About me
I am a self taught gardener (as are many of you…) I have a sincere love for all living/growing things be they animal or plant.
I had my first garden, when I was 6, carved out of a 4 ft. tall brome grass patch, a 4ft. by 6ft oval. My parents offered a corner of their garden, but their garden (chock full of that darn purslane…) was always cultivated over in the fall and that was not what I wanted! At the top, I planted a gooseberry shrub and to the south, all the vegetable seeds and plants that I could shove in! I also found an abandoned cold (?hot) frame behind the lilac shelter, that great grandpa had made many years before which grew some great shade plants.
As time passed (and I grew up…) I left the peaceful old farmstead and headed straight for the big city. I almost died! Eventually I married and no matter where we were, gardens of all kinds were a way of life, offering security and serenity. Not a year went by that I did not have one and make use of it!
I have experimented (and sometimes succeeded…LoL) with all types of manure, insects, diseases, fertilizers, soils and amendments. I have also grown quite a few house plants, namely African Violets and Streptocarpuses, then perennial flowers, raspberries, strawberries, fruit trees, grapes, a ton of lilies, peonies, roses, hostas, a “mega load” of heirloom vegetables and now FINALLY…in retirement: Alpine and Rock garden plants.
Add to that: I have succeeded to “Renovate” MY SIDE of the yard over 7 times! That means, moving rocks, making some paths, adding more rocks, sowing grass, adding some railway ties, bringing in (with a wheelbarrow) a ton of soil amendments, add more rocks, making raised beds, implementing tons of different mulch, creating and renovating more pathways and rock bedded waterways, creating big ponds and finally planting and moving stuff 100’s of times because it NEEDED IT! Oh my Gosh!
My greatest teachers have been, first and foremost, my parents and my grandparents. As I transgressed thru life, I met many like-minded garden folk from all walks of life, who in some form or other have influenced me and honored me with their knowledge and friendship. I have had the honor of learning so many things from so many. (…And still am…)
Presently we have 6 grandchildren (from our own 2…). They have been the light of our lives. We have so much to teach them.
I feel so blessed for all that I have. And I am grateful and honored to share what ever I know.