The very first “Yellow” tomato I started to grow in the 80’s was one called “Lemon Boy”, obtained at the time from Dominion Seeds. For me then, this color was a novel experience. Honestly I must say, being an “old fashioned tomato flavor lover” the taste of that one was less than impressive. It took the likes of a huge Bi-color “Striped German“, many years later, to throw me totally in the opposite direction! NO! Yellow tomatoes are not all bland! In fact some in this category can quite easily blow the socks off some reds. (And…what will folks eat who have acidity issues?) The only way to find out is to grow a few! Never mind a few…try a dozen!
Will remain online for educational purposes. Operating on a “Hobby” basis.
Occasionally we may have “extra” seed. Pkts. marked below. If nothing marked...then it is “N/A”.
- Alaskan Fancy (Gold) – Discovered an identical “twin” to “Alaskan Fancy” (Early Section) Plants are less than 3 ft. tall, offering 5-6oz, deep luminous gold/orange fruits. Their shape is hard to describe (distinctive!) Squarish/roundish/elongated shaped fruits that are also heavy & juicy. Definitely early and a heavy (long season) producer. Some even had some red tones through out. I encourage everyone to at least try a packet, for the sake of interest. One to experiment with, for sure! Pkt…$3.00
- Azoychka – Seed was collected by the Seed Savers Exchange from an elderly seeds-man at the Bird Market in Moscow. The first tomato variety, whose seed were imported directly from Russia. This Russian heirloom features very productive plants bearing sunny yellow fruits with an average diameter of 3”. They look like large beefsteaks and offer good taste (with a hint of citrus). Quite beautiful! Determinate 80 days
- Banana Legs – This was the first yellow tomato that I grew after Lemon Boy. Sure was fun to see that it was a Roma type! I left it to sprawl all over the ground, ending with it growing to 5ft. in diameter! And what a production! Long slender fruits, 4” long by 1 ½” wide. A real dry, meaty, mild (low in acid) and smooth fleshed fruit. Great for yellow sauces. Few seeds. Tasty. Not a large plant (as a rule) with most plants only reaching 2 ft. tall & wide. Lacy foliage. Bushy determinate. 75 days Pkt…$3.00
- Blondkopchen – From Norbert Parreira of Helliner, France. Small golden yellow cherry of ¾” sized fruits with excellent balanced sweet/acid flavor. Enormous yields hanging in huge trusses like grapes. Will continue bearing right up till frost. Fruits hold along time on the vine without cracking. Plants are gia-normous, growing to 5+ ft. tall. Ind. 70-80 days Pkt…$3.00
- Brandywine Yellow – The same year that I first trialed “Banana Legs“, right beside it I grew this one. Must have been something in the air that year! Production was grand, with the ground litterly covered solid, with this fine big golden yellow beefsteaks! Pure yellow fruits are flattened, oval/round, popping heavy-weights of 12-16oz. Flesh is typical “brandywine”, smooth, rich – sweet/acidic combo and meaty/juicy. Taste trials scored this one at 10/10! Plants are vigorous…5 ft. There are several forms of this one: 1) Platfoot Strain from seed saved by Gary Platfoot. Supposed to have improved attributes! 2) Charlie Knoy of Bloomfield, IN. says his are larger (12-24oz)… of equal quality. Ind. 80 days Pkt…$3.00
- Bush Goliath (Gold) – Back for 2025! I came across this one quite by accident! I planted 2006 “Bush Goliath” a red form…..not knowing that another color existed. Bang! All that grew out was this astounding variety, with all the same fine qualities, but in deep gold! Here is (in my opinion…) a “tree-form” tomato variety. The stem was about an 1” in diameter, growing straight up ( a perfect 3 feet) with almost no branches to the sides. The leaves were true “rugose”- deep green, very healthy, quilted, heavy and large compared to all others. The production, was second to none. It offered 6 clusters of 5-6 beefsteak (semi-oval/round) fruits in each with each tomato weighing about 9 to 12 oz.! Super for the garden and maybe great for that special tomato on your patio. But be careful…it must be a big pot! Trials proved it has it! Fruits were a good balance between sweet and acidic, but not too much of both. Determinate 75-80 days Pkt…$3.00
- Coyote – said to be a mild variety from Vera Cruz of Mexico. Very prolific, small yellow fruits, 1/2” perfectly round/grape-like, borne in huge clusters on low fine branches. Plants are not tall, < 2 ft. overall. BUT the production is massive…showing more fruit that leaves! Watch next year in the same place! Taste tests state: 8/10 ! Ind. 65 days
- Cuban Yellow Grape – profusion of tiny oval/grape-like shaped fruits produced on small vigorous plants. Delightfully sweet and refreshing. A favorite for grandchildren (and some adults…) Expect AND receive long branched clusters that can be picked as individual fruits or in clusters (they ripen right to the tip, all at once) with very little cracking. The growing form of this one is more loose and open than “Coyote”. Can be left to sprawl on the ground or gently staked. Ind. 70 days Limited! Pkt…$3.00
- Djena Lee’s Golden Girl – Produced by & named after a native Indian girl…D. Jena Lee, who began growing this tomato in Minnesota & Illinois in the 1920’s and won with it at the Chicago Fair for 10 consecutive years. Beautiful golden yellow round fruits of fairly large size, with great flavor: sweet, smooth and tangy. Trials of 2016 showed this one had a high production rate…all season long! Outstanding qualities. Ind. 80 days Pkt…$3.00
- Dr. Wyche’s Yellow – Another in the world of strange pale Yellow/Orange HEAVY 2lb beefsteak fruits! Plants are typical 3-4 feet with heavy production. Flavor of these are exemplary tho! Pkt…$3.00
- Fargo Yellow Pear – (aka Yellow Fargo Pear) …see description below #38 Pkt…$3.00
- Golden Dwarf Bush Champion – The 1899 W. Atlee Burpee Seed Annual said the original seed was sent to them by a customer in 1896 and they released it later in 1898. Also said to be a yellow version of “Pink Champion“…an old Shumway variety. Another very compact determinate variety for smaller gardens and growing in large pots, with its stout central stem (tree-form) Leaves are “Rugose” (deep quilted green & very healthy) Fruits are small to medium, about 4 to 5 oz. pale to bright yellow, with good flavor & juice. det. 55-80 days
- Golden King of Siberia – Am told the originator supplier of this seed was Geza Korbely of Hungary. I really did not want to add any more to my “Yellow” section, but this one caught my eye. What a wonderful oxheart shaped fruit of pure lemon yellow, having silky tender skin, with beefy smooth texture, and very juicy with excellent sweet flavor. Fruits can reach from 8 oz to 1 lb plus. Plants are prolific producers and bear full season. Ind.
- Golden Sunray – Seed originally came from the Ben Quisenberry collection. Have been told this variety looks like the every day yellow varieties at the super market, only these have more flavor…said to be both tangy and sweet. Fruits are medium (about 3″ round) in size, very silky smooth and even sized. Some claim that these can reach 1 lb!
- Goldie – (aka ? Yellow Giant Belgium) from C.V. Glecklers, a 150 old heirloom. Healthy 4 to 5 ft. vines producing slightly flattened, striking orange-yellow thin-skinned beefsteak-sized fruits of 1 to 2 lbs. Solid gold and meaty inside with full sweet fruity flavor. Superior productivity, even in 5 gallon pails! A gentle giant among friends! Ind. 85-95 days
- Goldilox (Dwarf) – Love this one for its small ruguose form and tight habit. Fruits are from 2-4oz, bright yellow and heavy production all within 1-2ft space. More info later… Pkt…$3.00
- Halms Gelbe (Topftomate) – Back for 2025! “Gelbe” means “yellow” and “Topftomate” translated means “pot tomato”. May have originated from Reinhard Kraft of Neunkirchen, Germany. A wonderful little robust “rugosa tree” plant, growing only 8” tall (about the same size as “Andrina”) What a wonderful combo these 2 would make! 1” fruits are super-charged with sugar and acid, making them very delicious. Skins are thick, so hold well. Excellent for containers. Determinate 60-65 days Pkt….$3.00
- Husky Gold – American Award Winner. (As a rule I do not embrace hybrids, but this one is unique.) Bears continuously good yields of 6-8oz bright gold fruits with intense sweet/acid flavor. 20” plants are very compact and of the “rugose style”, requiring no pruning what so ever or stakes!. Developed especially for patios and pots. Dwarf Det. 60 days
- Ildi – of European origin. Was sold commercially as “Yellow Grapes”. The bright yellow fruits start out as “grapes” and later in the season, one might find some variations, looking like wee pears! Some golden fruits also offer tiny pointy ends. Fruits are sweet, yet with a tart under-bite, staying perfect for long periods on the vine, will not crack or drop fruit. Huge “trusses or bunches” make up an incredible 50-100 fruits per. (…see photo in Flickr) Trials in 2008 and 2011, showed what this one can do! Plants had to be trimmed back from 8 feet to 6 ft. Otherwise no way of knowing where it would end up. It also had no problem filling every inch of its tall frame with tons of these golden clusters, from bottom to top! Long season producer. Indeterminate 78 days
- Lemon Boy – A low acid yellow tomato, of 8 to 10 oz (medium-sized), perfect globes, with unknown history. (…see photo on Flickr) Definitely not too bland, by any means, AND also juicy. Fruits have a thicker skin, thicker wall of flesh (like a Roma) and will last quite a while sitting on your window sill. 2011 trials of this one showed it was capable of terrific production on much smaller plants than I imagined, < 30″. Plants were very strong. Ind. 72 days Pkt…$3.00
- Limmony – (aka Lemmony) From Russia. Bright lemon yellow 4” to 5” unique beefsteaks with a round, oblate, boat-shape and a lemon/lime citrus tang. Good producer (not prolific) A big hit at farmers’ markets because of their “clean” taste. Ind. 75 days
- Little Yellow Cherry– obtained from my brother in 2006. Similar to “Lollipop” in size but flavor is more “tomatoey”, yet still very sweet. Skin is thicker, resulting in no cracks. Plants will also reach 6 ft. Very durable in any weather and will “pop” them out all season long. Color is darker too. Will last longer on/off the vine than many other cherry types. A favorite among gardeners. Ind. 65-95 days
- Little Yellow Pot – unknown history. A definite “dwarf”! Super tiny “rugose” leafed plants, produce tons of over-sized 1” bright yellow round cherry fruits with great tomato flavor. The plants only grow to 10” and start producing very early…yet continuing to put out till frost! Very similar to “Helm’s Gelbe“. Absolute “Pot Mamas”! Determinate 65 days
- Lollipop – Small 1” ping pong, pale lemon/yellow translucent, very “sweet” fruits “litter” the huge 6 ft. “modestly climbing” plants. One of my very first favorites! Fruits may tend to crack, if additional moisture (rain) hits after fruits have started to change color. Racemes of 4 to 6 hang in clusters. Outstanding flavor….savor! Great for “children” of all ages and will sell out at farmers’ markets once you give them that one taste! Ind. 60-80 days Pkt…$3.00
- M’s (not Yellow Brandywine) – This was a heavy producer with ALL the looks and flavour of our typical Brandywines, but the size just wasn’t there! Highly recommended for your garden if you are looking for a great flavoured medium sized yellow tomato! Pkt…$3.00
- M’s Mystery Yellow Roma – An exciting shape in the roma category. More chubbier than most, with a pointed tip. Like a “San Marzano“, only in bright yellow! Excellent production. Plants were taller than usual, coming in over 4 ft. Pkt…$3.00
- Morden Yellow – Canadian bred and developed in 1932 (from a cross of “Bestal” and “Round Smooth“…BOTH red parents!) for short growing areas right here at the Morden Exp. Station in Morden, Man. Heavy yields of bright yellow, flattish, medium-sized, round, juicy and sweet, mild fruits. Plants are long season producers, very unusual for a Determinate, which it is. 65 days
- Plum Lemon – a unique variety known by many “aliases”….(aka Choodo Sveta, aka Miracle of the World, aka Wonderlight, aka World’s Wonder, and aka Limon-Liana) Bred by a Russian gardener, A. Porozov from a town called Ryazan…near Moscow. Seed was originally collected by Kent Whealy of Seed Savers Exchange, from an elderly seeds-man at the Bird Market in Moscow, Russia in 1991. Now here is a super-pumper variety for yellow tomato production! In 2006, one of these was grown on soil amended with a little horse manure. WOW…40 lbs. later! Plants are very vigorous and very productive. Each producing numerous fruits in each cluster (from 10-20), with tons of clusters offered from top to bottom. Nice yellow, odd lemon-shaped fruits of 80 grams or more with bluntly-tapered ends. Flavor (for me) was definitely Roma, with a drier, meaty and modestly strong tomato presence. Others have described it as having a sweet, with a curious citrus edge flavor. Ind. 75-80 days Limited! Pkt…$3.00
- Riesentraube (Gelbe) – Translated means “Grape Vine Yellow” (See “Riesentraube Red”) This variety is a “clone” of its red form. Plants are very strong (5-6 ft.), offering up tons of yellow/gold 1” oval/round fruits with distinctive pointy blossom ends (or nipples). Flavor is less “tomatoey” and more sweet than its red counterpart. Ind. 70-90 days Pkt…$3.00
- Roman Candle – Originating from a cross of “Banana Legs” x “Antique Roman”….John Swenson’s work. Others are saying that this is a sport of Mr. Swenson’s “Speckled Roman”. What ever, who ever and where ever, it is a wonderful tomato. Semi-ferny leafed small 2 ft. plants produce copious amounts (’23) of beautiful shiny (neon) lemon/yellow, elongated banana-shaped fruits. The fruits could also be described as sausage-shaped, nearly cylindrical with chubby “nipple” on blossom end, dry, meaty, mild flavored, and solid with few seeds! A paste tomato. Plants described as a “bushy” determinate, from my trials! 65-75 days Pkt…$3.00
- Ruffled Yellow – (aka Yellow Ruffled) Also offered in our Novelty Section… A very beautiful, pleated yellow/gold accordion tomato! These gorgeous colorful fruits have 10-12 ribs with one seed cavity per each rib and the yellow gel within, has a sweet fruity with slight tartness, flavor. Fruits are semi-hollow, about 3”- 4” across (long), about 2 ½” wide and 2 ½” deep. (…see photo in Flickr) Skin is thicker (won’t break down…) and flesh resembles a Roma. When the “pulp” is scooped out, these “boats” make perfect vegetable containers for stuffing, to be baked or eaten fresh. OR…Slice it across and display the ruffled slices on a plate for your guests. This will surely knock the socks off any connoisseur! Plants do not grow too tall and fruit production was huge! Ind. 80 days Pkt…$3.00
- Sunray – Another yellow tomato that I had the pleasure of growing many years ago (1988)! Was also the first “heirloom” yellow tomato that I saw, placed in Manitoba seed catalogs at the time. Does well, despite drought or heat. Just that tough! Fruits are perfect globes (6-10oz) of golden yellow, with much meat and very, very mild taste…definitely, a low-acid tomato. They also have thick skin, making them easier to peel. Plants are naturally Fusarium disease resistant with lots of leaf cover. Plants will grow to 4 ft. Ind. 75-80 days
- Sweet Gold – Trialed this one for awhile and what a cute small structured plant it was. Never getting over 14″. Ideal for small gardens and maybe for pots. Fruits were indeed yummy and sweet…the size of “toonies”. Heavy producer. Pkt…$3.00
- Tumbling Tom (Yellow) – Only “Tumbler” is recorded in heirloom garden books…and that one is found in the Red tomato section. I would suspect this one is a hybrid, although no where is it indicated that it is one. I have saved seed from this one for a few years and it continues to perform much like the original, so would conclude that it is stable. The most compact & healthiest performers were always saved. Super cute tight “for pot plants”, having distinctive “bushy fireworks exploding stem” form. Fruits are 1”, bright yellow, borne in profusion, with thicker skin and a very tomato-like complex flavor. If properly looked after and placed in a larger pot, this one is absolutely eye-catching as it cascades over the edges like a yellow and green waterfall! Determinate Dwarf 50 days Pkt…$3.00
- Wonderlight – see “Plum Lemon”
- Yellow Bell – Grown in southern Appalachians for many years. A family heirloom from Tennessee in the 1800’s and a favorite there. Light yellow colored, paste “Roma” tomato that offers dry, meaty flesh, great for cooking into yellow sauces & catsup! Fruits are 4” long, elongated, slender pear-shape with good eating qualities. Plants are vigorous and very productive! Ind. 70-85 days Pkt…$3.00
- Yellow Currant – from South America. Smaller than the original wild series! This is one of the most productive tiny cherry tomatoes I have ever grown. Therefore, place it into very lean soil! There is much discussion around tomato grower circles that their version was not stable. However mine appeared very stable and true to form . Fruits are yellow-skinned and fleshed, oval/globe-shaped…about the size of a pea. Plants grow about 3ft. x 3ft. when fully mature. The flavor is very intense! Excellent for “rising” gourmet chefs! Ind. 65 days
- Yellow Fargo Pear – Awarded the Market Gardeners’ Award of Merit in 1936. In 1937, McFayden Seed catalog reports: This self-pruning variety is the heaviest producer @ the Morden Experimental Research Station. Here finally is a really short form of the famous “Yellow Pear” variety for small gardens and pots…producing loads of LARGE yellow oval to pear-shaped fruits. Its flavor just “pops” in your mouth! Det. 65 days Pkt…$3.00
- Yellow Giant Belgium – (aka ? Yellow Belgium) A Belgium heirloom. Large sized (from 12-20 oz), roundish beefsteak fruits of great heaviness, very meaty with excellent flavor. Very delicious and more on the sweet side! Plants are very vigorous, as typical Giant Belgium varieties would be. Ind. 95 days Pkt….$3.00
- Yellow Grape – Now this is a surprise! Considering the popularity of this variety, I would have thought great gobs of history would be found, but nary a whimper! (Anyone else…can offer more history?) In my last 3 years of growing it appears very stable! Plants are vigorous (6 ft.+) offering copious amounts of yellow grape-like fruits of >1” all season long. Fruits are quite delicious, very juicy…perfect for table presentation, if someone doesn’t get to them 1st! Ind. Mid-season Pkt…$3.00
- Yellow (pale Orange) Oxheart – (aka Orange/pale Yellow) Please see Orange Section… Pkt…$3.00
- Yellow Pear – one of the oldest heirloom tomatoes, tracing back to the 1600’s! Waxy yellow light bulb-shaped fruits are produced in such profusion, as to cover the whole plant. The tall, vigorous plants “pop” these out all season long till frost shuts them down! Miniature yellow pears are 1” to 1 ½” long, delightfully sweet, considered by some to be their “garden candy”. A basket of these on the kitchen table could look quite pretty. Juicy, with complex tomato flavor. Plants show great disease resistance. Ind. 75 days Pkt…$3.00
- Yellow Plum – Plants are an “all season” heavy producer and can reach over 6 ft tall. Fruits are bright yellow (found in larger clusters) with thicker skin (great for storage storage) tasting like a cross between a roma and a typical cherry, but with more meaty texture. Very vigorous and healthy. Ind.
- Yellow Stuffer – And this is the second yellow tomato that I started growing a long time ago. Here is a tomato that looks like a sweet yellow bell pepper, changing from dark green to yellow when ripe! Fruits are medium to large sized, about 3 ½” long x 2 ½”wide and deep. Inside it can have 2, 3 or 4 chambers with extra thick walls. Perfect for stuffing, baking (holds up very well under heat) or fresh filling. Flavor is mild, so any filling that you place inside would not be overwhelmed by a strong tomato flavor. Plants are shorter than the majority at 3 ft. and very prolific! Fruits have seeds clustered in its center. A novelty tomato. Ind. 76 days Limited Pkt…$3.00