The GMO Winnipeg March…

Wow! That crazy Manitoba weather! Just last week my hubby had to start up the wood stove/furnace to heat the house…snow on the ground and -7C. TODAY…It is +30C in the shade! AND I need to pull the shade cloth […]

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Some Interesting Garden “Setups” just for you!

While “cruising” down boulevards and streets with gardens (on the net…) I came across an unlimited assortment of styles people have implemented to work for them. Maybe, just maybe there are some here that I have assembled (not mine) to […]

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Gone out and DONE it!

I have been humming and hawing about this for quite some time. It’s not something I am usually brave enough about. But what the heck! Even an “older” pioneer like me should be smart enough to learn a few new […]

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Gardening 101!

Folks who know me, have heard me talk  a lot about all the years of gardening experience I have “under my belt”. Yet along will come a year that will totally throw all my experiences straight out the window. And […]

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