Peppers (Sweet)
Welcome everyone to my Sweet Pepper list! Nothing is more comforting than biting into the first real sweet pepper, straight from YOUR garden!
I have found better success growing any variety of pepper in pots. I do admit that the maintenance maybe greater, but the resulting production is 10 fold. It appears when pepper plant roots reach the walls of the pot, it tells them to get into production. I have also found that for reasons I do not understand, plants in pots appear to withstand mild frosts far better than those planted in the garden. 2013 was proof of that, as my (almost) finished plants froze right down with -3C in the garden and 2 years before, my plants were able to withstand -5C, in pots along the driveway. Go figure.
For germination instructions, please see our Peppers (Hot) section.
Will remain online for educational purposes. Operating on a “Hobby” basis.
Occasionally we may have “extra” seeds. Pkts. marked below. If nothing marked...then it is “N/A”.
Happy Growing!
- Aji Dulce #2 – looks like a Red Habanero BUT has little or no heat. (a hint) Popular in Latin American countries. 2″ long, chunky red, strong aromatic essence. Tall plants. 85/90 days.
- Albino – (aka Bullnose Albino, aka Sweet Bullnose) From India…1759. Dan J. tells me this is one rare pretty pepper. Goes from creamy to orange to red. All on short bushes. Fruits are 3″ wide at the top and 4 1/2″ long. Super sweet, thick succulent flesh. Good producer. Excellent for the north in 75 days. White peppers have been listed in seed catalogs since the turn of the century (20th). Pkt…SOLD OUT!
- Alma Paprika Sweet – extremely productive plants, loaded with round, very thick walled peppers. The best for drying and grinding, for paprika or fresh eating. Slightly warm and very sweet. Ripens cream white to orange red. 70-80 days
- Amish Pimento – Here is a squat chunky red “cheese type” pepper that is rich, sweet and very tempting to eat them all, straight from the garden! Fruits ended up growing about 4″ wide and 3″ deep, with either 4 or up to 7 lobes per…depending on which fruit you took. SOLD OUT!
- Black Beach – A gorgeous big black bell pepper. Pure eye candy and sweet. Pkt…$3.00
- Blushing Beauty – This summer my plants were just loaded with these beauties! Big fat thick skinned juicy 3-4 lobed peppers! Started out light green, ending is all colours of pale yellow, ranging to dark gold, orange and finally red. Couldn’t get enough of these! And sooo sweet! Pkt….$3.00
- Bull Nose Bell – Said to be grown by Thomas Jefferson (a gardening US president) at Monticello and listed by Fearing Burr, a plantsman in 1863. Fruits’ appearance are a cross between a bell and a “tomato/pepper” style, offering a thicker wall and juicy sweetness. Green to red when ripe.
- Buran – This Polish variety is incredibly sweet and very productive. Fruits are red, 3-lobed with dimensions of 4″ long x 3″ wide at the shoulders. They start out green and mature to brilliant red. Heat and dryness stress tolerant. Flesh is thick. 70 days SOLD OUT!
- Chervena Chushka – The best performing pepper during a record setting cold/wet summer 2004 @ Heritage Farm! Bulgarian heirloom, used for roasting as well as fresh. Great sweet bright red (candy-like) fruits. 2” top to 6” long, tapered. Green to brown to red! 85 days No heat.
- Chinese Giant – An old fashioned bell that retains its largeness, 5″- 6″ long x 5″ wide in most cases. BUT…grows on a compact bushy plant! When the fruits mature, they turn to a glowing red and become very sweet. Fruits are thick-walled and blocky…perfect for stuffing. For one so large, early maturity and harvests at 75 days.
- Chocolate Beauty – Originally dev. by Prof. Meader, legendary plant breeder out of the Univ. of New Hampshire. Fruits are an impressive rich chocolate brown on the outside (and reddish/burgundy on the inside) when fully ripe. Flavor is excellent yet somehow different for this one. (As with all sweet peppers, the flavor is the best when they “color up”) 70-80 days Pkt…$3.00
- Corne di Toro Orange – (aka Italian Bullhorn) Another long (10″) “bull’s horn” type, in my favorite color. Walls are modestly thick and super sweet and crunchy to eat when fully ripe. 68 days
- Corno di Toro Red – (aka Italian Bullhorn) is sweet, colorful (curved like a bull’s horn) and 8-10” long. Starts green and ends a brilliant scarlet red. Great fresh, excellent sautéed or grilled. Prolific tall plants. 68 days SOLD OUT!
- Corno di Toro Yellow – (aka Italian Bullhorn) is sweet, colorful and 8”-10” long. This shaped-like a bullhorn pepper starts out green, ending a brilliant gold. Great fresh, excellent sautéed or grilled. Prolific tall plants. 68 days
- Doe Hill (Orange) – From American Appalachia? Ok, pickling ladies (and gents) Here is another super chubby, thick walled, pimento style of pepper. Only this time it is also in my favorite color of bright fall orange. Flavor is said to be sweet and fruity with crunchy texture. A long season producer on compact plants. 75 days I don’t know what’s going on??!! All my “22 crop reverted back to this intense Orange! Pkt…$3.00
- Doe Hill (Yellow) – Previously AND mysteriously, all the resulting (2016) crop grew out a wonderful bright yellow, squat “cheese type” peppers, as opposed to the bright orange that I was expecting. So fine! I will go with these as these are very useful and sweet too.! Had tons of seed to offer as the crop was outstanding!
- Donkey Ears – You just can never be prepared for the names people have found to name our garden vegetables! My Micky, from Kansas says this one looks like an Anaheim chili, but is never hot. (Oh, I like that…I mean shaped like a donkey’s ears) One of the best tasting peppers, used for stuffing with cheese (she says) or to make sauce with. Plants are vigorous growers, producing lots of fruits for excited growers. She also told me “A seed saver in Minnesota found this heirloom in Butan, Bulgaria”. 90 days
- Dove – Back for 2025! Actually a fantastic stuffing pepper! Semi chubby, thick walled, pale yellow with fruits having a partial slimming end, some ending more blunt, some not. Perfect for stuffing fresh or for meat or veggie fillings. Excellent producer and a must for your garden if you are into preserving your food! Pkt….$3.00
- Garden Sunshine – Funny…had this one for awhile, but never listed it. Elongated ! 8″ fruits with roundish form, perfect for stuffing. Starts out a creamy yellow (and holding), then to orange and finally red. More sweet at the first stages. A very productive variety on 16″ plants.
- Georgescu Chocolate – Bulgarian or Romanian heirloom? Blocky, thick-walled cylindrical dark chocolate looking fruits. Inside is a rich pinkish brown! Fairly short season for a bell-type. Grows well in cooler conditions. Nice sweet flavor for a pepper. 75 days Pkt…$3.00
- Giant Aconcagua – from Argentina, tapering 7” to 10” long sweet fruits…..very useful for frying. Continuous fruiting. Red with some marbling. Ready to eat at the light green crunchy stage. Delicious in salads, stuffed stir-fried, roasted or peeled! Flavor as sweet as apples. 70-75 days
- Giant Szegedi – originally from Hungary. Wedge-shaped sweet peppers start out white. Then deepen to orange and fully red when ripe. 4 ½” long pendant fruits. Fruits have sweet deep flesh and are produced in great abundance even under cool weather and less than ideal conditions.
- Golden Cal Wonder/Golden Big Bell – Have seen this one around for some time and always thought it was a hybrid, but was in for a surprise as it is in fact is OP. Very thick walled, meaty, tasty, sweet, squarish-shaped 4″ long and wide pepper! Grown upright on bushy plants. Excellent production and super great for fresh eating and frying. yellow/Gold. Pkt…$3.00
- Golden Marconi – Italian sweet 3 lobed sweet 12” long pepper! Traditionally used for frying. Yields tremendous clear golden fruits in 90 days.
- Golden Treasure – an Italian heirloom, that forms long 8″ to 9″ tapering, golden-yellow fruits which start out green & ending in deep golden yellow delicious-ness. These are 2-lobed (compartments). Flesh is sweet, medium thick & tender…great for salads, frying or roasting. Rare and hard to find.
- Gourmet – Said to be from Switzerland. Wow! What is it this year? A gorgeous large brilliant orange “bell shaped”, 4 to 5 lobed, thick walled pepper. Flavor can only be the sweetest and juiciest of all. Texture is very crisp (considering you will harvest them fresh from compact plants…) Ready in 80 days
- Gypsy Yellow – Back for 2025! An AAS winner. Unique in earliness, appearance and color. Medium-sized plants love heat and well-rotted animal manures for continuous production. Abundant fruits are 5”L x 2 ½”W, pale yellow in color, medium-thick walled. I use mine for meat and rice stuffing, as their mild flavor does not override the flavor of what goes inside. A personal favorite for many years. Rich source of Vit. A & C. 65 days Pkt…$3.00
- Hungarian Budapest Tomato – Obtained seeds from Irene Belejsza of Garson, Manitoba (2012) who received it originally from her brother-in-law who lives in Budapest, Poland. A beefy pickling meaty “tomato” pepper with thick sweet walls in a “squashed” form, that starts out dark green, changes to yellow, orange and finally red. Sometimes all 4 colors are displayed on a plant at one time! Long season producer.
- Hungarian Yellow Sweet Banana – Banana-shaped, waxy-yellow, later changing to deeper gold and then red. Fruits mature to 6″ – 8″ long. Stocky plants produce well…heavy yields. Avoid high nitrogen soils, as it will turn this one into a testosterone infused monster plant with no fruits! 80-90 days
- Jimmy Nardello’s Sweet Cayenne – This variety was originally from Basilicata, a southern region of Italy. It rec’d its name from a seed saver named Jimmy Nardiello, whose 4th generation ancestors brought seed with them as immigrants from the port of Naples in 1887 to Naugatuck, Connecticut….according to “Ark of Taste, Slow Food”] Deep scarlet red, long 1″ x 10 – 12″, a very popular “frying” type in many Italian kitchens. They are slightly wrinkled and bear a curve near its tip. High yielding 24″ plants to be expected. 80 days
- Jupiter – So I heard you want to grow your very own large Red bell peppers? Well, now you can! Here, on compact plants will come some of the finest, largest 4 to 5 lobed lunkers you have ever seen. Growing the best right here in the North! Remember they will start out deep emerald green and when finally ripe (and at their sweetest…) be deep red. Early at 70 days!
- Kalman’s Hungarian Tomato – (c/o SSEx…) A rare variety donated by Joe Cavanaugh who obtained it, mid 1990’s from Kalman Lajvort of New Jersey. Kalman’s father (lived in Hungary) grew these and his son brought them with him when he immigrated to the US. A very typical “squashed” tomato look, perfect for stuffing and pickles. Walls are thick and sweet. 24″ tall plants will be heavy producers.
- Keystone Giant – Another large bell with classic sweet bell pepper taste. These fruits will reach 5″ long with 3 to 4 lobes having a blocky appearance. As is so typical of “Bell” types, flesh is sweet, juicy, crunchy and thick. Plants will perform anywhere offering loads of fruits. 75 to 85 days
- King of the North – Seed stock came from Fedco Seeds of Maine. Undoubtedly, the best red bell pepper for northern gardeners, where the season is cool and short. Nice blocky fruits, very sweet. Starts out deep green and changing to bright red.
- Lesya Sweet Chocolate – New for 2025! Another heavy producer of chubby, pointy, thick walled green turning to dark red sweet peppers. Highly recommended. Tons of seed available… Pkt….$3.00
- Lilac – Back for 2025! Wow! An OP! A beautiful amethyst/lavender 4-lobed sweet bell pepper, growing to approximately 3″ x 4 1/2″ rectangular. Inside is light, almost white-skinned, sweet & juicy flesh. Fruits start out green, change to white, then lilac and finally red when dead ripe! Plants grow to 30″. Needs lots of sunshine, moisture and warmed rich soils.Will do better if grown in pots, due to its need for heat. Get your orders in early! 80 days Pkt…$3.00
- Lipstick – Very popular conical shaped sweet pepper offering crunchy, thick flesh and sweet flavor, better than some Bells. Fruits will grow up to 4″ with a squarish shape, tapering toward the tip. Should we guess at the color? 75 to 85 days
- M’s Dark Purple/Lilac – Showed up as a quite large deep shiny purple (Sweet!) in a batch of “Lilac” types. Decided to save and will let u see what transpired…if you dare!
- M’s Dark Purple long – This one showed up bearing elongated thinner skinned frying fruits in a nice dark purple. Will Have to trial out again and see what happens…
- M’s Mini Sweets (Orange) – Here are a variety of small sweet and juicy “wedge-shaped” peppers…2 1/2″ long x 1″ wide. Excellent for stuffing, baking and colorful salads. These are bright orange. Plants are about 18″ tall. Very easy to grow. Pkt…$3.00
- M’s Mystery Tapered – Have some to offer on this pointy/tapered form of deep red fleshed, sweet thick walled peppers. Did real well in pots this summer. Pkt…$3.00
- Marconi Rosso Giant Red – An Italian heirloom that has grown by leaps & bounds in popularity on this N.A. continent. Fruits are capable of growing to 12″ long x 3″ wide (a true hand-ful!) They start out emerald green maturing to fire-engine red. Very sweet and wonderful roasted. Plants grow so tall, they need to be staked! 55-70 days
- Marconi Rosso – an Italian Ram horn producing great tasting, moderately thick walled, very juicy, sweet, 3-4 lobed fruits. Ripens from dark green to dark red, 3” wide, tapering down to 9” long . Pkt….$3.00
- Mate’s “Red Tomato” Pepper – the seed from this variety was originally brought over from Croatia and given to me by one of their country man…Mate Paulic in the late 1980’s. A heirloom grown almost ALL over Europe, primarily used for roasting and pickling, due to its very fine sweet thick walls. These can be pickled by stuffing with sauerkraut or raw cabbage and processed in its own brine! Delicious! 75-90 days
- Midnight Dreams – Can’t seem to get enough of the Color Purple! These will be the darkest purple, almost black…in my collection! Blocky 4 lobed described as “ebony-black”…glowing, with thick sweet walls and mild flavor. Plants won’t get too tall either. Offering this year TWO types: One appears to have white lined inside the fruits and the other has the typical green lined inside. (IF) This might be of some importance…say so. Please understand if I’m sold out of one, I’ll pop in the other… Pkt…$3.00
- Miniature Chocolate Bells – These are only one of a group of 3 that were given to SSE by Lucina Cress, of Ohio, a family heirloom. Lucina & her friends stuffed these wee pepper fruits with fresh cabbage, which they later pickled and canned. Then they sold the pint jars each year at their church fundraiser. Plants are short & stocky at 16″, covered with 2″ bell-shaped fruits that have between 2 to 3 lobes, with excellent flavor. They all start out green, then change to either red, brown (chocolate) or yellow and later turn reddish. 75-90 days Limited Pkt…$3.00
- Miniature Red Bells – see story above…
- Miniature Yellow Bells – see story above…
- Oda – Well…fell on my face again…for another plum/lilac! Only this time it is roundish, with a real nice taper at it blossom tip. Said it ripens eventually to a red/brown. Beautiful colours as it grows!! Fruits are juicy, crisp, sweet and very productive on compact plants. Limited Pkt…$3.00
- Odessa Market – Back for 2025! Russian heirloom. A very dependable early producer for some folks’ cool summers (? Mulch roots) 4” tapers ending a deep red with meaty texture. Did real well in containers this summer. 70-80 days Pkt….$3.00
- Orange Bell – SSEx says: “Given to them by member Alex Heklar in 1989”. They also say this one is the best tasting orange pepper they have ever grown. An ordinary name for an extraordinary pepper variety! The 3-4 lobed fruits are large, thick-walled with excellent sweet flavor. Plants are very productive, producing loads of fruit that ripens to a beautiful brilliant orange color. 75-85 days SOLD OUT!
- Orange Sun – Blocky 3 or 4 lobed squarish bell peppers that are 3 1/2″ x 4-5” long. Thick sweet walls! Striking deep orange color. Excellent for salads, stir-fries where gorgeous color is necessary. SOLD OUT!
- Ozark Giant – What’s with these “colossal” bell fruits? Another in the world of “Giants” at 8″ plus. These start out green and end up a glossy bright deep red. A heirloom with heavy production, size and great flavor. Plants need to be support!
- Pale Yellow (M’s) – New for 2025! A gorgeous high producer! A wonderful cross between a pointy and four lobed form. Yes its colour is a very pale yellow/white. Flesh is thick and juicy as well. Very crisp and sweet. Plants are close to 2ft. tall. Pkt…$3.00
- Paprika Supreme – Finally the large red variety that is so famous for making our favorite paprika spice ! These can grow from 6 to 8″ long and are originally from Hungary, where we know the best of these have grown for a long time! Known for its unique spicy/sweet flavor, paprika of commerce.
- Purple Beauty – The first time I actually saw a purple pepper, I thought I was in heaven! This variety produces loads of these beautiful deep purple blocky bells on compact bushy plants. Crisp texture & mild sweet flavor…very popular with everyone. Stays purple right till last day! 75 days
- Purple Dove – New for 2025! Man! These were gorgeous this summer. Fruits are huge and plants are very productive. Walls are thick and sweet. Colour is a translucent dark purple to light lavender purple! Lovely to see. Pkt…$3.00
- Purple Marconi – A new color choice for this old reliable Italian pepper. Fruits are 4”-6” long coming to a tapered blunt end. They start out as light green and end as a rich shade of purple brown. Plentiful harvests for frying. 90 days
- Quatrato D’Asti Giallo – This grand yellow bell pepper is a sight for yearning sore eyes! Everyone loves “BIG”…and here is the one to love! The largest fruited variety known! Blocky, with thick walls, outstanding flavor…spicy-sweet and rich! This Italian heirloom offers also huge yields! They know how to grow big peppers, in a country famous for food! A real WINNER! Fruits start out green, turning to gold. 70-80 days
- Quadrato D’Asti Rosso – A grand baby of the red bell peppers! Cousin to the one listed above. Flesh is thick, rich and sweet, excellent for frying, stuffing and just plain fresh salads! Another one very popular in Italian markets. 70-80 days
- Red Belgium – A family heirloom from Belgium. Short productive plants. 3 1/2″ fruits are wedge-shaped bells, with pointy ends.These start out pale yellow, then turn to orange and finally to a deep red. Can be eaten at any stage. Flavor is different from ordinary sweet bells, yet still very delicious. Try stuffing with various cheeses and serve fresh. An early variety at 70-85 days
- Red Ruffled – One of the largest heavily ruffled/ribbed peppers I have ever seen. Could be mistaken for a ruffled red tomato! Fruits are squat, too…3 1/2″wide x 2″ deep. Flavor is strong, excellent & sweet. Flesh is thick and meaty for this variety. What a great presentation on a plate for your guests! 75-85 days
- Romanian Sweet Rainbow – Colorful bell peppers start out as ivory…orange then red when ripe. All 3 colors possible on one plant. Very striking! 4”-6” blocky, long and sweet. Great production and continuous fruiting on compact plants. 60 days
- Round of Hungary – obtained from Zollingers Seed out of Switzerland. Specialty pimento cheese pepper. Ribbed, flattened fruits mature at 75 days with thick, sweet delicious flesh. Great stuffers, cooking and salads. 55 days-green 75 days-red
- Sheepnose Pimento – looks more like a red tomato than a pepper. Very sweet and thick-walled variety. Very popular in Europe as the red pickle pepper used in sauerkraut stuffed pepper pickles. Deep red 3” X 2” fruits mature on compact plants. A specialty…. “cheese” pimento pepper. 75 days
- Slonovo Uvo – (aka Elephant Ears) Back for 2025! Originally a Serbian Variety. Received these from my friend Tammy C. in Ontario last year. Decided to trial them and boy was I surprised! These smallish plants were simply loaded from base to top with these tapered, heavy large fruits which quickly turned orange/red overnight, early in the season. Besides being sweet, also have a slight smoky flavor. Known for their quality in making sweet paprika powder when dried and finely ground. Pkt…$3.00
- Sweet Cayenne (A’s) – found an amazing frying pepper that is sweet with no heat! Long cayenne-shaped fruits that grow to ONE foot and turn crimson when mature. Very productive plants with loads of thin-walled crinkly fruit…perfect for all your stir-fry needs! Can it be dried? Let me know. Only 75 days SOLD OUT!
- Sweet Chocolate – these fruits are different than typical bells. A scrumptious elongated, thin-skinned bell that ripens to a deep chocolate brown on the outside and maroon (cola red) on the inside. Others say thick-fleshed. Cold hardy (not frost proof!) Medium sized semi-bells. Plants are very productive. Not like other typical “chocolate” type peppers. 58-86 days
- Sweet Pickle – compact plants crowned by a profusion of upright 2” x ½” peppers in colors of yellow, red, orange and purple…ALL at once! Chunky clusters make a spectacular display. Highly ornamental, yet very edible and sweet. Perfect for red pickles. Can you imagine these in their various colors, pickled in a clear glass jar? 75 days
- Sweet Red Stuffer – a heirloom stuffing pepper from the gardens of Amish vegetable grower, Ester Smucker of Indiana. The seed was passed down from her grandmother, whom she fondly remembers growing these in Lancaster, Penn. in the 1950’s. Cutiest little mini-bell-shaped…only 1″ to 2″ across! Ester uses them to make wonderful stuffed, pickled peppers. These can also be used in their green stage, before they turn brilliant red. 70-85 days
- Trinidad Perfume – A wonderful seasoning spice pepper from Trinidad. Looks like “Mushroom Yellow Cap” BUT has NO heat! (Nice trick to do on your friends…is to eat one AFTER making a bet!) However it has delectable smoky pepper flavor, making it so special for Caribbean dishes. Pendant fruits are 1 1/2″ x 1″ when mature, turning a glowing sunshine yellow. Tall plants with many fruits. 80-85 days
- White Cloud – Another compact grower offering dozens of 3 to 4 lobed sweet white/cream/pale yellow bell shaped fruits. It is expected to ripen eventually to orange and then fire engine red. Will see… Be the first in Manitoba to be growing these for your family! Limited Pkt…$3.00
- White Lakes – Said to be a Russian intro. Sorry…but white is in! Here is one that looks much like “Gypsy“, one of my personal stuffing favorites…but is a saveable heirloom! Fruits are about 4” long, roundish with a gentle taper to the bottom. These will turn orange and arrive at a brilliant red for its final stage. Again on compact plants for smaller gardens.
- Wisconsin Lakes – Professor O.B. Combs developed these at in the 1960’s at the University of Wisconcin at Madison (according to SSEX…) Fruits are not too large, offering 3 to 4 lobes with more sweet flavor when ripe red. His goal was to have a variety mature very early for northern gardens.
- Yellow (Chubby) Bell – Discovered this one, different than any other that I grew several years ago and has remained stable. Fruits are a brilliant yellow, sweet flavored, thick walled, 3 lobed variety in a bell pepper form.
- Yellow Monster – One of the largest 3 to 4 lobed elongated bells I have ever seen! Said not unusual to reach over 8″! They start out a glossy emerald green and end up ripening to a bright golden yellow. Excellent for their thick walls and sweet flavor with lots of juice. Perfect for grilling, roasting and stir-fries.
- Zolotistyi – Here is a beautiful slightly elongated bell pepper with thinner flesh but offering nice sweet flavor. Great one for your collection. Limited