked. Pkt…$3.50
- Bumble Bee bush – Back for 2025! One of the largest heirloom BEAN SEED varieties (from Maine) I have ever seen and grown. Properly named, as these gorgeous chubby/oblong heavy seeds are mainly white with maroon/brown splashes near its “eye”. 16” plants are very productive, producing 5” long pods, each offering 3 to 5 large seeds. 85 to 98 days Pkt…$4.00
- Bunyard’s Exhibition Broad – Heritage variety intro. in the Victorian era before 1835. This English white “long-pod” can grow to 48″…so staking is advised in most gardens. Keep picking mature pods off to encourage further production. Fresh seeds are white when fresh, maturing to a light beige/brown when dry.
- Calypso bush – (aka Yin Yang) Just fell in love with this bean when I first laid my eyes on it. Originally from the Caribbean! The chubby round black and white seeds (occ. some will have a tiny black “eye”…) are produced in heavy abundance in medium length pods, with averages from 4-6 seeds per. Is of a dwarf bush habit…perfect for small gardens. Will perform well in almost any weather condition and soil. That’s how true heirlooms do it! 85 days dry
- Canada Bean – Obtained by my hubby while on a trip back to his homeland, Croatia this past summer. He said that the local markets where ever he went were loaded with these gorgeous beans. The locals also called them…”Canada Beans“! So he thought to maybe sneak some home! My Big Bean Man (& American friend) Russell Crow) has these listed as “Croatian Cranberry”. He named them that! They are identical! Wait when I tell him what they are really called! Will grow out next year to see how they compare to my others…
- Canadian Wild Goose runner – Another super pretty wee roundish variety with loads of white base and grey to black specks.
- Candy bush – Gorgeous large pink based with maroon stripes and swirls and “eye” ring. Plants are semi-runners and will twine modestly…so would suggest some support. A HUGE shell bean, bearing 5-6 seeds and one of my favorites to simply look at! 85 days. Pkt…$3.50
- Cannellini bush – A great true Italian heirloom favorite by every sense of the word! White seeds are a large kidney shape. Plants are moderately productive with long pods containing 5-7 seeds. Pods are semi-wrinkled, yet easy to shell. The saving grace is their taste! One of the most delicious meaty beans. And once dried, used for traditional minestrone soups and baked into many other Italian dishes. 85 days
- Cannellini runner/pole – Said to have come originally from Argentina. Gosh! These white jolly seeds are huge! (Not to be confused with other Lima bean varieties) Plants grow to 6 feet plus. Extremely popular with great chefs, because of their smooth texture and full bodied nutty flavor. 90 days
- Cappuccino Nano bush – lots of variation here. Will regrow out this summer to see if I get any stability. Gorgeous and colorful variety…bush type. In the meantime, if you want to experience a ton of variation, just for Shits & Giggles”, I’ll release a few for fun. Limited Pkt….SOLD OUT!
- Cherokee Trail of Tears pole – The ancestors of Dr. John Wyche from Hugo, OK. carried this bean over the infamous winter death march from Oct. 1838 to Mar. 1839 in the Smoky Mountains of Oklahoma leaving a trail of 4000 graves, later became known as “The Trail of Tears“. Flowers are a gorgeous violet and shiny jet black seeds come forth. Fresh pods are green. As pods mature, they turn to a dark purple when ripe/dry. 85 days
- Chinese Red Noodle OP- (aka Yard Long, aka Red Noodle Asparagus Bean) This variety is new to this area and is quite challenging to grow. Offers a stunning visual for the eyes when in full production, with 18-24″ long slender pods. Must be trellised as plants can reach 6 to 8 ft in height. Vines are vigorous, yet it is a reluctant climber! Pods are a deep scarlet/rose/burgundy with some purplish tones…just beautiful. Wish we had a long hot summer to enjoy a longer production as they won’t stop, once the heat is on! Can be steamed or stir-fried, as they are stringless and very tasty. Small brown seeds.
- Christmas Lima pole – (aka Large Speckled Calico, aka Giant Butter Bean) Dating back to 1840’s, used as a green shell Lima or as a dry bean. Prolific vines can climb from 9-10 feet, offering heavy yields. Large “quarter-sized” seed are richly “chestnut flavored”, with the texture of baked potatoes when smashed! Bears well in hot weather. Huge seeds…very beautiful! 75-90 days
- Cifrek pole – Exclusive to this GH! Obtained several years ago from my long time friend and gardening buddy Dragica Kukec of Winnipeg, MB. These very humble, large chubby, roundish black/purple beans had a hidden secret! Not only did I not know they were a pole variety…BUT they started growing all over the place, taking down my huge strong wire support with them 6 x’s! Their pods were not exactly long (9-10″) but BOY were they ever WIDE & flat (almost 2″) bearing huge bumps of 6 to 7 seeds! Perfect for fresh bean harvest for sure. Very rare! SOLD OUT!
- Coffee (Fava) – Was shared with me by Jim Ternier, who mentioned these beans came to him from the Prince Albert area. It is said that the smaller and darker the bean is, the more flavorful they are. Could have been used as a coffee substitute, when dried and ground. Pkt…$3.50
- Crimson Flowered (Fava) – According to Rebsie Fairholm (Daughter of the Soil) “…this variety was in danger of extinction, until an elderly lady from Kent donated them to the Heritage Seed Library in 1978…been grown by her market gardener father, who was given the seeds during his childhood years a century earlier.” Plants are not tall, about 3 ft. bearing rare dark red flowers. Was able to finish in our area. Rare! Pkt…$3.50
- Cunti Muni de los Yaquis bush – Another I received while in Mexico. A medium sized variety bearing lovely dark, lighter swirls on a while beige base.
- Dapple Grey bush – New for 2025! Oh, what a pretty and unusual colored variety! Half white, half grey/brown/tan toned distinct areas on roundish/oval seeds, complemented with a fair amount of spots and splashes. You just have to check this one out! A dry bush variety, being very productive and resistant to most adverse weather conditions. 87 days Pkt….$3.50
- Dedo’s Day/Night Reg. semi-runner – (aka ? Calypso Red) This variety was a favorite of my father-in-law, Steve Botincan, obtained from his homeland of Croatia over 40 years ago. Plants form semi-runner vines…about 3-5 feet. Green pods (excellent for fresh eating!) are quite thick, with red stripes on lite green/beige. Dry pod shells are wrinkled when dry…yet easy to shell out. Most carry about 4-5 seeds. Cute chubby oval white dipped on their sides in deep burgundy…with an occasional tiny spot to match. Can be eaten fresh shelled or cooked from dry.
- Dona Bobolink bush – Used as a dry shell bean mainly. However because the pods offer such large seeds within, I wouldn’t mind trying these in their fresh state as well.
- Dragon’s Tongue bush – (aka Merville de Piemonte, aka Horticultural Wax) This Dutch heirloom variety offers 6-8″ long flat, wide, stringless pods with pale greenish yellow color base and deep purple stripes running their length. Can be eaten fresh as a snap, shelled bean or dried & stored. Stripes disappear with cooking. Plants are high yielding and compact. Early
- Dutch Brown bush – Unknown history. Obtained from my friend Ruth M. Very distinctively colored amber/brown, “kidney-shaped”. These delicious beans make great additions to soups and for baking. Plants are very productive and great in short seasons. Have not tried to use as a snap, but have heard people using them so. About 80-95 days
- English Windsor Broad (Fava) – This one produces large long (7″) fleshy pods with glossy skin and flat brown seeds. Can be used as a green shell bean. Unlike peas, sow these only in warm soils in rows 18″ apart, with seeds 2-3″ apart from one another in the row. Pinch the tips of the plants after the first 4 to 5 flowers clusters appear, to set the pods. 70 days
- Flagg pole – (aka Skunk Bean, aka Chester) And what a pretty one it is! “Older” historical documentation found in 2007, may indicate this one originated with the Iroquois Indians. Gail Flagg of Fort Kent, Maine claims she received it from a farmer in the area of Chester, Vermont (…date and history unknown) In recent grow-outs, finished the earliest of all pole bean varieties. Flat large Lima-like beans with black and white stripes, streaks & flecks. Very productive, easy to shell and cooks up quickly. 80 days. Pkt…$3.50
- Flagrano Green Slicing bush – Pods are very easy to shell. Pods are very full, containing 8-10 green seeds in each. These French flageolet beans are quite flavorful. Great frozen, fresh or allowed to dry for winter use. Seeds are medium-sized, whitish green. Mid season producer.
- Forelle Fleiderfarben pole – Back for 2025! Obtained my seeds from Russ Crow. Very interesting variety offering shorter chubby wrinkled pods in heavy production. Comes in later in the season here, so should be planted quite early in the spring and protected from frosts. Beans are chubby roundish with exquisite coloration of black stripes and swirls on a “stone textured” medium to dark lavender. In my humble opinion, one of the prettiest pole varieties I’ve ever grown! Check these out! Pkt…$4.00
- Fordhock Lima – see #85
- Fountain Pitts Allan pole – Aw what a cutie! Seeds are semi-roundish black based with splashes of cream and off white. Heavy producer. Pkt…$4.00
- Fruhe Goldbohne bush – One of only a few true golden yellow coloured bush beans.
- Giele Waldbeantsja bush – (aka Frisian Yellow Forest) Used as a dry bean that, as its name implies, is grown in the forests of the Friesland province and along the border of Groningen. This province, locally called Fryslan, is located in the northern Netherlands and has its own officially recognized language. The bean is an old and somewhat forgotten variety that is slowly starting to be discovered once again. This variety of the common bean Yellow Forest beans are traditionally cooked with streaky smoked bacon, sometimes with the addition of a tablespoon of vinegar. It was also used in bean soup. Nowadays, they are often served with applesauce and fried onions as well.” c/o…Home/Ark of Taste/Netherlands. Seeds when fresh are some of the brightest straw yellow I know.
- Golden Lima bush – One of 1186 bean varieties given to the S.S.Ex. by John Withee and his Wanigan Association ( ? Abundant Life Seed Foundation) in 1981. Similar in appearance to Limas, BUT not a true Lima. Beautiful flattened golden semi-round seeds with dark pink striping. A dry bean with great flavor, vigorous vines and fantastic production. 80-90 days Limited! Pkt…$3.50
- Golden of Bacau pole – A waxy GOLDEN BUTTER YELLOW HUGE Romano type variety from Bacau of Romania. 7-8″ of stringless pods are quite large, semi-curled, offering 4-5 large greyish medium brown plump oblong seeds. In all of my trials….one of the heaviest producer and early at 65 days. Pkt…$3.50
- Golden Roma bush – A long time favorite of gardeners, cooks and chefs. The long, tender pods are nutty and delicious. Pods are quite large, flat and thick. A long season producer. White seeds. 58 days
- Golden Wax (M’s) bush – Yup! A top-notch staple of the regular garden! Delicious golden yellow straight pods are stringless with extra fine flavor. Plants are very bushy and if you keep the plants picked, you will have production right up till frost…if the weather stays fine! I have selected these out for a number of years. For reasons I do not know…my seeds have become slightly chubby in form…with no ill effect on performance. Seeds are white with brown patches on their inner aspects. 55 days for fresh pods.
- Good Mother Stallard pole – I can’t stop rolling these plump, nearly round beautiful seeds in my hands! Nature has developed offerings such as these and guaranteed no one cannot resist them! This vigorous heirloom was intro. to S. S. Ex. members by Glenn Drowns. Vines can reach 5-7ft. Pods offer up 3-5 seeds per. Plants are very tolerant of adverse weather. Roundish cute chubby seeds are deep burgundy with white and red swirls all over. Pkt…$3.50
- Grand Forks Soybean – That’s what we need…another cute soybean variety! Plants are quite short in stature, bearing pods with 2-3 seeds within. Seeds dry to a green and brown coloration. 80-90 days till dry.
- Grandma Nellie’s pole – (aka G. N’s Yellow Mushroom) As has been told by Tanya S., “Nellie Chernoff obtained these seeds from a Russian lady in 1952. Nellie grew them in Kamsask, Sask. until 1988, when her granddaughter Marge Mozelisky took over preserving them”. Pods are yellow & the seeds…brown. Their flavor, when cooked tastes a little like mushrooms! Strange but true as I found out. Pkt…$3.50
- Green Envy Soybean – Dev. By the late Prof. Elwyn M. Meader from the U. of New Hampshire. The upright 2 ft. stoutl plants bear an early prolific crop of bright green beans for fresh shelling or drying. Tan pubescence. Well established short season favorite. 75 days
- Green Flageolet Slicing bush – (aka ? Flambeau) Said to be a famous bean variety orig. from the south of France. Used in “cassoulets” and excellent with meats. Prized by chefs as they cook down easily into a nice white bean sauce. Fell in love with these ultra thin, ultra slim, smooth white/green tinted seeds! These little bushy plants pump out pods like there will be no tomorrow! The fresh pods are very slim and lite yellow. Once dry the beans want to “pop” right out of their frail shells, whether you are ready or not….very easy to shell. 80 days
- Grune Aus Den Karpaten pole – Translation: “Green from the Carpathians“. I told you I liked weird and wonderful varieties…right? Here is one of the greenest (like dried grass) podded varieties I have ever seen. Dry pod green! Plus…its seeds are ice green! Furthermore…a real heavy producer too! Just love it! Limited ! Pkt….$4.00
- Hanna Hank bush – Love the look of these seeds…grey elongated with charcoal brown swirls. Large pods bore 6 to 9 seeds per, 1/2″ wide and 7-8″ long, striped purple. Gently wrinkled when dry, yet easy to shell. Good production under less than ideal conditions.
- Hashuli pole – New for 2025! Another strange fat large bean type bearing half dark black/brown with half white. More info coming soon… Limited….$4.00
- Helda pole – European (an old Flemish Belgium variety) pole bean variety with giant Romano-type pods (about 10”/22cm long) that remain stringless throughout its season. Medium green, flattish pods with white seeds producing a rich, distinctively sweet, Romano flavor. To be grown on a trellis for the best yield. Place seed only in warm soils, after danger of frosts have passed. Space bunches (2-3) seeds about 30” apart …..OR in rows 10” apart.
- Henderson Bush Lima – Intro. (aka Wood’s Prolific Bush) in 1885 by T.W.Woods & Sons. The seeds were then sold to Peter Henderson of New York and renamed in 1887. (Now for another twist in this story!...) It is also said that in 1888 Peter Henderson & Co. offered $100.00 cash to the public if they could supply him with plants bearing the most pods in the shortest amount of growing time. Now did someone actually do this…(you be the judge) as their offspring might certainly be here! Dwarf bushy plants can be grown as regular bush beans. “A Vegetable Wonder” Henderson said. Early @ 71 days
- Herrenbohnli pole – Here is an outstanding producer of 100’s of pods as I have never seen yet! Pods are smallish (about 3″) but make up by producing on a mass scale, with 6 seeds per. on average. Beans are perfect roundish spheres in lovely pale shades of light dusty rose pink with a dark helium.
- Hidatsa Shield Figure pole – Actual history on this one seems to have originated not far from my home base. Grown and shared by the Hidatsa Indian tribe of North Dakota, said to have resided in the Missouri River Valley. According to the S.S.Ex., descriptions of “Shield Figure” exist in a Buffalo Bird Woman’s Garden book put out in 1987. The beautiful beans are as large as our “Bumble Bee”… gorgeous and plentifully produced.
- Hopi Pink bush – Not really sure what to make of this beautiful bean. Received as a light dusty pink, medium sized bean and it grew out in 3 different shades…ranging from light dusty pink to deep dark pink! Pods were large thick, smooth with 3-5 seeds per. Will post some pics soon in my Blog…”Mandy’s Mudroom“. Pkt.$3.50
- Horticultural (?French) bush – A semi-runner. Pods are chubby, offering large seeds that can be used in their fresh state. Have had this one for quite sometime and records are lacking. Amazingly seed saved from 1998 have germinated almost 100% this year and now have a descent amount to carry over without fear of loss. Will re-offer soon.
- Hutterite Soup bush – Received my first batch of these beans from my Oma Anna Rosner, over 50 years ago. I have been growing these ever since and never thought to offer them! History of the Hutterites originated in (1500’s) in Central Europe. After religious persecution, conformed under the beliefs of Jacob Hutter (anti.-war, anti.-violence and common ownership). The Hutterites became almost extinct in the 18th & 19th century. They immigrated to N.A. over 125 years ago, and have flourished, living in communes with an agricultural base. Colonies exist primarily in N.A., as well in Australia, Nigeria and Japan. As one of their heirloom varieties, these make excellent creamy white soup. Greenish yellow seeds have a distinctive grey ring around the “eye” hilum. Very productive and bushy plants! Super easy to shell when dry. Records show Will Bonsall offering these to the S.S.Ex., 1983 Yearbook. Dry at 85 days
- Ireland Creek Annie bush – An original English heirloom, later grown on the Ireland Creek Farm, in B.C. started pre-1930’s. This variety does well almost anywhere there is decent soil. Stocky 24″ plants produce abundant reliable yields under any weather condition. Pods are 5-6″ long, bearing longish/oval seeds of unusual color…yellow /tan when dry. Easy to shell. Flowers are an attractive pale pink. Very recommended.
- Jackson Wonder bush – One of the darkest and smallest seed, dark multi-colored limas I have grown. Very pretty.
- Jacob’s Cattle Gold bush – (aka Trout Gold, aka Jacob’s Gold) As was told to me, an out-cross of “Jacob’s Cattle” and “Paint”, stablized since 1990. I believe I have the original version of this variety (obtained over 6 years ago from S.S.Ex.), as it appears to be the closest in appearance to its cousins…more white than gold. Other varieties that I have sourced since then, have varied greatly and appear more like a gold “Palomino“. Plants are very productive and the dried pods are easy to shell. Pods contain between 5 to 6 seeds per.
- Jacob’s Cattle Reg. bush – (aka Trout Bean) One source says these first orig. from Germany. Another says…old timer from New England States, orig. cultivated by the Passamaquoddy Indians in Maine. Later obtained from the Wanigan Association’s seed collection. These large white and maroon mottled beans have a long history for being a staple of hearty soups. Now mentioning those 2 colours: I have seen this one swing widely from more maroon than white and then, more white than maroon! Sometimes just moving it and planting it in another area, will result in complete changes!. BUT its the same bean and it drives me crazy, thinking I have not labeled one! The standard for baking beans…esp. Chili! An early HEAVY producing variety, very suitable for green pod steaming.
- Jacob’s Cattle (Wink’s) – Was discovered to not conform to its “kissing cousins”, all intents and purposes. Not typical kidney shaped but more roundish in the girth and still as long. Bears all the fancy patterns of vermilion deep red and white spotted and splashed. Pods are quite traditional but slightly chubbier.
- Jade bush – (aka Fort Portal Jade) This is a heirloom from Fort Portal. Completely different! c/o Our bean man...Russ Crow…Quote” Half Runner/Dry. …His seed sourced from a gardener in Groningen, Netherlands who obtained the bean from a fellow named Guy Dirix in Belgium. The beans origin is Fort Portal, Uganda. Originally discovered and named by an American seed and plant collector Joseph Simcox (The Botanical Explorer). Joe first arranged an initial shipment of a large quantity of seed of this bean for Richters Seeds, Canada. The local people in Uganda that had grown the variety simply called it a bean…” unquote. What a lovely shade of mysterious dusty dark green semi-roundish beans with a dark eyed hilum. Pods are smooth, easy shell, bearing chubby 4-6 seeds per. Plants are prolific, all on a lose bush form. Pkt…$3.50
- Jembo Polish pole – New for 2025! Wow! Huge flattish beans with a cream coloured base and large thick burgundy black swirls over. Lovely to look at! Will post some photos later. Limited Pkt…$4.00
- Jumbo Roma bush – Am told these are a cross between “Kentucky Wonder” & “Romano”. Couldn’t help but fall in love with this very pretty variety. (…see Photo Album) Plants (potential for semi-runner) are large and healthy. Longish ( 6 ½” to ? 10” stringless possible…) green pods were everywhere, loaded with gorgeous seeds that dry down to beige with dancing grey/brown swirls. Excellent producer, with wonderful flavor. 70 to 80 days
- Junin bush – According to a USDA. gov. doc., these were found to be from an Andean gene pool, wild common beans, from an area surrounding Junin, Peru. Russ Crow obtained his coll. from Astid Storm of Jevenstedt, Germany. Almost mistakened these for my “Theresa’s Pink Portugal“! Beautiful slender straight long pods offering 5 to 6 seeds per. Seeds are a bright dusty pink when fresh and slightly more full. Plants are heavy producers.
- Kabarika bush – Wow! Another gorgeous coloured variety, bearing lavender violet with creamy stripes and splashes! Said to have also originated in Kenya. Great all purpose, salads and soups. Pods are long with 5-6 seeds per.
- Kahl bush – Back for 2025! These look like testosterone infused “Hutterite Soup” beans! Chubby oval/round seeds are a soft yellow/lite green with a slate gray ring around the hilum. They are twice the size of Navy whites. These plump beans cook down into a creamy soup and their taste is mild enough for salads and baking. Plants are very productive. Obtained from my friend Ruth M. She tells me they are from the Ukraine. “Originally grown by the grandparents of Stella Kohut, who gave them to Carla Bush”. Great for short seasons. Pkt…$3.50
- Karachaganack (semi-runner) – Gorgeous colourful variety that you’d want in your collection!
- Kentucky Wonder Green pole – a heritage pole variety that produces small kidney-like meaty beans in pods that grow from 7″ to 9″ long. Green snap pods have a rich distinctive flavor and are stringless. Plants produce over a long growing season. Seeds are brown and are also delicious when dried. Seed Savers member say that “Taylor’s Guide to Heirloom Vegetables” dates it to 1850’s. 65-85 days
- Kentucky Wonder Wax Gold pole – Just like those listed above, but producing sweet yellow wax beans on a pole. Great for small spaces and “boxed gardens”.
- Keygold Wax bush – one of his earliest yellow wax bean varieties, says Jim Ternier of Sask. The short 16″ plants are totally covered with nice slender, straight and round pods. One can never have too many fresh yellow beans in the pot OR in the freezer. These indeed will freeze well. Very recommended. Keep’em coming by regular picking.
- Kilimanjaro Speckled bush – (aka Lyamungo) Ah…here is a very pretty “kidney” type….a large red/burgundy with cream speckles. S.S.Ex. say this one originated from a region within Tanzania and has been made famous by their Mount Kilimanjaro. The native Africans use this one in their soups, as they find it will not break down. Tasty!
- King of the Early bush – A variety that not only tolerates extreme weather, but offers up heavy production AND comes in early! Said to be orig. from a coll. belonging to Linwood Ware. When soaked, doubles in size….making it an excellent chili, refried, baking, soup AND salad bean! Beautiful rose and cream seeds.
- Koronis Purple bush – Interesting history! A gentleman, Robert (Henry) Lobitz from Paynesville, Minnesota, had a passion for beans and developed this wonderful variety. A devoted member of the Seed Savers Exchange…it appears that a dozen and more can be credited to him. Such varieties as: Alice Sunshine, Cedar Lake, Koronis, Three Sisters, Maggie’s Crescent, Purple Dove, Red Swan, Rose Creek Beauty, Purple Rain & Wadena. Furthermore, he developed one of my favorites…the “All Red” (aka Cranberry Red) Potato, releasing it in 1984! An early “tallish” bush variety (will ramble, benefits from some staking) offering gorgeous purple-pink blossoms maturing to 6 ½” long pods. Looks like a giant gorgeous Purple kidney bean. Nice! Pkt…$4.00
- Kuma Anna’s Charcoal Grey pole – Offered exclusively by this greenhouse! My 2nd heaviest pole bean producer! Plants were aggressive (7 feet plus) and healthy. I found beautiful wide (cream with flecks & washes of hot deep rose or even plum…) & long 6”- 8” pods all over the place! See photos in “Mandy’s Mudroom” blogs. Everyone is a different shade and pattern! Especially great eating as young flat large pods which last a long time and as fresh shelled beans or saved for dry winter cooking. The seeds are unusual, roundish/oval, semi-flat, bluish/gray/tan brown and medium in size. 2023 was another prolific year for this variety! Given to me by my “Kuma Anna” who obtained them from her homeland in Croatia many, many years ago. Late season finisher. Pkt…$4.00
- Lazy Housewife pole – Any housewife found shelling out beans for long periods of time, can’t be too lazy! My take is that it made their lives a whole lot better, as these will shell out real easy. First listed in W. Atlee Burpee’s 1888 catalog…”We presume it derived its name which seems discourteous, from its immense productiveness, making it easy to gather”. Claimed to be the first completely stringless bean, brought to N.A. by German immigrants & intro. into catalogs around 1810…then one of the oldest documented varieties. Can be used as a shell bean or as a fresh green bean offering superb flavor. Produces till frost. 75 -80 days
- Lena Spraybash Fava – Rec’d from a lovely young couple of gardening friends from Brandon, MB in this past spring of 2016. Thank you! Was a very productive variety, occ. 2-3 pods per node! With up to 4 seeds per pod! Seeds are a rare light green/beige/grey coloration. Dried pods are smoother with less riblets running down them…
- Lilaschecke pole – (aka Lilac Flecked) Back for 2025! These beautiful seeds are chubby oval, half lilac & half white, with some flecks between. Pods are long, flat, stringless and bright yellow, which age to darker yellow bearing some red striping. Best eaten as a fresh snap, because the seeds are relatively small when young. Heavy Producer. Said to come from the German minority population of Siebenbuergen in Romania. Siebenbuergen is the German name for Transylvania. Another, Russ Crow mentions it as orig. from the Moravia region of the Czech republic. Pkt…$4.00
- Lina Sisco’s Bird Egg bush – These beans (according to the S.S.Ex…) were brought to Missouri by covered wagon in the late 1880’s by Lina’s grandmother. Lina (?) was one of 6 original members that started the Seed Savers Exchange, founded in 1975. Known as a horticultural bean in “cooking” circles. Best kept and used from its dry form. Seeds are very pretty…large tan colored base with red streaks. 80-85 days
- Littlefield Special bush – And special it is! Another one obtained from Ruth. Just love its large “kidney-shape” with varying splashes of black & white! Looking for all the world like little Holstein cows, AND heavy on the production, too! Grow-outs for 2011 produced a version of this bean with great amounts of black, more than white, than other years! Would weather conditions effect this or different soil conditions? Pkt…$3.50
- Logan Giant pole – Back for 2025! Long smooth dried pods are beige, bearing 7-8 seeds per. These large kidney shaped seeds appear quite unusual from many I’ve seen… Having a pale grey/beige base, then sprinkled heavily with grey charcoal spots and a thin orange line around the helium. Its been awhile but these certainly surprised me with a real nice crop, tho a little later in the season so will make note to sown as soon as possible in spring. Pkt…$4.00
- Macuzalito bush – Received from my friend Tammy C. (spring ’16) from Ontario. Local farmers residing in the higher elevations of the Honduras mountains wanted a bean that would finish on time in their region. A plant breeding program utilizing varieties from local heritage beans of the same area (in collaboration with these same local farmers) was started in 2000 to do just that. Just 4 years later (in 2004) this bean was released and it was named after the highest mtn. range in the region. Strange variety offering long slender pods with up to 10 seeds per. Plants come in all at once…and are early! Seeds are a bright dark red/burgundy, on the smaller side but crazy prolific!
- Magpie bush – (aka Superlative) Poss. intro. by Suttons in 1909 under the latter name. Could be of French orig. & before from Central America. Variety with large seeds that are patterned in an attractive black and white “splattered” design. Long thin (snap-able) pods grow greater than 6″, born on strong plants. Heavy producer shells easy. 65-90 days.
- Mahlathini Tongue of Fire bush – Different from the other “Tongue of Fire” that you might know…Originally from Tierra del Fuego, at the south end of S.A. Ohhhh….I fell so hard for this beautiful variety. Seeds are sooo big, chubby and gorgeous, having a grey stone look base, covered with black swirls, splashes and spots! Stringless pods are pure eye candy when fresh, showing vibrant green, set off with deep streaks of deep rose red! Plants bear heavily and are very strong. Grown by Mahlathini organics. Dry beans offer a nice creamy texture and excellent as baked beans. When fresh were huge…4-6 seeds per pod. My favorite for the year. Pkt….$4.00
- Maine bush – history still remains unknown. However a kind gentleman (Russell Crow…a real bean man!) is quite sure that the variety that I had listed as “Red Eye” is really this variety. Thank you kindly for your help! Seeds are white with minor golden brown splashes on their inner curved belly, around the hilum. (See pics in Photo Album) Regular bush type, offering loads of pods and yield. Does really well in our gardens here.70-80 days
- Maine Sunset bush – Gorgeous chubby kidney shaped seeds bearing lesser dark parts and splashes of burgundy red mixed with lighter and cream, contrasted against larger parts of pure white. Pods are stiff, smooth, offering usually 4 -5 large seeds. A lovely lose structured bush bean.
- Malawi Green semi-runner – Rec’d from Steven Smith in 2018. He said it is from Peru and is a rare semi-runner variety. Seeds as expected (…from its name…) are deep dark green! More inf. coming…
- Mandy’s “Coal & Cream” Mystery pole – I have NO CLUE where this one came from but that it was one of the heaviest producer (…pods and seeds consistent in shape, size and colour pattern) this summer ’21 that I have ever seen. Because there was SOOO much of it, I was convinced that it was a named variety from the new grow outs that I received from Russ Crow (BUT! I’d NEVER seen it before anywhere!) AND! I LOVE it! Here is YOUR opportunity to grow this out and (if it reverts??) tell me what you think!!
- Manitoba Brown Soybean – originating from USDA (Canada) Just love these little power packed medium-sized dull brown beans. Plants are 18″ to 24″ tall and one of my heaviest producer… with uniform sized pods. Great eaten fresh! 80 days
- Marconi bush – Obtained this one from Greta of Ontario. Wow! From all the bush varieties, this one pulled out all the stops for heaviest producer for 2012! Plants were relatively short, yet offering 6 to 14 pods per. Pods (with 4-5 large black roundish seeds) are short, chubby, smooth skinned and easy to shell. One of my favorite seeds to admire that summer. Early at 65 to 75 days
- Maria Zeller pole – Obtained from our Bean Man…Russell Crow, who says he received it from a grower in Leibenfels, Austria. Another larger thick, smooth podded, easy to shell variety bearing from 3 to 4 humongous seeds per pod. Seeds are gorgeous…mostly white, but contrasted with deep dark burgundy and pink spots. Pkt…4.00
- Mayan Red Podded bush – Wow such colour! Podded are red toned and seeds are deep red burgundy. Pkt…$3.50
- Mayflower pole – (aka Amish Knuttle, aka Colorado River Bean, aka Red Nightfall ) First records of orig. seed said to have arrived in America with the Pilgrims on the Mayflower in 1620. Pods are short, round and green when fresh and packed up tight with small oval/squarish white seeds with gorgeous maroon/red markings. Just find this one real cute and pretty! Prized for its great flavor with strings! 85-100 days
- Mbombo Green pole – New for 2025! Just loved shelling out these gentle smooth pods. Huge producer and yes the beans are a lovely green when dried…. Pkt….$4.00
- Molasses Face bush- (aka Yellow Eyed China, aka Steuben, aka Dot Eye) According to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln…may very well be the Boston baking bean famous for years in the US. A very old var. brought over from the East. Small bush form growing only to 18″. Pods are packed full with chubby cute white and golden/yellow brown beans when dried. 75-80 days
- Montezuma bush – (aka Red Mexican) Could this rare heirloom be traced to a time of the Spanish conquistadors invading the land of the last great Aztec Emperor Montezuma of Mexico, prior to its fall in1521. Remains of this great palace are presently being un-earthed in the heart of what is now known as Mexico City! Wonderful and super tasty, medium-sized roundish beans in a solid brick red color. Plants are very prolific, sprawling, small bush that perform better on drier soils. Great baking bean.
- Mortgage Lifter White pole – Holy Moly! Can this one ever produce those HUGE white beans! Said to have been developed by none other than M. C. “Radiator Charlie” Byles of Logan, West Virginia! Where have I heard that name before? Why…famous tomatoes “Mortgage Lifter’ AND ‘Radiator Charlie” (which I have…) had been named by/for him! Byles is said to have developed it in the early 1930’s ! Production was Out of this World! Highly recommend it for everyone’s garden. Pkt…$4.00
- Mrociumere bush – A real beauty from Kenya! One of my personal favorites. This is un-equally the prettiest bean I have ever grown! Elongated, smooth seeds have variations of purple and plum fine spots, on a light lavender base. They also have a heavy brown ring around the hilum, like “eye” make-up! (...see photos on Flickr) When I harvested and shelled them out (easy and smooth, bearing from 4 to 6 seeds per…), I re-checked the label 2 x’s, as the original “brownish” seeds I had received did not show their exquisite color. Production and health did not disappoint me. A keeper for my extensive collection! Photo above… Limited Pkt…$3.50
- Navy White bush – One of my all-time first and favorite little chubby white shell beans to grow since I was 6 years old! Great for “pork & beans”. Small plants bear tons of slender pods, just filled from end to end with beans. Early, prolific and super easy to shell. A must have for grand-kids, as they can simply “stomp” on them and they will fly in all directions. Then the hunt is on…to find all of the “escapees!” One word of advice: harvest these early when dried or they will…shatter all over! 75 days
- Neckar Konigin pole – (aka Neckar Queen) Possibly originated from an area within the Neckar Valley (…now known for its densely populated industrial business area ) through which runs the famous Neckar River (367 km) a major tributary of the great Rhine…located in S.W. part of Germany. This area is famous for several historical castles like the Hornberg & Guttenberg castle! And what a Queen this variety is! My seed was given to me May 30th 2011, from our local dentist, Chris Kiazyk, from Beausejour, Manitoba. He was quite excited about the virtues of this bean. And so while I quietly listened that day, it wasn’t until I grew them out did I realize what he was talking about. I planted only 14 of his seeds. That fall I had a pound of dry seeds (…beside those fresh green pods that we had eaten!) Those pods grew 12” long and ½” round, bearing no less than 10 + seeds each! That’s Manitoba grown! The white seeds are also quite long as well. Pods were somewhat wrinkled, yet easy to shell. Plants went crazy, growing to 8 feet, up and down my posts and wire, where in some cases, I could not find the posts! Production was the highest I have ever seen on a pole variety. Pods started forming earlier than all others and continued all season long. What a production! 72 days Limited! SOLD OUT!
- Neckargold pole – Back for 2025! Another “sister” variety from the above famous region. The Neckar is a 362 kilometer river in Germany and a major tributary of the Rhine. Therefore the Neckar region was very fruitful, offering a wide varieties of grains, including beans. These vigorous plants offer a multitude of tender flat stringless, bright yellow 10-12″ pods with pods offering 9-10 seeds each! A perfect “sister” to the one listed above… Pkt…$4.00
- Nez Perce bush – found growing in Northern Idaho in the 1930′s, possibly obtained from the Nez Perce Indians. Plants offer fast maturing pods of dry bush beans that are a pretty yellow/tan/brown. 5-6 seeds per pod. Great in short growing areas. 60 days
- October pole – Gorgeous large kidney like beans with tan base and plenty of red/burgundy stripes and splashes. Vines are aggressive and loaded with lots of long green pods, right till frost.
- Odawa Indian pole – Semi-vining form with large leaves, white flowers & large pods. Grown by the Wright family for 3 generations after receiving the seeds from the Odawa Natives American tribe of Harbor Springs, MI.” c/o Ozark Seed Bank. Pods are moderately long and wide, bearing large oval half white, half beige with red/brown flecks. Excellent for soups from a dried bean.
- Old Homestead pole – (aka Kentucky Wonder pole) First recorded in 1864 in “The Country Gentleman” mag. under the name “Texas Pole“. Later in 1877, James J.H. Gregory & Sons intro. it under its present name “Kentucky Wonder Pole“…which has stuck to it ever since. An aggressive pole bean producing 6-8” green stringless pods, which when steamed have a distinctive pleasing nutty flavor. Peter Henderson claimed “This we regard as far ahead of any other green pole bean” in his catalog. Brown seeds. 55 days
- Old US Pinto – New for 2025! Finally a Pinto bean that is not only flat but deep dark red with brown/black swirls and spots! Gorgeous! Coming soon…! Limited! Sold out!
- Oma’s Speckled Green Snap bush – Obtained from my Oma (Anna Rosner’s) garden who brought them with her from Poland in the early 50’s. Has performed great for me with no end in production, producing longer than most other beans I have trialed. Can be used as fresh green pods. These dried beans have an similar resemblance to “Topcrop” released by Victory Seeds in 1950 (except black not brown)! Seeds appear slightly shorter than “Blue Jay”, but yet have the same black base, splashed with tan and cream. Some pods were found to have a smooth shell, yet others had “hard to open” wrinkled shells. I have separated these in the hopes of eventually eliminating the wrinkled ones. Both versions offered heavy crops, with 5 to 6 seeds in each pod. Pkt…$3.00
- Ojo de Cabre pole – (aka Eye of the Goat) Wow…another real pretty rare one, offering a roundish form with beige base and pretty brown swirl markings. Fresh seed is quite large and if streamed quickly, tastes delicious! Did I say it was my heaviest producer…this summer? Pkt…$4.00
- Orca bush – (aka Calypso or Ying Yang) …will be grown out in summer of 2025…
- Owl’s Head bush – Back for 2025! Owl’s Head (ME) may have derived its name from sailors who in 1759 observed the tall headland in the lighthouse area, thinking that it looked like the neck and head of an owl. Others feel the name is of Indian origin expressed in their language by the word “Mecadacut”, meaning “Owl’s Head”. Whether this bean obtained its name from here is unlikely. Said to be an out-cross “save” from SSEx member Will Bonsall of Maine. R Crow indicates it may have “stability” issues. None the less, it is a rare and unusual “visual” type and pretty enough for me, as I have no phobias from owls! Pkt…$3.50
- Painted Pony bush – A great dual purpose, distinctive N.A. original. Long thin pods are stringless. Great fresh for snap beans and even better for soups after drying…as they retain their pretty markings. Seeds are half light brown and half white, with the “border” between the 2 colors quite “feathered”…one into the other. Plants are very productive. 60-80 days. Pkt…SOLD OUT!
- Papa de Rola pole – (aka Dove’s Breast) Originally obtained from Africa via Allan Reynolds in 2012. A rare heirloom from Portugal. A versatile variety, offering wonderful, tasty green snap pods and later an excellent soup bean once dried. Pods are also large, slightly wrinkled, bearing on average from 4-6 seeds per. Round/oval seeds are very pretty having half white and half beige with dark reddish/burgundy stripes and swirls. The helium has a contrasting golden hue. A late season heavy producer, requiring early planting. Pkt…$4.00
- Pencil Podded Black Seeded Yellow Wax – Back for 2025! One of many gardener’s favourite’s as they keep producing all season as has done by us. Heavy producer of pencil thin bright yellow pods… Pkt…$3.00
- Pepa da Zapallo bush – (aka Tiger’s Eye) Originated from Chili or Argentina. Gorgeous large flattened “kidney shaped” seed that bear an ocher color with maroon swirls. Some seed is solid maroon with gold specks. Super stunning! Rich and creamy texture. A shell bean…great in re-fried beans or chili! Plants are very upright offering high yields. Pods are very easy to shell. No disease problems noted. 80 days Pkt…$3.50
- Phil’s Brown Seeded pole – New for 2025! Received these from my hubby’s friend, bragging how prolific they were and tasty. Indeed they were certainly productive considering I sowed only a few seeds! A pole bean bearing longish pods with 5-6 seeds per and when dry have a wavy ribbed appearance. Very easy to shell out in their dry form. Pkt…$3.50
- Piet’s Special pole – (…? Hennops Rivier version.) Here is another great producer of super long pods, over 11″, slender and slightly flattish. Seeds look similar to kidney beans, are white & more flat. Most pods offer close to 9 or 10 seeds! Orig. given to me by another crazy bean man Alan Reynolds of Africa, whose mission it was to save as many of the commercially grown beans of Africa, before they all became extinct! SOLD OUT!
- Pigeon Pea Bean – (aka Gandula Bean, aka Congo Pea ) Dates back at least 3500 years. Originates from Eastern part of India. From India, to East Africa & West Africa, crossing paths eventually with Europeans. The slave trade it would seem brought it back to N. A. (Wikipedia – the Free Encyclopedia) Now don’t tell me, you won’t try this one! (…see Photo Album) Can be grown as a perennial and will form a small bushy tree, lasting from 3 to 5 years. Or grow as an annual as pod production will drop off in later years. Very drought resistant. A healthy vegetable powerhouse! Best used in dry form and cooked. Offers a rich nutty flavor. Do not overcook as it will turn too mushy.
- Piros Fehrer semi-runner – Noted to be a Hungarian heirloom. Chubby smooth pods bearing 3-5 seeds. Gosh…love these super ?red on white/?white on red beans! Plants were prolific even for the few I planted. Obtained from my friend Tammy Clements.
- Pisarecka Zlutoluske bush – Originated in Hungary! Here is an early maturing variety that appears to have some cold tolerance. Bear in mind…this means you can pull these out as they mature all once and replant the same area with another crop type to go into the fall! Plants are super productive, bearing yellow wax, roundish pods which have wonderful flavor whether young or more mature.
- Polish Pea bush – Here is a wee soup bean, very similar to my other Navy White variety, only smaller. 1/2 Runner. Limited! Pkt…$3.50
- Poroto Huancabamba bush – Rec’d from the esteemed Steven Smith in 2018. He says it is from Ecuador and therefore very rare. Unusual beans bearing a dark dusty rose base with few cream stripes. Will continue to grow it out so that I can return his gift!
- Potato Large White pole – I just love this variety! It is without a doubt, the largest, chubbiest, coolest white bean in my collection! Green pods are 4 to 5” long and about 1” wide. Seeds are sooo shiny, oval and smooth, becoming mealy (creamy) when cooked. A trait favored by great chefs to make delicious soups and sauces. Dried pods will have from 2 to 4 seeds in each.
- Potato Fordhock #242 Lima – I obtained these from my friend Micki in Kansas and have found them to perform ever bit as good, if not better than most other Limas, that I have trialed here in Manitoba.
- Pretel Bean – Actually a bush form of Cowpea! Summer trials were not mature enough, as season was cut short by 3 weeks! Will be growing this one out (again) in summer of 2021! Check out its curled pod form! You will want this in your garden, even just for conversation! Limited Pkt…$4.00
- Provence bush – Have heard these originated in Africa, but are now grown in the U.S. Renamed the “Provence Bean” after the lavender fields of southern France. (I have a soft spot for unusual multi-toned and colorful beans…) Great in soups and side dishes because of their beautiful color, which is said to stay a while after cooking! Flavor is mild and texture is slightly firm. Pods are beautifully streaked in deep rose on cream. I have a sneaky suspicion these might be the same as “Mrocumiere” that I am offering above. Coloration is almost identical…but for now until garden trials next year, I will leave well enough alone.
- Provider Green Snap bush – Records say first introduced in South Carolina in 1965. This one will soon become one of your most reliable favorites. Its name says it all! “No-Holds-Bar” to weather, come rain, come shine. Tolerates cool soils and is resistant to many bean ills. This beautiful deep multi-toned slender violet/purple bean seed has a rich “beany” flavor when dry. Also snaps easily when fresh green. 6″ pods are all very even in length. Easy to grow when all else fails. 50 days
- Purple (Fava) OP – (aka Negreta) Strikingly beautiful seed…with deep burgundy/black/purple hues and tones. Makes excellent fine fresh shelling beans. It is unusual for a Fava to finish quite this early and this variety is an early one at 70 days. Pods are 6″ long with as many as 5 brite green beans within. Plants grow to 3 feet here. Flower tops could be considered a great asset in salads and are white.
- Purple Champion pole – A cultivar derived from wild forms around the Andes and in Mexico in ancient times.” These bear similar resemblance to some of the “purple podded” varieties I have in my collection, alto the pods are shorter and more slender. Another obtained from that “bean-aholic” Alan Reynolds of Africa. Plants are indeed heavy producers, bearing 3-4 pods per node. Pods are flattish, medium sized with 7-8 seeds per. Seeds are oval, chubby, flattish, beige/pink…encased in brilliant deep purple pods.
- Purple Podded pole – Heirloom from the Ozark gardens of Henry Fields in 1930. Plants (in 2012) climbed to 10 ft! Tried to attack the tomatoes growing nearby! My heaviest producer this season, right till freeze up. The deep luminescent long slim purple pods are meaty & stringless, and when steamed, turn from their gorgeous color to green! Dried smooth pods remain dusky purple and offer at least 10 seeds per. Seeds are cream beige, flattish, with occasional tones of pink or mauve showing. Nice! 78 days.
- Purple Prince bush – Wow the very prettiest bright blue purple bean I’ve ever grown! More info later… Pkt…SOLD OUT!
- Purple Queen Snap bush – (aka Reine des Purpres) Said to come from Freme de Saint-Marthe, a small organic seed company in France. A French “mangetout”(eat-all) snap type. Old standard heritage bush variety popping out loads of easy to find and pick glossy, semi round, semi flat, gorgeous purple from 6” to 7” long pods on upright 15” to 20” plants! Flowers are a deep violet/purple. Beans have a tender texture and delicious taste. Buff colored slender seeds.
- Quintas White pole – This one was given to me by an old avid gardening friend in 2010, Victor Cicansky (a ceramic sculptor artist/instructor from Regina, Sask., whose very works feature garden vegetables!) I hadn’t a chance to grow it out till this year and was very pleasantly surprised. From just few seeds, the production was much like “Neckar Konigin Gold“. The seeds are identically white, but then pods were super long (11 1/2” long), flat and wide. A lovely light yellow. Production was unbelievable! It patiently waited till the hot dry summer was over and then it came in with vengeance! I will certainly be keeping this one around for a while longer. Rare and very hard to find.
- Ram’s Horn pole – Back for 2025! Holy Moly! Here was a variety that ALSO took over its area where (I thought) I had confined it to! A heaviest producer! I thought it would produce much like Hanna Hank…not a chance. Pods were at least 12″ long, thickish and round. Seeds were quite large (curved kidney like) with grey “pebblestone” base and black swirls. Very pretty! Pkt…$4.00
- Red Calico Lima – New for 2025! Just as its name says: Tons of darker red/black flecks dis-pursed over each deep red flattish seed. So pretty! Pods are typical flattish lima types bearing from 2-4 seeds per. Limited…Pkt…$4.00
- Red Peanut bush – It is called the Peanut for a reason, because it looks exactly like small Spanish peanuts! Wow! What a fantastic little bean! What it lacks in size…it makes up for in production. I had so many pods (the pods are a pretty red before they start to dry…) per plant and there were so many beans in each slim pod that I was amazed! The only challenge were the pods, which I recall were quite wrinkly and you know what that means. (Maybe this is one for the kid’s feet stomping games!?) Germination exceeds expectations in almost any weather condition. 80 days dry
- Red Swan bush – Another gorgeous variety bearing rare rose/lavender pods and beige seeds. Very prolific variety where beans are very flavorful with a meaty fresh texture.
- Red Valentine bush – From my “beany friend” Tammy Clements. She said it was her highest producer in 2019 and great as a snap too. A historical variety, …returning to NA during the 1830’s (from where hence it originated! ) “…being donated to John Withee’s Wanigan bean network in 1970, by Dorotha Shortridge …c/o Russell Crow“. Russ’s appear more oval (could his be the very original?) and mine more elongated…but coloration (…a wonderful cream to deep rose base, splashed with deep/pink and cream ) is the same…humm
- Refugee Navy Runner – A really cool little bean with a beige base and flecked totally with brown/burgundy spots all over. Heavy producer in our gardens. More info. coming… Pkt…$3.00
- Remus Green slicer bush – History unknown. According to Jim Ternier, he likes the “holding pod high” form of this green slicing variety. This is always a bonus in the event of heavier than usual summer rains. Production is great and it will come in mid-season and produce for most of the summer, if kept well feed!
- Rocdor Yellow slicer bush – (? dev. in Williamette Valley) There appear to be 2 varieties under this name. (Both totally opposite of each other!) This one offers up very productive plants. Glossy yellow pods are slightly waxy, with superior texture, flavor & meaty with no watery after taste! Pods will grow to 6″ long, slender and straight. Blooms are whitish pink. Smaller plants are bushy, holding their pods well up. Black seeded var. Easy to pick. Early 55-70 days
- Roma II – Super heavy (and highest) producer for me this summer! Large 4″-5″ flat wide green pods. Has great beany flavor…very tasty & tender. Fresh white beans are also quite large. Plants are extremely weather tolerant. Pkt…$3.50
- Royal Burgundy bush – Dark purple/burgundy pencil-shaped pods are slightly curved, smooth, 6″-7″ long and are produced with much abandonment! Tall 18-24″ plants can handle cool weather as well. A snap bean variety. Seeds are buff/brown/buckskin. Will turn green when steamed or cooked. 55 days
- Ruckle White bush – here is a beautiful smooth, translucent white large kidney bean variety. Their mild sweet flavor is great for soups and baking. A great color accent in salads as well.
- Sacre Bleu pole! – New for 2025! Oh my Gosh! My utmost fav of this summer, bearing “easy to shell” pods, offering the most gorgeous royal dark blue seed I have ever seen! Plants grow out these smaller kidney shaped beans, on vigorous vines with soft pink flowers! As history speaks: Obtained by Lisa Bloodnick, in a seed trade with a German gardener friend, who had them labelled as “Dwarf Blue”. SHE in turn, took YEARS to “stabilize” (aka tons of re-selecting) them to a uniform colour and form (2018). They were then introduced by the Experimental Farm Network in 2020. Lisa and her husband Brenden run a horse-powered market farm in Apalalachin, NY and is involved in many seed saving projects. Thank you Lisa! Pkt….$4.00
- Sadie’s Horse Bean pole – A wonderful unusual runner bean, so unique that no one could possibly resist it! Having grown it for the last 2 years, I love the color mixes, as found no where else. As was told to me…been growing in the same family for over 100 years. This var. offers a collection of colors: mottled & striped cream on brown, mottled & striped lavender and dark violet, pure white, 2 toned purple and violet, mottled & striped brown on cream, pink on purple striped & splashed and a few others thrown in! The flowers also vary on the growing plants from white to scarlet and all colors in between. The pods and the seeds are huge! When I shell these out dry, I feel like I am in a candy store opening a cool present for the first time! This summer, its production went nuts, causing the entire supported row to tumble over! Vigorous and productive. Seed early…100 days Pkt…$4.00
- Scarlet Beauty pole – What a huge kidney bean variety but with dark red/burgundy and pink splashes. More info coming… Pkt…$4.00
- Scarlet Runner Red pole – Another old reliable that has been dancing in gardens for longer than I can remember. Used by the Native Indians of N. A. Vines are vigorous…growing to 10 ft. Flrs. are scarlet. Fresh green pods and fresh green beans are very tasty when steamed. Dried seeds are also huge…traditional purple, lavender and black. 80 days
- Slender Yellow Wax bush – A fresh eating golden/yellow variety offering slender, straight 5-6″ long slim pods. Very tolerant of hot summers (if properly mulched and hydrated) and said to be disease resistant. Make successive sowing for longer harvests as these come in very early at 50 to 60 days. Pkt…$3.00
- Snowcap pole – (aka ? Porcelain) When I saw this one for the first time, I was in heaven. Large seeds are “kidney-shaped”…yet plumper. Someone painted them half pure white and half tan/gold with tiny brick red specks and stripes in it. The plants were very vigorous and productive, but did not attain the height everyone is crowing about! The dried 6-7” pods are easy to shell. Color stays when cooked. 80 days
- Soldier bush – (aka Johnson Bean) Very popular in the US as a delicious soup and baking bean. Plants are very productive. The long large pods offer tons of beans (6 at least) and are easy to shell. Seeds are the traditional large white kidney with a burgundy large “soldier” mark at the hilum. This pattern will stay put in cooking. A New England heirloom and favorite. Another of my original favorites. Very reliable even in drought! 85 days dry.
- Solwezi (Zambia) bush – Back for 2025! Obtained this one from Allan R. from Africa in 2012. For those wanting that lovely rare coloration that “Mrocumiere” offers…here is the perfect substitute! Seeds are only slightly smaller, but its production is great! Seeds are a deep fine spotted lavender over creamish white. Pods are also smooth, long offering 5-6 seeds per pod. Easy shell. Pkt…$4.00
- Spanish Tolosna bush – (aka Tolosana Bean, aka The Prince) A very rare unknown bush variety in N.A. and currently not preserved in any seed banks. “In a small mountain town of Tolosa, Spain, 30 minutes from San Sebastian, a ? 3 day Bean Festival takes place on the third weekend of November. A group calling themselves the “Brotherhood of Beans” produce massive vats of a Tolosa bean variety & distributes them proudly through the town. The event includes cooking competitions, prize bean auctions, street performances and concerts.” Does our variety come from this region? Some say, early Spanish missionaries carried this one around with them on their long journeys…travelling from the Old World to the New. A kidney bean with creamy texture, yet holding their shape once cooked. Dried seeds are very beautiful…offering heavy splashes & swirls of deep red/burgundy mixed with pinkish/beige. Suggested great in seafood dishes.
- Speckled Bay (Algonquin) bush – obtained from friend Ruth M. She tells me she received them from Paul Neufeld of Vancouver, B.C. Plants are compact and very productive for a horticultural bean. Seeds are light cream/beige/pink with maroon spots and stripes. Some seeds are maroon with cream spots. Best saved for & eaten in winter. 85 days
- Sunset Runner pole – Finally! I have added another very pretty variety of this family. Could not resist the gorgeous pastel pinkish/salmon (my favorite color…) flowers of this one. Very strong tall vines produce a terrific load of pods for freezing and fresh eating. Can be used as an ornamental as well in your unique flower garden. 78 days
- Steeves’ Caseknife pole – According to Tanya of H. H. Seeds “…she obtained seeds from Jan Steeves-Cuvelier. Variety originated in Albert County, New Brunswick. Was grown by the Steeves family for 3 generations. More info. available…” In trials, obtained great crops, was earliest of all pole types, 5ft.. Pods were semi-wrinkled, yet flattish, 7″ x 3/4″ bearing 8 seeds per. An extremely rare and delicious bean, according to all who have tried them. 100 days
- Straight & Narrow bush – A gourmet slender and fine textured green bean variety. Growers find it slow to ripen (to produce seeds within…) Yet once visible, ready for drying in less than 60 days. A long season producer and excellent for French filet recipes and freezing. Seeds are small, slender and white…like white rice! 53 days Limited
- Stringless Green Pod bush – Back for 2025! Seeds are brown. A standard for the freezing and canning gardener for over 60 years. Plants hold green, round & slender pods high naturally. Production is outstanding and over a long period of time if kept picked off. Edible pods at 50-54 days. 89 days for dry. Pkt…$3.00
- Sulfur bush – (aka Golden Cranberry, aka Yellow Egg Bean, aka Canada Yellow, aka China Yellow) “Fearing Burr recognized two varieties, the Golden Cranberry and the Canada Yellow. They are considered synonyms by Beans of New York (Hedrick 1931), but Canada Yellow comes closest to matching the Sulphur Bean of Seeds Blüm, the most authentic strain…” c/o William Woys Weaver. He goes on to mention there being a small pink ring around the hilum for the China Yellow and the Golden Cranberry having a green helium. An old heirloom of the southern states, famous as a “stewing” bean, cooking down to a thick consistency. Short bushy plants offer dusty pink flowers and tan yellow fresh seeds. Limited Pkt…$3.50
- Syrian Fire – More info. coming… Holu…what dramatic colouration of seed. And they are huge too. Releasing only a few packets this year… Limited Pkt…$4.00
- Tamila pole – According to Andrew Still (2009)…”known as a pole variety that may have some bush plants. Orig. in the village of Kostilnyky, Western Ukraine…orig. from the Heritage Seed Library UK”. A very pretty oval/roundish hot pink based bean with dark red splashes and spots. Pods usually 5″ long and slightly chubby. Used as a dry bean. Another one of my “favs” for 2015! Pkt…$3.50
- Tanya Pink Snap Pod bush – According to those in the “know”…Salt Spring Seeds (Dan Jason) developed and stabilized this one from a sport of “Sequoia” in 1999. Large flat pods are pink and will reach 6″ in length. This variety offers an excellent snap bean, bearing 5 to 6 seeds per. Highly productive, despite weather adversity.
- Tarahumara Purple Star pole – Almost get any info. here…as the name had disappeared from the garden! Finally looked at a small jar of this variety and remembered selecting only 5 seeds (those offering only black “lacing”) The beans being only 3 years by me, were dark beyond dark! Orig. from Native Seeds ’12 said to be from central and southern Tarahumara country in Chihuahua. Another heavy production. Dry bean type, offering a beige base with purple/black netting starting from its hilum. Rare!
- Tavera Green Slicer bush – a green fillet bean, not as old as the other beans in our collection. Like it for its very slender (4″-5″) green pods which should be picked every 2 days. Not rec. for freezing or canning as the grain is too fine textured. Best as a stir-fry and thrown in salads. 53 days
- Tepary Beans – desert bean variety from the American southwest. Drought tolerant and likes cool summers. Plants sprawl, producing short slim pods and small leaves. A smaller bean variety than regular beans, yet more prolific.
- (Theresa’s) Pink Portugal Kidney bush – I received this one from Theresa Moniz (orig. from Garson, MB) while still working with her in 1998. She said it was brought over from Portugal many years previously, via her family. For many years, it sat in a wee glass jar on a shelf in my cold storage room. In 2010, I decided to sow some out. Imagine my surprise (…believing that all kidney beans were either deep red or white ) that here was one that started out light pink AND stayed that way! Gorgeous! In the land of BEANS, pink is not a common color. Pkt…$3.50
- Thibodeau Du Comte Beauce bush – Said to be a Quebec heirloom variety. A beautiful “horticultural” looking type that appears to be on steroids! (…see Photo Album) Healthy plants offer long, straight, smooth, easy to shell dry pods all at once by season’s end. Flowers are deep rose pink. Seeds are “kidney like” in shape, bearing a light tan/beige base with large splashes and spots of the deepest brown/burgundy. Matures fairly early.
- Tiger’s Eye bush – (aka Pepa de Zapallo) See above…
- Tongue of Fire bush – (aka Tierra del Fuego, aka Horto) Have been told these were originally coll. from the native Indians of South America, in Tierra del Fuego. The young 6-7″ beige/maroon-streaked long pods & green beans can be eaten fresh just like Lima or whole as snap pods. The pretty colored dry beans are excellent for winter eating. Superior flavor & texture. Great frozen, steamed, cooked or canned. Heavy yields always. 75 days
- Topcrop bush – Bred by the USDA of Beltsville, Maryland. Intro. in 1947. (“Parentage is US 5 Refugee and Full Measure …c/o Russ Crow)” A long time famous green podded Snap bean, winner of the ASA award in 1950. Bushes are fairly large, holding their bounty well off the ground and very productive. What a strange colouration as seeds are an eye-catching medium Goldish brown with pretty cream splashes and spots! Said to be resistant to a number of diseases. Limited Pkt…$4.00
- Triomphe de F’Arcy bush – According to my friend Tammy, considered one of the best fresh green snap beans with great taste, texture and top quality. Pods are long, slender, bearing from 5-6 seeds and are pure eye candy, having purple streaks on a beige base. Seeds are a deep dark purple with cream/lavender streaks and splashes.
- True Red Cranberry pole – (aka Cranberry Red) “Records indicate it was in existence before 1690. Used by the Abnaki Indians and local woodmen who resided in the N E region of the U.S. This area later became part of the State of Maine. A gentleman, by the name of John Withee, after 11 years of searching, discovered it in the hands of a Mr. Taylor who had a farm in Steep Falls, Maine. It was said, he later offered some of this seed to the S.S.Ex. in 1981. Wow! My new favorite! Huge, huge gorgeous, perfectly round, deep maroon red “cranberry sized” beans. Plants are stocky, 6 ft. usually. Can handle cooler and shorter growing seasons better than most pole bean varieties. Pink flowers are gorgeous, offering up 5” pods, bearing 7 to 8 seeds and usually harvested at “shelly” stage or left to dry. Excellent flavor! 95 days.
- Turkey Craw pole – heirloom from Virginia, North Carolina & Tennessee. Original seeds said to have been found in a wild’s Turkey’s craw! (How true this is, is up to you…) Pods are stringless and over 6” long. Seeds are extremely attractive, multi-colored flecks of tan, brown and rose on beige cream background, corresponding with brown “eye” rings. Use as a snap or dry bean. Excellent canned or frozen. Originally from Wanigan Associate Collection, organized by the late John Withee. 80-100 days
- Ugandan Bantu bush – Very similar to our “Jade” bean, only offered in 2 different shades. One is a rare olive/grey and the other in a lovely dusty pink/purple. Both carry the dark eyed hilum that the “Jade” offers. A semi-runner and very prolific. Pods are shorter, yet very easy to shell. A wonderfully delicious variety. Rare.
- Ukrainian Comrades Snap bush – Original seed was said to be obtained from Peace Corp volunteers in Yalta Ukraine. Don’t know when or why these were put together. Have grown these out for some time and am finding that the black type is a faster, larger heavier producer than its orange “Comrade”. The black seeded also offers green pods (smooth when dry) while the orange seeded offer slim yellow pods, which were wrinkled, yet both were easy to shell when dry! (In recent grow-out trials, planted the orange separate and they performed much better, with less competition) Pods had from 4 to 6 seeds per. When I questioned my source about this partnership…she simply said “That’s why they are called Comrades! She continues to grow them as she received them” There have been wild reports that both colors can be seen in single pods, but I will digress from this notion, as both varieties are very distinctive, one from another. They might never cross! Definitely a multipurpose combination (having both green AND yellow fresh eating varieties) Useful for fresh eating & later for dry winter beans.
- Union pole – Wow what a producer! Gorgeous seeds of close to 5-6 per pod. The colour of golden brown on beige or vise versa. Pkt…$3.50
- Vaqueros bush – Original seed maybe from Mexico. (Any leads folks?) In my humble opinion, these are definitely not the same as its kissing cousin “Orca, Calypso” or “Yin Yang” ! Therefore will be maintain separately. Black and white seeds are slightly smaller and more oblong and flattish. (see Photo Album for both varieties) Patterns are super varied (…appear to be effected by soil ?ph conditions) without any defining black or white lines, combined with tons of splashes and dots, the ratios of each, appear to change from year to year. Plants are very productive and bushy. Gorgeous coloured seed! Pods bear 4 to 5 seeds per. Limited Pkt…$3.50
- Velour French Dwarf Purple bush – Really love these super fine, tiny slim dwarf plant variety. Considered a “filet” type (seeds are beige/mauve). Prolific plants start early …producing all season long till frost on a low bush profile.
- Venture Green Slicer bush – Most folk claim this one as their earliest green bean variety for a few years. Seem to be very reliable, no matter the weather. It is a Blue Lake type with long slim pods, excellent for freezing and canning due to extra texture. Plants have no problem producing enough for fresh eating and for later use. 55-60 days
- Vermont Cranberry bush – Old time Northern New England bean, known well before 1876. A very reliable and highly productive type. Pods are beautifully straight when dried and very easy to shell out. The pods are found to be bursting full with seeds. Dried beans have an excellent sweet flavor and are relished when cooked tender and tossed in salads or baked with. They are also very pretty…dusty pink with maroon/rose blotches and swirls and more oval/long. 78-90 days
- White Horticultural bush – Back for 2025! Obtained this one from Jim T. in Sask., who has been growing it a long time. Pods are about 7″, streaked with purple, bearing almost perfectly roundish pure white seeds when dried. They look like over-stuffed “Navy White” beans! Behaves more like a semi-runner type. Will produce until killing frost. Pkt…$3.50
- White Kidney bush – Some folks are saying this are the same as the Cannellini bush. I acquired these years before I was able to find the latter. A strong bush variety of great production, offering up smooth long, easy shelling longish beans. Many in the “health conscious world” are indicating the White Kidney beans contain an extract, an all-natural carb blocker that can reduce the absorption of carbohydrates and support weight loss. Is it worth a try?
- Yellow Round-pod Kidney bush – (aka Brittle Wax) Here are our everyday very useful tender, fleshy, slightly curved podded, creamy yellow, snap beans of olden times. Seeds are white with a chubby soldier like figure of brown/black around the hilum. Pkt…$3.00
- Mystery (MORE) Series – Back for 2025! I have a couple unusual varieties that do not conform to any listed above. Some are deep plum burgundy, gold amber, multi-toned, strange blacks, reddish, light pinks, etc. If you are willing to try something much different, “Out Crosses”, usually originating from pole types…then contact me and have some fun… My choice… Pkt…$3.50 per…