Squash (Zucchini)
Welcome to our Summer Squash section! These do not take a lot of room (most are bush types) All will provide enough healthy & diverse eating for the whole summer!
Will remain for online educational purposes. Operating on a “Hobby” basis.
Occasionally we may have “extra” seed. Pkt. marked below. If nothing marked…then it is “N/A”.
- Cocozelle di Napoli (Bush) – Italian heirloom. “M.M. Vilmorin-Andrieux (1885) stated: All though out Italy, fruit is eaten young, when it is hardly the size of a cucumber…plants deprived of their undeveloped fruits…continue…most profusely”c/o Victory Seeds.
- Costata Romanesco – Clearly the best tasting zucchini. Italian, ribbed, medium in size, gray/green with pale green flecks and stripes. Big leafed bush with only ½ the fruits of basic varieties (not overwhelming…) Excellent texture, nutty, delicious…raw or cooked. Its flavor is strongly distinctive from all others in this category. Huge production of male flowers. 52 days
- Flying Saucer Patty Pan F1 – unique bi-colored patty-pan. Stunning color-mix of bright yellow & dark green. Another saucer, more highly ribbed than other patty pans… “alien looking”! Dense, nutty and flavorful. Excellent for stir-fries and fried “steaks”. 50 days
- Gelbe Englischer Custard – Originally from Gatersleben, Germany. How about growing a small irregularly shaped (twisted…) patty-pan that is deep gold in color? Bush type plants are very productive and the fruits can be used at all stages… quite delicious. 55 days
- Golden Straightneck – They call this one the “Saffron Prolific”. A new summer squash borne on compact “Bushy” plants of 3-4 feet in diameter. Uniform fruits can grow to 14” and be very tender. Lemon/yellow club-shaped fruits of firm fine-grained thick flesh. Excellent eaten raw in salads with dips OR steamed, fried or baked. Freezes well, too. 35-43 days
- Gold Rush – (?predecessor to Golden Zucchini) Believed to be developed by breeders at the W. Atlee Burpee Seed Co.(1973) from genetic stock supposedly originating from Dr. Ored Shifriss at Rutgers. Another beautiful golden cylindrical fruited variety. Produces abundantly in open, easy-to-harvest bushy plants. 50 days
- Green (dark) Patty Pan – (aka Green Scallop, aka Bennings G. T. Patty Pan) Very pretty dark olive green heirloom developed in 1914. “Bushy” type plants grow to no more than 3-4 ft. in diameter. Pick always when young..3”- 4” in diameter. Use with yellow, dark green or white scallop zucchini as a table display. 50 days
- Ingot – Small compact bush, offering high yields of bright yellow, very straight, summer squash.
- Lemon – The most popular summer squash sold @ BC’s gardeners’ markets. The shape, the size, the color is that of a pure lemon variety. It will grow great by anyone with prolific “bushy” plants. Very tasty steamed, raw or fried with butter! Very, very attractive 45 day old!
- Lubnani – (aka Lebanese White Bush) A summer squash from Lebanon, used like a zucchini. Finished summer fruits are slightly oblong (oval) with a tapering stem end and light green/grey skin. Tastes better than most zucchini! Pick when fruits are 3-4” long or at least 1- 2lbs. Flesh is mild and sweet. A vegetable marrow? Grows well in the north. 55 days
- Papaya Pear F1 – A.A.S. winner and summer squash. A producer of abundant 6” by 3” pear-shaped, deep golden orange fruits. Flesh is creamy yellow. Pick fruits when skin is still “prick-able”. Plants are once again of “bush” form and extremely tolerant of adverse weather. Pick fruits young to promote more production. Very pleased with this one. 40-46 days
- Patti Pan (lite) Green Scallop – (aka Bennings Green Tint) The word “patti pan/scallop” has been found recorded in American literature as early as the 17th century. “Was intro. in 1914, then featured in the 1937 issue of “Cucurbits of New York”, a journal dedicated to innovative plant species”. Glowing light ice green summer squash, looking like miniature chubby flying saucers! Excellent sweet flavor & when sliced offers a wonderful assortment of culinary shapes. Disease resistance and very prolific.
- Pattison Golden Marbre Scallop – a French var. offering deep orange/gold scalloped fruits. Useful in the kitchen, no matter how old they are! Generous bush plants offer great production. Can be saved for winter use. 50-70 days
- Pattison Jaune et Verte – (aka Pattison Panache) Discovered and grown by French SSE member Bruno Defay. Bowl-shaped scallop, producing abundant yellowish cream fruits with wide bands of deep bright green. Great summer eating when young. Bush variety. A pretty, rock-hard ornamental, when mature. 50-70 days
- Pattison Verte et Blanc – (aka Pattison Panache) A French heirloom which was listed by Vilmorin in 1800’s as an excellent summer squash. This one is opposite of the other, as where the green stripes are now white and where the white stripes are now green…making it more white than the other…if…you follow my meaning! Pick scallops when young and the more you pick, the more will come! Great producer and bush variety. 50-70 days
- Ronde de Nice – The predecessor of our today’s “Eight Ball”? This delicious French Heirloom is very popular in home gardens and by specialty growers. A round zucchini is always ideal for stuffing. The flesh is very tender and fine-flavored. The plants are once again of a “Bushy” form, but very vigorous. 50 days.
- Spaghetti – (aka Vegetable Spaghetti ) An oblong smooth-skinned squash that starts out ivory and changes to a pale yellow at maturity. Most weigh 3 to 5 lbs. when finished. Bake like any squash (or boil) and fork out the “spaghetti-like-noodle” flesh. Top your vegetable spaghetti with your favorite cream or meat sauce. Yields are about 4-5 per plant. 88 days
- Starship Patty Pan F1 – could this be an offspring of Italian Heritage? Fruits are dark green flattish disks (Patty Pans) with thin light green stripes. Grown on “Bushy” high-yielding plants. Fruits are super smooth-skinned, with flesh being firm, nutty in flavor and crisp in texture. Cooler temps bring on better colors. 52 days
- Tonda Scuro di Piacenza – (aka Nizza) The Italians are laying claim to their version of the ancestor of the “Eight Ball”! They say it is a heirloom of round, dark green, slightly striped form, that grows on “Bushy” plants. Best when picked @ 1” to 4” diameter. Can be left on the vine to produce small “pumpkins” for fall decorations. 50 days
- Trombone Italian Striped – (aka C. Moschata, aka Tromboncino) Looks like a trombone! Very long thin summer zucchini with a bulb at the blossom end. Skin is super smooth and light green. Will grow straight if grown on a trellis, but curves when ground-grown! Use as a zucchini, but has better flavor from most summer squashes. Could be dependent on cooler weather growing conditions. If this is the case…it will hurry up and produce just before late fall!
- White Scallop – (aka Custard Marrow White, aka Pattison Panache (France), aka Woods Bush Scallop) Shows up as being pre-1591…illustrated by the French botanist Matthlas de L’Obel’s “Plantarium seu Stiroium Icones”. In 1648, it was called “Symnel”. In 1803, Thomas Jefferson called it a “Cymling”. “Cymling…because it looks similar to a Simnal cake, a cake made during lent!” Well! You get the picture! It’s been around a long time! Produces flat, white, scalloped-edged fruits. Can be baked, fried and eaten raw with dips (if you prefer) 50 days
- Yellow Crooked Neck – A variety, characterized by deep yellow, smooth or bumpy skinned fruits having a curved neck and juicy sweet light yellow flesh. Fruits are generally harvested during the early summer. Heavy producer. Plants are all compact bush types. May not store well.
- Yellow Scallop – (aka Golden Custard, aka Yellow Patty Pan) Thought to be domesticated by Native Americans and grown by northern tribes. A bush variety. Fruits are a golden yellow, with a fresh creamy texture. Harvested quite young and the more taken, the more replaced. Summer harvests.
- Yugoslavian Finger Fruit – (? aka Pineapple) Was introduced under this name in 1885 by James J. H. Gregory’s Retail Catalog, who said “a peculiar (creamy) one with distinctive wings”. Great as an ornamental but great as a summer squash as the flesh is fine-grained and smooth to the taste. 70-90 days