The GMO Winnipeg March…

Wow! That crazy Manitoba weather! Just last week my hubby had to start up the wood stove/furnace to heat the house…snow on the ground and -7C.
TODAY…It is +30C in the shade! AND I need to pull the shade cloth over my GH to stop the stuff inside from boiling! Every year I get older…I wonder how much more of this nonsense, am I/are we going to have to swallow!!??
Just returned from the GMO March. The 3 speakers were very forth coming about their concerns. Several TV stations did interviews of Rose Stevens, who organized the March. Very well said! (Ya…”Get Monsanto Out”!) Nice group of very committed and concerned people attended. (I especially noticed a lot of young people…Thank you!) I wasn’t able to walk down to the Forks (alto would have loved too…) The Police folk were great (as Rose did wonderful homework with them…) watching out for the all the marchers in general.
IF a video is made available from any of the 3 speakers, I will post/offer it here for you to listen. Some real neat (eye opening) stuff was said.
May I say just this much:
WE as guardians of this earth, must take into account for the condition we leave the earth in, so that our children’s (future and their inheritance) remain healthy for generations to come. This is not about living just for today (like a bunch of party animals…) When we fail to protect a healthy earth, we have for the first time in this earth’s life…failed it AND ourselves!

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