Kale has been proven to contain the most nutrients of all garden vegetables grown! (Check out postings on the website by organic and natural based health professionals…) Excellent for Kale chips and throwing some into baggies for a winter freeze with just a minimum of blanching.
Will remain online for educational purposes. Operating on a “hobby” basis.
Occasionally we may have “extra” seed. Pkts. marked below. If nothing marked…then it is “N/A”.
- Cabbage Flowering – an absolutely stunning member of the cabbage family with bright color combinations and wavy leaves. Colors are improved by cooler fall weather (or modest shading). Does best in fall sun and partial shade.
- Kale “Black Palm” – (aka Lucinato Kale, aka Toscano Kale, aka Nero di Toscana, aka Dinosaur Savoy, aka Black Palm Tree ) Pre. 1885. This variety is popular in Tuscany and central Italy for making fabulous soups and stews. An Italian heirloom with deep bluish-grey, deeply blistered leaves that are strap-like and grow up to 2 ft. long! Some call it a Savoy type. Some even call it a “leafy” cabbage! It appears that a few folk are split on the fact there might be several versions. Until I can grow out quite a few and notice this, I will remain convinced that this is one and the same considering they all came from Italy! A non-heading member of the cabbage family (kale) that is grown as a fall and winter crop (where possible) as it is very cold and frost tolerant. Leaves are sweeter & tender after a frost. (Will also tolerate heat)
- Kale “Dwarf Curled Scotch” – (aka Blue Curled Scotch) This heirloom variety originated in the Eastern Mediterranean’s cool weather areas. The intense frilly leaves and blue/green coloration are pleasant enough even for the flower garden. Early spring, cool weather, frosts and late falls all help intensify its flavor and color. This plant is known for rich minerals and vitamins, so necessary for today’s health . Excellent raw or steamed. 75 days
- Kale “Dwarf Siberian” – a tasty Russian variety that produces numerous frilly edged thick blue-green leaves. Top quality! Plants will only grow to 12-15” tall maximum. Leaves are sweet, tender and crunchy when exposed to any amount of frost. Top vegetable for a rich source of calcium, Iron & Vitamin A & C. Enjoy greens, fresh raw, boiled in soups, steamed or stir-fried. Plants enjoy full sun. Pick outer most leaves to encourage more growth. 55-70 days
- Kale Flowering Fringed – a very decorative kale semi-heading type (have heard of folks eating’em…) with stunning color combinations and very frilly leaves. This lovely mix contains pretty shades of pink, purple and white. Contrasts nicely with deep green outer leaves. Plants look like huge frilly flowers and are excellent as a border accent plant. A popular restaurant plate garnish. Perfect for lining bowls of potato salad and buffet tables either to eat or for display. Colors are improved by cooler fall weather. Best in full sun to partial shade. Showy.
- Kale “Red Bor” – I left this one out to “chill” as long as I could several years ago and could not believe how intense its color became! It actually turned purple/blue! (I could relate!) Known for its deep color, super frilly and curl, enhanced by cold weather. They say “for garnishing, not eating”!) Now they tell me! I thought I had to change over to my other “heavy duty chompers”! Actually the steamed version wasn’t bad at all…more fiber for the soup. 70 days
- Kale “Red Russian” – A tender colorful specialty for salads and mixes. Stems are purple/red. Leaves are deep gray/green with purple veins and modest waviness. Not so heavily curled & toothed as regular kale. Plants grow to 2 ft. tall and are cold tolerant. Once again, very rich in vitamins and mineral. A must have in your garden.
- Kale “Russian Frills” – Originally I thought this was the ornamental type listed above. Not so! Folks say this one was an old Oregon variety bred by Tim Peters, long ago and found being stored with Seedsman Peter Bauwens in Belgium. Actually has frills on top of frills and is a Red Russian super frilly type. The longer you grow it, the more frilly it becomes!
- Kale “Scarlet” – Plants have red veins, contrasted with purplish/deep red heavily frilled leaves. Found this one to turn way darker than most others after some frost arrived. Leaves too will become more tender and flavorful with frost. Plants will grow to 36″ if given room.
- Kale “Tronchuda” – (aka Portuguese Kale) An exciting addition to an already phenomenal group. [Leaves are large, flat, rounded, similar to Collars but larger with very prominent white veins. Said to be “Cosata” meaning ribbed….BC seeds] This variety is much more heat tolerant yet staying more tender like its cousin, the cabbage.
- Kale “White Russian” – Bred by plantsman Frank Morton. Form and height is much like the very popular “Red Russian“, with the same heavily serrated, frilly leaves, but contrasted instead with white mid veins and ribs. Frost sweetens its flavor and it is very tolerant of adverse weather and so a Siberian type should!
- Kohlrabi “Purple Vienna” – a pre. 1860 heirloom. An unusual vegetable that produces a swollen globe-like “bulb” with purple skin, just above the ground. These cabbage (mild) flavored “bulbs” are very delicious, when eaten raw or steamed. Its flesh is very crisp and white. Cold hardy variety was a popular staple of years ago. Hates the heat and will become woody if stressed in any capacity…even for lack of moisture. So…plant on the north side of anything tall and keep it hydrated! Pretty enough for the perennial flower bed. Contains moderate amounts of potassium and Vitamin C. Full sun. 60-65 days
- Kohlrabi “Superschmelz” – ( aka Kohlrabi Giant White ) Just when one thinks they have seen it all, along comes another, bigger and better than what you have! According to those who know (BC seeds) this variety can reach 10” across and weight in at 10 lbs! Am told flesh will remain tender and sweet far longer than most others. Lots of rich soil and moisture required. Well…we will see what our summers will do to this one!