There was something about the “Greens” in 2009, that I had not taken notice of in years previous. Their flavor was distinctive from any other “colored” tomato variety. Considering purely flavor, from ALL the tomato varieties I have trialed out, I find them to be my “all-around-flavor-favorites”! Their full-bodied sweetness reminds me of tropical fruit and if I can’t grow any tropical fruits here in Manitoba, then be dammed, I’m going to growing “Greens” every year of my life, for as long as I am able to grow tomatoes! Those swirling columns of insects in the garden over the “fruity greens” that late beautiful fall evening in 2009, were trying to tell me something then and I know now….they were right!
Will remain online for educational purposes. Operating on a “Hobby” basis.
Occasionally we may have “extra” seed. Pkts. marked below. If nothing marked...then it is “N/A”.
- Aunt Ruby’s German Green – Back for 2025! Released by Ruby Arnold of Greenville, Tennessee. She passed away in 1997. The original was from Germany. One of my first greens to grow out and I left it to sprawl out all over the place which it did! Plants are huge, capable of great production. The color, the first time I saw it…I was waiting for it to turn red! Well, when I took one in my hands, I felt it and they were starting to go over ripe…already very soft under the pressure of my fingers and still bright 2-tone GREEN! The flavor…well…I had to close my eyes…and then…WOW! What an experience! Sweet, spicy, tart and fruity like no black can match! The fruits are large over all, reaching 8oz to 1.5lbs. The texture is smooth. The skin is satiny smooth and the fruits, a flattened oval beefsteak. The color is hard to describe…neon green to lime green to amber to dark emerald green with pink tones in the inside. My favorite! Ind. 75-90 days Pkt….$3.00
- Chili Verde – When I 1st read the name, I thought I was reading about a pepper. Super unusual! From the first time you actually saw it, you would mistaken it for a green habanero pepper…it looks that good! The fruits ripen to green, with touches (dabs) of gold pinkish blush. Their skin feels like smooth satin and they are quite soft to the touch even when not quite ripe! It is a “paster”….surprise! Fruits are juicy and have a “tart and tangy” gorgeous flavor. Trials this summer saw this one reaching only 30″ in height. Production was modest. Gott’a have it! Ind. 80 days Pkt…$3.00
- Emerald Evergreen – A heirloom introduced by Glecklers Seedsmen in 1950. Medium to large fruits that stay “Evergreen” OR a lovely lime-green color. Flavor is outstanding….rich, and superbly fruity (yet tangy…) one of the best. Fruits are oblate and oblong. A very popular market variety. Plants are very productive. Has been sold for some time, via cans to some of the top stores in the US. Great fried or canned. Ind. 75-80 days Pkt…$3.00
- Frosted Green Doctors – One of the most popular small green varieties ever to hit the tomato scene. Known for its unusual look of frosted grapes, done by having a transparent icy looking epidermis. Said to be one of the heaviest producing cherries. 75 to 85 days
- Gobbstopper – Hummm… Why would anyone call these such a name?? I agree these need to be eaten by the handfuls…but “Gobbled” maybe! Gorgeous dusty lime green little balls of goodness. Heavy producer on 3 foot plants. Pkt….$3.00
- Green Bulgarian Striped – Obtained from old-time “tomato-holic” Peter Dyck of Winnipeg, Manitoba. He shared these seeds with me some years ago after a presentation that I did at their Charleswood Community Center on Roblin Blvd., Winnipeg, MB. in Jan. of 2009. Have since grown these out and find them quite different from other “greens” in my collection. A delicious, perfectly round (2.5″-3″) medium-sized var. that ripens green with fantastic yellow stripes. Is larger & less “limey” than Green Zebra, with a chewy texture and yummy sweet/tangy flavor. Fruit is very perishable, so needs to be staked and monitored for ripeness. However, its skin appears to be thicker than what I expected. Trusses will form of 5 to 8 fruits per. Plants grow to 32″ and fruit up well. Very little blight problem in 2009. Ind. 75-80 days Pkt…$3.00
- Green Giant – Back for 2025! Originally from Reinhard Kraft of Germany 2000.(…came from Canada) The original 2lber green tomato stole the show Aug 27th, @ the Cincinnati’s famous CHOPTAS Tomato Test Festival in 2005, taking “Best in Show”. On a flavor scale of 1 to 10…was a definite 10! Flavor is melon-like, complex and juicy. Fruits are deep green when ripe, with no amber to speak of. Flesh bears no pink tones. The grand oblate, smooth and “thin”-skinned beefsteaks produce 17-28oz sized fruits. Texture is meaty with very few seed cavities. The original was selected out of 30 other seeds (by this name…) and this was the only Potato-leafed plant in the lot! This variety as with most greens will not last long in their ripe stage. So, must be harvested quickly and stored in a cool place to extend their enjoyment. Ind. Some say…67-70 days Others say…90-100 days! (The latter could be right!) Pkt…$3.00
- Green Grapes – The original was bred by Tom Wagner, a US plant breeder from WA. by crossing “Yellow Pear” with “Evergreen” and released it in 1978. (Others say that it was developed by the Tater Mater Seed Co…one and the same?) Fruits are grape-shaped…3/4” to 1 ½” in length, ripening to an opaque yellow/green, 2-toned shading, with some streaking. Seeds are very small…but lots of them. Easy to harvest (yaaa!) Plants are vigorous, producing copious amounts of fruit. Flavor is remarkable! Fully complex, rich, sweet, acidic, mixed with old-fashioned tang. (I just love popping these into my mouth at any moments notice!) A real taste treat….just close your eyes. Plants are compact….3-4ft. Determinate 70 days Pkt…$3.00
- Green Moldovan – (aka Moldovan Green) Fruits are semi-flattened, and round, green-gold colored beefsteaks of 8-12 oz. Tomatoes are juicy and plants are extremely productive! In 2007, I noticed this one (much later, as its fruits blend so well with the foliage…) had put on such a production beside other “poorer-producing” varieties…that I almost felt over-whelmed! The color is different than any other green that I have seen…very, very pretty! Flavor is sugar and lime mixed. Flesh is lime-green, too. Ind. 80 days
- Green Pear – Plants of this variety grew to 6ft! Here is a very rare version of pear- shaped fruits of 2″ (or 2-3 oz.) Flavor is off the charts, a combination of fruity flavored flesh and “sweet acidic” juice. Color is a very pretty chartreuse (green/yellow) To see trusses loaded (mine had 30+) with tons ripe green pear like fruits, is a sight for sore eyes and hungry stomachs. Take care to not let these over ripen or you will have some fermented green wine on your hands! (…not complaining!) Ind. 85 days Pkt…$3.00
- Green Pineapple – This wonderful heirloom was preserved by a family from Springfield, Ohio. In plant trials of 2009, this variety was ever bit as large if not larger than any other “Green” that I posses. Its “owns” a distinctively pineapple aroma! The flavor blends rich and sweetness together! A “beef” with emerald green skin and a touch of yellow at the bottom blossom end. A special unique “fruity” (sweet complex flavor with a hint of spiciness…) aroma is released when you cut open the ripened fruits. Interiors have a chartreuse green appearance. Ind. 80 days
- Green Sausage – the latest “must-haves”! A stubby banana-shaped “paster” that is lime green inside and yellow/green outside (with dark green jagged stripes). Some photos show there to be red lines amid the yellow and the green! Fruits (1.5” x 3”) have a definite pointy tip on the blossom end. Flavor is rich, tangy and dry. Short “bushy” plants produce on 2ft. long vines. One of my healthiest and most productive Roma of 2011! Determinate 75 days
- Green Ukrainian – obtained this one as well, at a seed sale/exchange at Charleswood Community Center on Roblin Blvd. (Winnipeg, MB) in Jan. 2009. Cannot find any history on this one…will have to go back to their meeting place! Trialed in ’09 and found it to be a tasty “tomatoey” green. Fruits were med. to large in the classic green to amber colors. Plants smaller than usual. Ind. 78 days
- Green Velvet – here is the best green eye-candy you will ever experience! A very typical medium (6-8 oz) green beefsteak, when not ready. When ripe…..they receive a rich burnt orange overlay on an emerald green base. This gives the skin a velvet appearance! When cut open, flesh is a sparkling lime green and crunchy! Flavor is great (sweet with slight acidity) and the production, even better. Enormous yields. Makes great presentations in salads for special guests! Ind. 85 days Pkt…$3.00
- Greenwich – Back for 2025! Believed to have originated in Britain in early 1800’s. This one is kind of ugly in a very pretty sort of way! At a distance, you will see these luminous, perfectly round, yellow with green/gray overlaid beefsteaks. You can’t help but look at them……they possess a color not in the Webster Dictionary! When you slice them open, they are a vivid lime green. Their flavor is also unique…..fresh old-fashioned, with an amazing twist of lime. Fruits are approximately 6-10oz produced on plants with generous production. Seeing is believing! Ind. 70-85 days Pkt….$3.00
- Green Zebra – developed by Tom Wagner of Tater Mater Seeds in 1985. (…and so now we know the “rest” of the story!) A salad-makers delight! Meaty, chewy and lime and lemon striped! Ripen (2.5”-3”) fruits are perfect spheres of amber and dark green jagged lines and stripes, starting from blossom end to stem. Skin is tougher than tomatoes typically, yet velvet smooth. Flesh is thick (good keeper) and chewy. Flavor is unexpectedly acidic and zesty, with a hint of sweet tomato. A real taste experience! Plants are indeed very prolific! Vines grow from 3 to 5 ft. What is unusual, is how long a season this one has…loving cooler weather. A problem-fee tomato! Ind. 75-85 days Pkt…$3.00
- Lime Green Salad – developed by Tom Wagner (…he sure liked the greens!) Plants bloom with bouquet-type sprays, followed by loads of small to medium sized lime-green (olive) tomatoes. These change to amber with gentle green mottling. Fruits are full of juice, with a great tangy & spicy flavor. (One of my favs…) Flesh is dark lime-green inside. Another super heavy producer of “greens” in 2011. A compact 2 ft. high, rugose leafed plant, covered with multiple blooms. Very suitable for “pot” culture. One grower harvests the entire plant and hangs it upside down…“Fruits keeps for months in a cool dry room”. Det. 65 days Pkt…$3.00
- Malakhitovaya Shkatulka – (aka Malachite Box, aka Malachite Casket) Named after the beautiful green jewelry boxes that used to contain the malachite mineral that came from the Ural Mtns. and surrounding areas. (…c/o BC) Said to have originated from Tamara Yaschenko, Byisk, Altai Russia. Bred by the Russian Farm “Svetlana” and tested in Siberia. No wonder they gave it this name. These smooth skinned, medium sized beefsteaks are a sight to behold with a taste to match! Skin is a haunting light lemon/lime green, over washed with orange/gold. Shoulders are a darker green and fruits gets lighter toward the blossom tip end. People claim the flavor is unusual, like sweet melons! Fast becoming my next favorite tomato! Obtained this wonderful variety from a professional tomato addict…Ken Cook. Ind. 70 days Pkt…$3.00
- Prune Verde – Placed this one in my raised boxes where it preformed fantastically. Another wee plant with less than 2ft vines. Fruits are oval/elongated gorgeous lime and dark green, about 3-4oz. Very tasty and juicy. Pkt…$3.00
- Speers Tennessee Green – Holy Moly! Vines weren’t long (maybe about 3-4ft…) but the production was so much in line with all my “Greens“…Heavy! Wonderful beefsteaks of deliciousness, bearing Green flesh and chartreuse yellow/green shading on outside. Beauties… Pkt…$3.00
- Topaz – From China! These have been all the rage since they were introduced a few years ago. These are ball sized fruits of gorgeous yellow with green and white zigzag striping. Shown to have smatterings of flecks, spots and splashes as well. The fruits have an iridescent pearly glow to them. A heavy producer. NICE! Ind.
- Ulura Ochre – Originally given to me by Tammy C. from Ontario in 2016. Originally started by Patrina Nuska Small, as a cross between Orange Heirloom and Rosella Purple, who later shared it out for improvement, to members of the Dwarf Tomato Project for its final release in 2015! As a heirloom! It is a dwarf “tree type” with rugose lvs. Bearing medium to large sized gently convoluted (ruffled) flattish type fruits. Unique coloration of orange skinned with green/purple overtones…with some calling it their first black/orange. Flesh is also strange…having amber/orange/green tones. Fruits are quite tasty, but monitor for over-ripeness. This variety bears the OSSI pledge….as it must never be registered/owned by anyone and must remain free for sharing by everyone! Rare! Pkt…$4.00
- Xanadu Green Goddess – One of many received from that crazy tomato lady…Tammy! I JUST HAD TO TRY…this one too! Big mistake! Because I love it too! A medium to large crazy black/charcoal painted green weird tomato! Flattened beefsteak shape. You will want to wash it…but sorry it won’t come off! Fantastic producer that will start out later in the season and last right up to frost. Its yours…if you want??!! Pkt…$3.00