Brussel Sprouts
Designed for all the tall-ish gardeners amongst us! Members of this “healthy” group can reach 5 ft+ if properly looked after. So be prepared to offer some “support”!
Online for educational purposes. Operating on a “Hobby” basis.
Occasionally we may have “extra” seed. Pkts. marked below. If nothing marked…then it is “N/A”.
- Catskills – developed by Arthur White of Arkport, NY in 1941. A hardy dwarf form. Plants produce tasty, uniform sprouts. Grow plants in relatively cool soil. Very cold and extreme heat will stunt them. Could perhaps grow better as a fall crop. 75-85 days
- Long Island – an old reliable variety, growing to sometimes 3 to 4 ½ ft. tall. Prefers cold weather, so start acclimatizing early. When dark green, tight, round sprouts form, (late summer to early fall…) remove lower leaves to encourage more production. Great for freezing. Place in fertile…peat or compost soils. 80-100 days
- Rubin – Open pollinated! This one is listed as a heirloom! Where was it hiding? Grows only from 20-30″ tall. The gorgeous violet/rose/purple sprouts tuck themselves in nicely into violet/purple stems. The whole works is accented with blue/green/purple huge leaves. Harvest sprouts when they are only about 1″ to 1 1/2″ wide. What a show stopper! 75-80 days
- Falstaff Red – OP…also listed as a heirloom. Flavor is milder, with a hint of nuts…not so much like typical cabbage. However will require a longer growing season for its 125 days! By us…it went the full time and then some. Heat did not seem to bother it, other than delaying the development of its “head-letts.” Frost improves the flavor and deepens its color, which is already a deep purplish red.