My Christmas Message….2024
As in all things in life, it is constantly changing and so will we all, forced to comply, through no fault of our own. Nothing stays the same, as we hoped sometimes it would…
I’ve come to that cross roads in my life, where I must make a decision to where am I going. And when will that be. I’m no longer 25, even 40 or God forbid!… 50! But more pressing than age, as some are blessed with wonderful health despite their age.. But unfortunately that’s not the case with me. These last years have been challenging as I’m experiencing “stuff” like I only saw in others, but never in myself. Never dreamed that it would come to me…but it has, in spades! lol! However, I’m a fighter! I don’t plan on going down easy!
What it has done tho, is wakened me up. What do I still want to do yet?. I’ve always been WORKING! Mostly…for my family and for others, doing what society expected of me. Holding up MY END…so to speak. Honestly, I never took time FOR ME! I put my precious hobbies on hold. No more. Its time to return to taking care of myself and what’s left of my health and well being.
I do have quite a bit of seed. This will be my final year I feel. Canada Postal System thinks it can twist us over to comply with their wishes for more $. Frankly…for what? So they can be the slowest in the world? Its been reported they are losing $. Why? I see more parcels being sent as never before! It should be thriving! Maybe this is a sign.. Help me make it a great last year. You all have stood by me faithfully, for years. And I appreciate YOU ALL!
But its time for All and One to seriously start saving your own seed. I can’t stay forever. I have to let go… For EVERYONE, I will make it worthwhile. The more seed you order, the more generous I will be. And that’s all I will say. Some of you already have seen what I’m doing.
May God Bless each and everyone of you. May this upcoming year 2025 be fabulous and upcoming years, each one better than the last. You are in the driver’s seat. It will always be your decision. Let no one, put you under.
Love you all, Mandy
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