Happy New YEAR….2016!

Hello Everyone! Another exciting year and another exciting opportunity to do more things! As long as there is an ounce of energy in our bodies…we will keep on tilling and toiling… Wishing you all a terrific and successful growing spring, […]

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The GMO Winnipeg March…

Wow! That crazy Manitoba weather! Just last week my hubby had to start up the wood stove/furnace to heat the house…snow on the ground and -7C. TODAY…It is +30C in the shade! AND I need to pull the shade cloth […]

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Gardening 101!

Folks who know me, have heard me talk  a lot about all the years of gardening experience I have “under my belt”. Yet along will come a year that will totally throw all my experiences straight out the window. And […]

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Work with Nature or Pay the Price, says ex-grain Farmer

Posted Feb. 23, 2013 written by Daniel Winters        daniel.winters@fbcpublishing.com (c/o www.manitobacooperator.ca) Holistic management instructor calls for adoption of farming methods that restore soil health and make farmers prosperous. Don’t talk to Blain Hjertaas about “sustainability.”
The farmer and holistic management instructor […]

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I Couldn’t Have Said it Better Myself!

I received this gut wrenching, heart felt comment, in response to my Blog “Manitobans’ Don’t Care Where Their Food Comes From”. May I also add…it is also from another Manitoban, like myself. This lady says it like it is. Please […]

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Manitobans do not Care Where their Food Comes From

On occasion a situation crosses my path that I simply cannot ignore, especially when it hits this close to home. I placed an ad in a local paper to sell off some excess eggs that our wee chickens flock was […]

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