No one can resist the taste of fresh, home grown, delicious sweet watermelon, grown by YOU one happy gardener!
Will remain online for educational purposes. Operating on a “Hobby” basis.
Occasionally we may have “extra” seed. Pkts. marked below. If no price marked…then it is “N/A”.
- Blacktail Mountain – Was dev. by Glenn Downs in the 1970’s, of SHP. at the time when they lived in northern Idaho, where it has been said the nights there always threaten to get a “hair” (6C) above freezing. Special for northern gardeners is its time frame of 70 days. It is also tolerant of heat, drought and general strange weather. 6-10 lb fruits are pitch black/green skinned with a sweet scarlet red fleshed center.
- Citron, Red Seeded – Not your typical watermelon. Solid white flesh is inedible raw. This variety has been grown for centuries and is used to make preserves and sweet meats that are added to cookies, fruitcakes and puddings. Well-cured fruits can be stored for up to one year! (Mine was harvested in Sept. and in March, the fruits are still round and solid, with no blemish to be seen…) 90-100 days
- Cream of Saskatchewan – We could call this one, our very own watermelon…brought to Canada (Sask.) by a Russian immigrant. It finishes very early here (Man.) Small 4-8 lbs…producing round, light green, with thin darker green striped, fruits. Rind is thin, so watch out as the least bump causes the ripe fruits to crack! Great producer. Flesh is crisp, sweet and pale yellow. Rinds are medium green with darker green thin stripes.
- Daisy “Yellow Shipper” – Found in a field of other watermelons by a customer of Burrell Seed Co. (c/o BC Seeds) Rinds are thick, dark green and light green…so should store well. Seeds are black. Flesh is excellent: tasty, sweet, crisp and bright yellow.
- Golden Midget – Bred by Elwyn Meader and Albert Yaeger, intro. in 1959…a cross between New Hampshire Midget and Pumpkin Rind. The fruits turn golden yellow skinned when ripe. The flesh is pink/salmon, and pleasantly sweet with black seeds. Fruits average about 3 to 4 lbs. Extremely early. 70 days.
- Golden Russian – A Ukrainian heirloom. One of our (3 – 7lbs.) “golden” fleshed melons with dark and light green skin!
- Katanya – From Katanya via a Russian immigrant lady now living in northern Illinois. This “icebox” variety has light rose/red flesh, small seeds and great refreshing flavor. Fruits are dark green, small to medium sized. Plants offer heavy yields on healthy strong vines. Should be a vigorous and strong grower for Canadian gardeners. 67 days
- Melitopoliski – Appears to have orig. from a Moscow market (from the Volga River region of Russia, very popular for melon growing…) where piles were seen on market days. A small 10 lb. var. maturing mid-season. Beautiful multi lite and dark green skin patterns covering a dense modestly sweet lite rose fleshed center.
- Missouri Yellow Fleshed – a great heirloom variety from the “Watermelon …Show Me State”. Produces oval to round melons of 20 lb, with pale green skin and bright golden/yellow flesh with black seeds. Beautiful! Flesh is sweetly refreshing and crisp. Very hard to find. Rare
- Moon and Stars (Ice Cream Flavored) – another “Moon & Stars” version with light pink flesh. Shared with me by my friend Micki. White-seeded, nearly round fruits. Very sweet refreshing “ice cream” flavor wrapped up in a modest 10 lb package…although am told it can reach 20 lbs. 95 days
- Moon and Stars (Red) – well, one can never get enough of another “Moon & Stars” watermelon. Just like all the others…foliage & skin are spotted with yellow, with one difference…the fruits are elongated 20-24” long! Weights are 10-25 lbs. Flesh is a bright pink, sweet with black seeds. A fantastic “drink” on a hot day! 95 days.
- Moon and Stars (Yellow) – like the original M & S, except that the foliage & fruits are spotted with yellow. What’s more, is that the FLESH is yellow, too! AND the seeds are white! Fruits are 18-24” long with many weighing from 20 to 25 lbs. 95 days
- Orange Fleshed Tender-Sweet – an excellent deep orange fleshed variety. These seem to yield better than most others. Flesh is glorious to look at and easy to eat! Sweet, crisp and very flavorful. Fruits offer large oval-shaped, emerald dark green heavy-weights. A great show-stopper at any garden market. 90 days
- Orange Glo – Skin is light green with jagged dark green stripes. Large oblong fruits weigh 20-30 lbs. They are very unique in color…the only one having very deep orange, sweet, crisp flesh. An outstanding variety and excellent producer. 90-100 days
- Petite Yellow Fleshed – Another rare and unusual small melon, having mottled light and dark green skin. Flesh is a sweet yellow hiding small black seeds. Pkt…$2.50
- Royal Golden – really fell in love with the way this one looks. Another perfectly round variety with grand character, rind will turn a deep golden yellow when perfectly ripe and ready to pick. Flesh is deep rose with white seeds. Am told that it will finish larger (about 10-20 lbs…) than our little “Golden Midget“. 80-95 days
- Osk Kirgizia – A Russian variety brought back into production (from virtual extinction) in 1992. Round 10-15 lb. fruits with light green skin and uniquely jagged dark green stripes. Very, very pretty. And the taste?..very sweet, tasty and pink-fleshed. 90-100 days
- Sugar Baby (Bush) – an early dependable for the North, variety bearing round fruits, 6-8” in diameter, averaging 3 ½ to 4 lbs average. This variety has few seeds. Flesh is pinkish/red and as usual…sweet. Skin is the traditional dark green with light green finer stripes. Plants remain as a bush form. 75 days
- Sweet Siberian – This variety was one of several varieties evaluated by the New Hampshire Agr. Exp. Station in 1901. SSE member…Glenn Drowns, obtained it originally from the USDA (he’s saying…it was an old Oscar Will var.) & reintroduced this one many years ago. Medium-sized, light green, oblong melons weigh about 8 lbs., offering slightly sweet, juicy, apricot-colored flesh with small brown seeds. 80-85 days
- Yellow Sugar Lump – Unknown who offered it. A “kissing cousin” as below, having light colored skin, more light green than dark. Fruits are smaller, from 4 to 6 lbs. bearing light yellow flesh.
- White Sugar Lump – Record show first offered by the Henry Fields Seed Co. from the early 1950’s till the 60’s. (“Sweet as sugar”…that’s why we call it “Sugar Lump”) Rind is very thin, showing more light green than dark green stripes. Flesh is pale white and quite sweet. Was said, there were 3 diff. colored var. known of this line: yellow, white and red.